Georgia County Election Officials Subpoenaed in Bombshell Fraud Case


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.

Gabriel Sterling, a Republican and Georgia's voting system implementation manager, told Lead Stories during a phone call on December 3, 2020 that what can be seen on the video is normal procedure and nothing looks "bizarre or odd."

Election workers known as "cutters" because their job was to open absentee ballot envelopes and verify ballots for eventual scanning and counting were dismissed for the night sometime after 10 p.m. on November 3, 2020, because their work for the evening had been completed, he explained. Those workers who remained were responsible for conducting the scanning portion of the process, since ballots could not be left without being scanned overnight. He said:

If you look at the video tape, the work you see is the work you would expect, which is you take the sealed suitcase looking things in, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them.
Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state, told Lead Stories during a phone call on December 3, 2020, that the ballots were in standard containers, and the work during the time in question had nothing to do with pulling ballots from under a table. She said:

There wasn't a bin that had ballots in it under that table. It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table.
There was never an announcement made to the media and other observers about the counting being over for the night and them needing to leave, according to Watson, who was provided information by the media liaison, who was present. She said they just followed the "cutters" as they left.

She said:

Nobody told them to stay. Nobody told them to leave. Nobody gave them any advice on what they should do. And It was still open for them or the public to come back in to view at whatever time they wanted to, as long as they were still working.
In addition, she explained that the only ballots that were scanned after the media and other observers had left were those that had already been opened in front of these observers.

Contrary to the claim, the ballots were not in suitcases, she said. The black boxes and bins seen in the video are the standard container used for the ballot counting process.

Watson's statements to Lead Stories are similar to what the investigator said in a sworn affidavit submitted two days later in a court case involving an effort to over turn the election. Read that affidavit here.

A state election board monitor, who asked for his name not to be used due to safety concerns, told Lead Stories on the phone on December 3, 2020, that he was present at the vote counting location beginning at 11:52 p.m., after leaving briefly at earlier in the evening. He then stayed until about 12:45 a.m., when the work that night was completed.

The deputy chief investigator for the secretary of state's office was present beginning at 12:15 a.m. November 4, he said.

The election monitor also told Lead Stories that between 8 p.m. on November 3, 2020, and 12:43 a.m. on November 4, 2020, the scanners had scanned about 10,000 ballots.

According to the Georgia Secretary of State's office, Biden received 2,474,507 votes, while Trump received 2,461,837 -- a winning margin of 12,670 votes for Biden.

Sterling said when he looked at the results, "there was nothing abnormal in the distribution of votes."

Section § 21-2-408 of the Code Of Georgia, which addresses poll watchers, explains that political bodies and parties are "entitled" to have official poll watchers. The secretary of state's chief counsel told Lead Stories it was not a requirement that observers be present for counting to continue -- only that it is their right to be there is they choose.

This also explains it

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Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.
Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.

That's the lie.. Hope you will follow up on this farce.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Neonettle? Are you kidding?
Can you rebut any of the claims? If not, STFU!

You dumbass liberals think that dismissing the source proves your point.
Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.
You can't do that without being caught...

The number of ballots counted, has to equal the number of absentee envelopes checked in and opened... after they were vetted.

You actually think there are not election ballot checks and balances in the vote counting process, and THAT is your mistake, and why You believe the garbage you are being fed by the Con Artists from your side....counting on your ignorance of the processes in place.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Neonettle? Are you kidding?
Can you rebut any of the claims? If not, STFU!

You dumbass liberals think that dismissing the source proves your point.
They've been rebutted, right here in this thread...try reading it, please.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Neonettle? Are you kidding?
Can you rebut any of the claims? If not, STFU!

You dumbass liberals think that dismissing the source proves your point.

I vote in Fulton County.. Do you?
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Neonettle? Are you kidding?
Can you rebut any of the claims? If not, STFU!

You dumbass liberals think that dismissing the source proves your point.
choose better sources, cultist.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

I already said a few times, specific strategic counters are DNC operatives. Man can they shuffle suit cases
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

I already said a few times, specific strategic counters are DNC operatives. Man can they shuffle suit cases

This is really stupid stuff.. Only an idiot would believe these lies.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

I already said a few times, specific strategic counters are DNC operatives. Man can they shuffle suit cases

This is really stupid stuff.. Only an idiot would believe these lies.
Only an idiot would believe the Russia Hoax and Dr Fauci-Kevorkian.

Only an idiot would work for a boss 40 hrs a week slaving to a miserable job and dying 3 days after retirement....That is really stupid stuff being a dust breather

Think differently or be a loser
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

I already said a few times, specific strategic counters are DNC operatives. Man can they shuffle suit cases

What are you talking about?

This is really stupid stuff.. Only an idiot would believe these lies.
Only an idiot would believe the Russia Hoax and Dr Fauci-Kevorkian.

Only an idiot would work for a boss 40 hrs a week slaving to a miserable job and dying 3 days after retirement....That is really stupid stuff being a dust breather

Think differently or be a loser
Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.
You can't do that without being caught...

The number of ballots counted, has to equal the number of absentee envelopes checked in and opened... after they were vetted.

You actually think there are not election ballot checks and balances in the vote counting process, and THAT is your mistake, and why You believe the garbage you are being fed by the Con Artists from your side....counting on your ignorance of the processes in place.
You are truly out to lunch.

They were caught on video doing what was claimed. You have no idea whether they were counting mail-in or in-person ballots.

Not all ballots are mailed in. For the in-person voting, envelops do not exist and there are no creases in them from folding.

After a ballot is scanned multiple times, there is no way to identify which ballot it was....but the count will exceed the number of ballots if all are retained (as required for 22 months by law). This might explain why remnants of shredded ballots have been discovered.

If you believe the 2020 election results represent accurate counting of legal votes, you are a complete idiot.
Fulton County, Georgia is corrupt to the core. This will become obvious to everyone as the probes into 2020 election fraud continue.

Neonettle? Are you kidding?
Can you rebut any of the claims? If not, STFU!

You dumbass liberals think that dismissing the source proves your point.

I vote in Fulton County.. Do you?
Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.
You can't do that without being caught...

The number of ballots counted, has to equal the number of absentee envelopes checked in and opened... after they were vetted.

You actually think there are not election ballot checks and balances in the vote counting process, and THAT is your mistake, and why You believe the garbage you are being fed by the Con Artists from your side....counting on your ignorance of the processes in place.
You are truly out to lunch.

They were caught on video doing what was claimed. You have no idea whether they were counting mail-in or in-person ballots.

Not all ballots are mailed in. For the in-person voting, envelops do not exist and there are no creases in them from folding.

After a ballot is scanned multiple times, there is no way to identify which ballot it was....but the count will exceed the number of ballots if all are retained (as required for 22 months by law). This might explain why remnants of shredded ballots have been discovered.

If you believe the 2020 election results represent accurate counting of legal votes, you are a complete idiot.
.....and Jeffrey Epstein offed himself intentionally..................................BAWWWHAHAHA

Freeman is suspected of election malfeasance during the 2020 ballot count after she wrongfully sent election observers home early at State Farm Arena, according to Becker News.

Oh my...We shall get to the bottom of this, again. The depositions are to explain why she did it.. It's not like they are being investigated for changing votes.
They are being investigated for counting the same ballots multiple times.
You can't do that without being caught...

The number of ballots counted, has to equal the number of absentee envelopes checked in and opened... after they were vetted.

You actually think there are not election ballot checks and balances in the vote counting process, and THAT is your mistake, and why You believe the garbage you are being fed by the Con Artists from your side....counting on your ignorance of the processes in place.
You are truly out to lunch.

They were caught on video doing what was claimed. You have no idea whether they were counting mail-in or in-person ballots.

Not all ballots are mailed in. For the in-person voting, envelops do not exist and there are no creases in them from folding.

After a ballot is scanned multiple times, there is no way to identify which ballot it was....but the count will exceed the number of ballots if all are retained (as required for 22 months by law). This might explain why remnants of shredded ballots have been discovered.

If you believe the 2020 election results represent accurate counting of legal votes, you are a complete idiot.
The libturds are sure fussing and scurrying about this.Hmmmmmm

If I didn't have to worry about anything, I would really welcome this recount to show what a waste of time this is and put this thing to bed.

I would not say........................."HOW DARE YOU QUESTION AN ELECTION OR VERIFY IT ACCURATELY!!!!!!

Gabriel Sterling, a Republican and Georgia's voting system implementation manager, told Lead Stories during a phone call on December 3, 2020 that what can be seen on the video is normal procedure and nothing looks "bizarre or odd."

Election workers known as "cutters" because their job was to open absentee ballot envelopes and verify ballots for eventual scanning and counting were dismissed for the night sometime after 10 p.m. on November 3, 2020, because their work for the evening had been completed, he explained. Those workers who remained were responsible for conducting the scanning portion of the process, since ballots could not be left without being scanned overnight. He said:

If you look at the video tape, the work you see is the work you would expect, which is you take the sealed suitcase looking things in, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them.
Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state, told Lead Stories during a phone call on December 3, 2020, that the ballots were in standard containers, and the work during the time in question had nothing to do with pulling ballots from under a table. She said:

There wasn't a bin that had ballots in it under that table. It was an empty bin and the ballots from it were actually out on the table when the media were still there, and then it was placed back into the box when the media were still there and placed next to the table.
There was never an announcement made to the media and other observers about the counting being over for the night and them needing to leave, according to Watson, who was provided information by the media liaison, who was present. She said they just followed the "cutters" as they left.

She said:

Nobody told them to stay. Nobody told them to leave. Nobody gave them any advice on what they should do. And It was still open for them or the public to come back in to view at whatever time they wanted to, as long as they were still working.
In addition, she explained that the only ballots that were scanned after the media and other observers had left were those that had already been opened in front of these observers.

Contrary to the claim, the ballots were not in suitcases, she said. The black boxes and bins seen in the video are the standard container used for the ballot counting process.

Watson's statements to Lead Stories are similar to what the investigator said in a sworn affidavit submitted two days later in a court case involving an effort to over turn the election. Read that affidavit here.

A state election board monitor, who asked for his name not to be used due to safety concerns, told Lead Stories on the phone on December 3, 2020, that he was present at the vote counting location beginning at 11:52 p.m., after leaving briefly at earlier in the evening. He then stayed until about 12:45 a.m., when the work that night was completed.

The deputy chief investigator for the secretary of state's office was present beginning at 12:15 a.m. November 4, he said.

The election monitor also told Lead Stories that between 8 p.m. on November 3, 2020, and 12:43 a.m. on November 4, 2020, the scanners had scanned about 10,000 ballots.

According to the Georgia Secretary of State's office, Biden received 2,474,507 votes, while Trump received 2,461,837 -- a winning margin of 12,670 votes for Biden.

Sterling said when he looked at the results, "there was nothing abnormal in the distribution of votes."

Section § 21-2-408 of the Code Of Georgia, which addresses poll watchers, explains that political bodies and parties are "entitled" to have official poll watchers. The secretary of state's chief counsel told Lead Stories it was not a requirement that observers be present for counting to continue -- only that it is their right to be there is they choose.

This also explains it

Why all the fuss. You should welcome this to make us look foolish no????

Why all the grinding resistance to something you know is a waste of time.

There are 1000 libturd lawyers sniffing every molecule so frauding the fraud is not an issue.

Money???...When did a libturd ever care about money when it is not theirs

So what's the problem????

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