Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

Georgetown students are REQUIRED TO BUY the university's health insurance, unless they have a qualifying equivalent plan.

Game, set, and match, morons.

Georgetown University :: Office of Student Affairs :: Student Health Insurance

It's an expensive school....moron.

Can't pay...don't play.

Can afford birth control....keep your pants up.

It is amazing the level of stupidity we have in this country.

Like I said,

Game. Set. Match.

You can go to bed now, Goober.
Georgetown students are REQUIRED TO BUY the university's health insurance, unless they have a qualifying equivalent plan.

Game, set, and match, morons.

Georgetown University :: Office of Student Affairs :: Student Health Insurance

It's an expensive school....moron.

Can't pay...don't play.

Can afford birth control....keep your pants up.

It is amazing the level of stupidity we have in this country.

Like I said,

Game. Set. Match.

You can go to bed now, Goober.

Only in your wet dreams there numbnuts.

Maybe you should get out of bed once in a while.

Okay, maybe I'm missing something here. A few questions:

Are these people required to have sex while at this school? (If so, holy crap, I went to the wrong college)

Would this mean that all schools have to pay for contraception? High school?

If contraception is the medicine, what is the disease?

Would it be possible to add a "Personal Budgeting 101" class to help kids afford getting laid?

How much does Wal Mart charge? How about a Horny College Kid discount, that would be good PR.

How is choosing to get laid a women's health issue, if they could just choose not to get laid?

If you regularly participate in college-assigned orgies, can taxpayers get a group discount?

Little help here, thanks.

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Over 70 percent of black babies are born to unwed mothers

Before Johnson's and the Liberal's Great Society
a program claimed to end poverty

Blacks had a lower illegitimate rate than

Funny how that works
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I was wondering. If the Cowboys Players offered Miss Georgetown a before and after pill would she be willing to try out for the Dallas Cowboys cheer leading squad?

She could make a movie.
The way I see it there isnt anybody in the middle here (where the common sense folk are found, in the middle, REALITY). Instead we have to fringes on the issue, those who want free contraception and those wacko scary extremists who are against contraception. How about a co-pay. Make the pill very affordable for college students that want it. Good enough. Contraception in and of itself needs to be encouraged, otherwise we get unwanted kids. Then the rest of us help pay for them. Too many people in this country as it is.
The real argument is about the First Amendment and the Constitution

The Left is just trying to spin the topic

Georgetown U is a business, not a church. This has absolutely nothing to do with the 1st amendment.

You mean the oldest Jesuit and Catholic university in the United States?
What a surprise, the Left downplaying the religion of the institution
Yes just like the Left likes to say regulations are law ....

and birth control for personal reasons has nothing to do with health care
just like nose jobs.....

Yes just like the Left likes to say regulations are law
Really why let the First Amendment stop the Left
After all it is only the Constitution...
I suggest

Operation Don Obama or Tilting at Windmills

Due to the slow nature of progressive change, we fear that the people might not support us come next election. (Damn elections).

Indeed like Papa Obama said when comparing himself to other great progressives:
“Around the world, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, what they did was hard. It takes time. It takes more than a single term.”

What to do? Like all good leftists, we must use Identity Politics to the fullest
to succeed over the racist, homophobic, xenophobic right wing .
Divide and conquer, we must….

Thus we are promoting Operation Don Obama


A program where we can create issues for the masses that don’t exist but
will divide them and secure our base. We must create fear and more enemies in the minds of the proletariat.

For example, the contraception debate is our first attack in Operation Don Obama.
No one was talking about it, but we hope by creating an issue out of it, we can strengthen
our base even more through a faux fear. Granted, we had to step all over the First Amendment, but the Constitution has always been a “thorn in our side” and an impediment to bigger Progressive dreams.

So we need ideas all the time. For example, I have suggested to the “Goon Truth Teams” that we increase the Income levels of food stamps to $125,000 for a family of four.

This way when the Republicans complain about it being too expensive or not necessary etc, we can accuse them of wanting to deny food for people and their basic health needs.

I hear the cries of fear now! "Republicans don't want us to eat"
Hard to believe that a sentient human being would embarrass herself in this manner.

C'mon...this is from Saturday Night Live, isn't it?

How come all the lawyers on the board aren't screaming 'we are not all this stupid!!!"?

Given that the only person I know of on this board claiming to be a lawyer is Jillian, who is pretty well on par with this chick.....
I am also an attorney, and think this woman is ABSURD.

I have said for years that we need to kill all of the lawyers but yours and mine, and I am not too sure about yours. After reading your and one or two other opinions of your fellow attorneys on this board, I will no longer say that, even tho' it was said in jest.
I can see where some feminists would see this as revisiting an issue that they fought hard to gain. Thing is, they never had this with the Catholic church and there isn't enough support even within the Republicans to limit birth control as it stood prior to Obama making this grievous enfringement on the Constitution.
No doubt she must be studying to be a gov't lawyer
that or why are liberals so bad with money, especially other people's money

h/t Gateway Pundit

The busy “coed” drained her savings account paying $3,000 over three years for her contraceptives.

Too bad she didn’t know about 3-year implanon implants. You can get yours today at Planned Parenthood for $100.
Sandra could have paid that off in a month.

  • UPDATE: Walmart (who we just called) charges $9 a month for Tri-Sprintec and Sprintec oral contraceptives. They also stated that they offer several other contraceptives but only had those two in stock currently. They have offered this since 2007.
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