Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

Uh oh, an uppity female...

I think you missed "I think". I didn't establish it as a fact or claim it as one.

I suppose the bursting blood vessels in your eyes and brain during a fit like that impair your vision and comprehension. I feel for you.
Uh oh, an uppity female...

I think you missed "I think". I didn't establish it as a fact or claim it as one.

I suppose the bursting blood vessels in your eyes and brain during a fit like that impair your vision and comprehension. I feel for you.

Actually, I'm an uppity male.

So, since you "think" that way, got anything to back up your baseless bullshit, or is the truth that you DON'T think.

I'm voting for the latter.

I don't have to justify what I think to scum like you, thanks.
Libs are wanting this to be a woman's rights issue. It is not, it is a first amendment issue. It is trying to impose a government mandate on a religion. A mandate the goes against a religions belief system. Thus the government is saying, no real religious freedoms, unless we grant them.

It is wrong, it is a violation and try as you nuts might, it isn't about birth control, it is available to rich and poor at clinics for no money or very little money. There is no need to involve a religious entity.

Georgetown U. is not practicing religion when it sells insurance. It is selling insurance when it sells insurance,

and the insurance business is fully subject to government regulation, no matter what the religion is of the insurance salesman.
It doesn't matter. The school is a Catholic school and doesn't want to participate in free contraceptives for all, and they shouldn't be forced to by grasping law students who think a Catholic university has an obligation to condone and facilitate behavior the church has always stood against.

If a Catholic school doesn't want to comply with insurance regulations, then it should not get into the insurance business.
Unfortunately, they are mandated.

The government forces them into the insurance business, then forces the insurance providers to supply birth control for all.
It doesn't matter. The school is a Catholic school and doesn't want to participate in free contraceptives for all, and they shouldn't be forced to by grasping law students who think a Catholic university has an obligation to condone and facilitate behavior the church has always stood against.

College insurance is not funded by the school. It is a company that provides short term major medical insurance to students. I used to give out the packets. NOT related to the schools whatsoever! The school should have no say, whatsoever.
You all sound more like the Taliban every mintue.
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It doesn't matter. The school is a Catholic school and doesn't want to participate in free contraceptives for all, and they shouldn't be forced to by grasping law students who think a Catholic university has an obligation to condone and facilitate behavior the church has always stood against.

If a Catholic school doesn't want to comply with insurance regulations, then it should not get into the insurance business.

Why would a school have to comply with insurance regulation? They aren't an insurance company. They went to a company and asked for a product that met their needs and ethics. That product was then offered to students by the insurance company.
In that case, the universities probably shouldn't be in the insurance business.

However, the insurance mafia and unions march hand in is hardly surprising that insurance is a hard sell (and in some universities, a requirement) on campus.

Still, the whole idea of telling people what coverage they must provide...asinine.
Georgetown U. is not practicing religion when it sells insurance. It is selling insurance when it sells insurance,

and the insurance business is fully subject to government regulation, no matter what the religion is of the insurance salesman.

It doesn't sell insurance, asshole. It's not a business. It doesn't make a profit or sell shares.
It doesn't matter. The school is a Catholic school and doesn't want to participate in free contraceptives for all, and they shouldn't be forced to by grasping law students who think a Catholic university has an obligation to condone and facilitate behavior the church has always stood against.

If a Catholic school doesn't want to comply with insurance regulations, then it should not get into the insurance business.

It self-insures, numbnuts. It's not "in the business."
"Bare bones" college insurance policies will have to comply with the minimum requirements of Obamacare. While liberals argue that the "pill saves money", they leave out the fact that the cost of these policies will most likely triple in 2014.

Where is the outrage from the college presidents and student associations? Why aren't they being invited to testify before Congress? (insert snark mark here)
If a Catholic school doesn't want to comply with insurance regulations, then it should not get into the insurance business.

And if they don't want to be in the insurance business, then they shouldn't be in the education business or have any paid staff or provide any charity work...

Gee, it's almost as if the left wants the Catholics out of education.

Couldn't be because the Catholics get ten times the results for a tiny fraction of the cost with education, could it? It's not like the left would haze them to protect the public teachers union....
Libs are wanting this to be a woman's rights issue. It is not, it is a first amendment issue. It is trying to impose a government mandate on a religion. A mandate the goes against a religions belief system. Thus the government is saying, no real religious freedoms, unless we grant them.

It is wrong, it is a violation and try as you nuts might, it isn't about birth control, it is available to rich and poor at clinics for no money or very little money. There is no need to involve a religious entity.

Georgetown U. is not practicing religion when it sells insurance. It is selling insurance when it sells insurance,

and the insurance business is fully subject to government regulation, no matter what the religion is of the insurance salesman.

Ignorance must be bliss for you. Why with all the state and federal funds going to organizations for free health care and free contraceptives and even free abortions, why challenge the separation between church and state? Get your free brith control at one of the 100,000's of places that currently offer free services, this is a moronic debate by the left and they frame it out of context of a women's rights issue. What a bunch of BS!
Libs are wanting this to be a woman's rights issue. It is not, it is a first amendment issue. It is trying to impose a government mandate on a religion. A mandate the goes against a religions belief system. Thus the government is saying, no real religious freedoms, unless we grant them.

It is wrong, it is a violation and try as you nuts might, it isn't about birth control, it is available to rich and poor at clinics for no money or very little money. There is no need to involve a religious entity.

Georgetown U. is not practicing religion when it sells insurance. It is selling insurance when it sells insurance,

and the insurance business is fully subject to government regulation, no matter what the religion is of the insurance salesman.

Ignorance must be bliss for you. Why with all the state and federal funds going to organizations for free health care and free contraceptives and even free abortions, why challenge the separation between church and state? Get your free brith control at one of the 100,000's of places that currently offer free services, this is a moronic debate by the left and they frame it out of context of a women's rights issue. What a bunch of BS!

yes, it is bs...and is just more evidence that progressives don't want separation of church and state, nor do they want freedom of speech or religion.

They are adamantly opposed to any sort of freedom at all..except the freedom that comes with having the government controlling every aspect of your life...from faith, to sex, to marriage, to education.

That's FREEDOM to a progressive. And they want to force it upon every person in the world.
i dont understand your point....

when you pay for your insurance you already help subsidize other peoples services and prescriptions..... why is there such a huge fuss about only contraception? why arent you protesting aids meds, or heart meds, or any other type of drug that insurance companies already pay for?

if its not being provided for "free" from the insurance companies, where is the argument?

Is aids meds and heart meds or any other type of drug given out FREE, (gender specific)with no co-pays, no deductions, no hassles?

Besides I can't think of any religious doctrine that goes against caring for the sick with aids and/or heart problems. But feel free to enlighten me.
mammograms are to be provided for "free" now, i will never get a mammogram, should i raise hell about paying for a service i will never receive?

and read back jack ass, "free" does not mean for no cost at all. it means no additional co-pay can be required. as in its included in the price of your premium.

Hey dickwad, Obama said free.

Is he lying?

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