Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

Bullshit. Using the Pill for reasons other than Birth Control, is allowed. You are full of shit.

No doubt her and her friends must be studying to be a gov't lawyer
that or why are liberals so bad with money, especially other people's money

h/t Gateway Pundit

The busy “coed” drained her savings account paying $3,000 over three years for her contraceptives.

Too bad she didn’t know about 3-year implanon implants. You can get yours today at Planned Parenthood for $100.
Sandra could have paid that off in a month.

  • UPDATE: Walmart (who we just called) charges $9 a month for Tri-Sprintec and Sprintec oral contraceptives. They also stated that they offer several other contraceptives but only had those two in stock currently. They have offered this since 2007.


Just like PapaObama Care was never really about healthcare
so is this issue really not about contraception

The Left just needs more fake issues to run on because
they can't run on Papa Obama's record

Just out of curiosity, does the implant work the same as the pills that prevent cysts on ovaries?

You are still full of shit. There are medical reasons where Birth Control Pills are Prescribed. That makes you a liar still. ABS. Show some class. Stop spreading propaganda. I thought you were better than that.
No doubt her and her friends must be studying to be a gov't lawyer
that or why are liberals so bad with money, especially other people's money

h/t Gateway Pundit

The busy “coed” drained her savings account paying $3,000 over three years for her contraceptives.

Too bad she didn’t know about 3-year implanon implants. You can get yours today at Planned Parenthood for $100.
Sandra could have paid that off in a month.

  • UPDATE: Walmart (who we just called) charges $9 a month for Tri-Sprintec and Sprintec oral contraceptives. They also stated that they offer several other contraceptives but only had those two in stock currently. They have offered this since 2007.


Just like PapaObama Care was never really about healthcare
so is this issue really not about contraception

The Left just needs more fake issues to run on because
they can't run on Papa Obama's record

Just out of curiosity, does the implant work the same as the pills that prevent cysts on ovaries?

You mean the ones they could have got at Walmart for $9 a month ?

Yes, do they have the same kind of hormones, and do they work the same way as the pill?
You people are AGAIN on the wrong side of history :lol:


Like Noah, right? ;)
Actually, she was speaking about the birth control pill, and one of the examples she used was her friend who HAD to take the pill to prevent cysts on her ovaries.

It wasn't condoms ya stupid moron.

Bullshit. Using the Pill for reasons other than Birth Control, is allowed. You are full of shit.

No doubt her and her friends must be studying to be a gov't lawyer
that or why are liberals so bad with money, especially other people's money

h/t Gateway Pundit

The busy “coed” drained her savings account paying $3,000 over three years for her contraceptives.

Too bad she didn’t know about 3-year implanon implants. You can get yours today at Planned Parenthood for $100.
Sandra could have paid that off in a month.

  • UPDATE: Walmart (who we just called) charges $9 a month for Tri-Sprintec and Sprintec oral contraceptives. They also stated that they offer several other contraceptives but only had those two in stock currently. They have offered this since 2007.


Just like PapaObama Care was never really about healthcare
so is this issue really not about contraception

The Left just needs more fake issues to run on because
they can't run on Papa Obama's record

So nearly $200,000 for a three-year stint at Georgetown University as one ramps up to become one of the most presitigious and highly paid lawyers in the country.

And she is whining about $3000 worth of condoms. She did say "protected sex", so that's condoms.

How many condoms is $3000 worth of condoms anyway?


Here is 60 condoms for $16.00.

So $3000 worth of condoms is...11,250 condoms.

Three years is 1095 days.

This chick would have to fuck literally more than 10 times a day, with no days of rest, to use that many condoms in three years! :eek:

Is that how she is paying her tuition?

Doesn't leave much time for learning about lawyering!

Actually, she was speaking about the birth control pill, and one of the examples she used was her friend who HAD to take the pill to prevent cysts on her ovaries.

It wasn't condoms ya stupid moron.

So it won't cover the pill for something other than birth control? Did you see her policy? Insurance companies make exceptions to treatments all the time, I know tanning is not covered under insurance unless a doctor prescribes it for depression. Then it is covered.
This stuff is not a Government issue. So why are they involved at all? Have your Contraception and Abortions, just don't demand your fellow Citizens pay for it. No Taxpayer should be forced to pay for someone else's personal sexual behavior. That's a private personal matter. Big Government needs to get the Hell out of the bedrooom once and for all.
By Judd Legum

Bill O’Reilly’s attack is not only sexist and mean spirited, he has his facts completely wrong. Fluke is advocating for contraception to be covered under Georgetown University’s private insurance plan. Fluke became active on the issue “after her friend developed ovarian cysts and found that the oral contraception she needed to stop the cysts from growing was not covered under the school’s insurance.”

More: Bill O'Reilly Attacks Sandra Fluke: Claims She Wants Government To Pay For Her 'Social Life' | ThinkProgress

Bill O'Reilly Attacks Sandra Fluke - YouTube
Why, in a free country would students be required to carry health insurance?

Are you getting the irony here?

Georgetown University doesn't want to be forced to cover contraception in the healthcare plan that they are forcing students to purchase.

Georgetown isn't forcing anyone to attend do they aren't forcing anything.

No one's forcing you to live in the U.S. under U.S. law either, so let's not hear you bitching about anyone forcing you to do anything.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

That REALLY is not the case:
A little off topic, but does anyone know if a basic college health plan covers all prescriptions? And will Obamacare basic policies cover all drugs in the future?

It is a pretty sure bet Obamacare will cover Plan B and contraceptives.

And pretty good odds that they will also cover RU-486.

White House misrepresents its own contraceptive mandate « Vox Nova

Claim: “Drugs that cause abortion are not covered by this policy: Drugs like RU486 are not covered by this policy, and nothing about this policy changes the President’s firm commitment to maintaining strict limitations on Federal funding for abortions. No Federal tax dollars are used for elective abortions.”

Response: False.The policy already requires coverage of Ulipristal (HRP 2000 or “Ella”), a drug that is a close analogue to RU-486 (mifepristone) and has the same effects. RU-486 itself is also being tested for possible use as an “emergency contraceptive” – and if the FDA approves it for that purpose, it will automatically be mandated as well.

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Woman Claims Her 38 KKK Breasts Saved Her Life In Car Crash

enough said

PapaObama Care should give all women breast enlargement to at least 38 kkk to save their lives
for free

Women can not be denied their health care

That's funny

Really comrade
it is too big of an issue to be ignored!


PapaObama Care should give all women "free" breast enlargement to at least 38 kkk to save their lives.

It is not a selective choice but a right!!!

Women can not be denied their health care. However, there are some concerns the KKK might not be PC, so perhaps KK or LLL, if there is such a thing?

As such I am reaching out to the more "well-endowed" female members of the collective on the proper cup size to ensure women's health.

Please include photos to support your claims.... so I can include them with my
demands to the Democrats in Congress to hold one sided meetings on this topic for women's rights
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A little off topic, but does anyone know if a basic college health plan covers all prescriptions? And will Obamacare basic policies cover all drugs in the future?

It is a pretty sure bet Obamacare will cover Plan B and contraceptives.

And pretty good odds that they will also cover RU-486.

White House misrepresents its own contraceptive mandate « Vox Nova

Claim: “Drugs that cause abortion are not covered by this policy: Drugs like RU486 are not covered by this policy, and nothing about this policy changes the President’s firm commitment to maintaining strict limitations on Federal funding for abortions. No Federal tax dollars are used for elective abortions.”

Response: False.The policy already requires coverage of Ulipristal (HRP 2000 or “Ella”), a drug that is a close analogue to RU-486 (mifepristone) and has the same effects. RU-486 itself is also being tested for possible use as an “emergency contraceptive” – and if the FDA approves it for that purpose, it will automatically be mandated as well.


Thanks Immie Interesting. But I'm still curious about other drugs. Certainly a case could be made for all "lifesaving" prescriptions. Will everything be "free" next year?
A little off topic, but does anyone know if a basic college health plan covers all prescriptions? And will Obamacare basic policies cover all drugs in the future?

It is a pretty sure bet Obamacare will cover Plan B and contraceptives.

And pretty good odds that they will also cover RU-486.

White House misrepresents its own contraceptive mandate « Vox Nova

Claim: “Drugs that cause abortion are not covered by this policy: Drugs like RU486 are not covered by this policy, and nothing about this policy changes the President’s firm commitment to maintaining strict limitations on Federal funding for abortions. No Federal tax dollars are used for elective abortions.”

Response: False.The policy already requires coverage of Ulipristal (HRP 2000 or “Ella”), a drug that is a close analogue to RU-486 (mifepristone) and has the same effects. RU-486 itself is also being tested for possible use as an “emergency contraceptive” – and if the FDA approves it for that purpose, it will automatically be mandated as well.


This Administration has one thing going for it. The Stupidity of It's bought and paid for Herd of Jack Asses. Flock of Jack Asses. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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