Georgia girl, 7, dies after being shot Christmas shopping with family: Atlanta must be a real nice place

No.....the democrat party has decided that letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison is better than saving the life of a 7 year old girl by keeping the repeat gun offenders in prison.....

First, we don't know if this is a repeat offender.

Second, we do know he had a gun and probably shouldn't have.

We lock up 2 million people, Dick Tiny. If locking people up was an answer, we'd be there.

And heck, I wasn't even arguing for gun laws, guy. I've kind of given up. Just don't come whining to me when this shit happens, because you made it happen.
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .

Um, no, guy.

We are not a "Free" country if we have to put up with trigger-happy cops, active shooter drills, security checkpoints, key-cards, metal detectors, and sending our kids to school with bullet proof backpacks just so a few idiots can "compensate" for their insecurities and fears.
Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

As does every car, Airplane, machete, knife, bag of nails, and bag of fertilizer. All have been used in mass killings.
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It' s like the wild west you either kill or be killed..
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It' s like the wild west you either kill or be killed..
Folks that were under the illusion that anything changed b/c we became more materially advanced are the ones with the problem.

. . . and wild wild west, when you look into it, is largely a myth. It is, and was, no more violent than the streets of most big cities.

Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.
What exactly does “strict liability of hun sellers” mean?
Why would someone selling an item legally be responsible for its misuse?
And it seems you like to keep comparing us to other nations in regards to crime. Since you like to look outward and compare stats, why don’t you look inward at our own statistics. It’s one group in this country responsible for a huge percentage of “hun crime”. Why won’t you acknowledge that? And why should everyone have their rights infringed due to one groups inability to control themselves?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .

Um, no, guy.

We are not a "Free" country if we have to put up with trigger-happy cops, active shooter drills, security checkpoints, key-cards, metal detectors, and sending our kids to school with bullet proof backpacks just so a few idiots can "compensate" for their insecurities and fears.
Ahhh... the old compensation aka “you have a gun because your dick is small” argument. Corny and unoriginal.
The vast, vast majority of hun owners aren’t committing any crimes at all. Yet you have no problem making huge blanket statements and positions regarding millions of hun owners for the acts of a very tiny percentage. Meanwhile it’s what, 33% of black males have a criminal record, a huge percentage above the percentage of criminals to hun owners? But if someone dares to say something blanketing blacks, you’d launch into your lecture about stereotyping, claim it is wrong to make blanket statements, etc.
Your inconsistency is stunning.
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .

Um, no, guy.

We are not a "Free" country if we have to put up with trigger-happy cops, active shooter drills, security checkpoints, key-cards, metal detectors, and sending our kids to school with bullet proof backpacks just so a few idiots can "compensate" for their insecurities and fears.

We could do away with all of that shit, if folks like you weren't such whiny pieces of shit.

So go on, change the constitution already. You know what to do.

You socialists tried it with the ERA amendment, and know what? WOMEN DIDN'T WANT EQUAL RIGHTS, so it failed, ya fascist piece of shit. So go on, TRY to change the constitution again. I'd love to see it. Waste your resources, go on. :auiqs.jpg:

Till then, this argument is such a bore, it really is. IT comes up, over and over again, it reminds me of this. . . and I laugh.

At this point, most folks don't give a shit what mommy and daddy government think. Fuck them.

The people are free. They are, in the end, the ones that vote for assholes to put those programs into place, and run the companies to push the propaganda.

. . . at anytime, folks can choose to withdrawal their money and approval, they just haven't. . . .yet.
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It' s like the wild west you either kill or be killed..
Folks that were under the illusion that anything changed b/c we became more materially advanced are the ones with the problem.

. . . and wild wild west, when you look into it, is largely a myth. It is, and was, no more violent than the streets of most big cities.

It's always been the wild west to me all my life and I like it.
Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.
So, if you admit that Illegal guns might be the problem (since they bypass any gun laws we might pass), why can't we start there???

For instance, where a bunch of illegal guns were pumped out during Fast and Furious???
As does every car, Airplane, machete, knife, bag of nails, and bag of fertilizer. All have been used in mass killings.

But those things aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.
So why do you keep harping on McVeigh, since you claim he had something LEGAL???

Face it, Joey...

It's not the potential weapon...

It's intent!!!
You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.
YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

Nothing to do with race. Subhuman pieces of shit, such as you and those whose side you openly take, come in all races, as do actual human beings.

The distinction has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin, but the choices that one makes.

You're the only one here who ever tries to make anything out to be about race, and yet you dare to call anyone else a racist.

In this case, it appears that both the valuable human being who was murdered, and the subhuman piece of shit who murdered her, were both black, but that has no bearing at all on the fact that a subhuman piece of shit murdered an actual human being. Either of them, or both, could have been white, or Asian, or any other race, and it would have been exactly the same tragedy.
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if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

The right to keep and bear arms is clearly laid out in the Constitution, and any laws that violate this rights are acts of lawlessness and corruption.

The only way to truly be in illegal possession of a gun is to have stolen it, or otherwise acquired it through illegitimate means, that would make any other sort of property also illegal to possess, if acquired through similar means.

But your basic principle is sound. Rather than put anyone in prison for exercising their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, how about putting anyone in prison who commits any crime which involves intentionally causing serious injury or death to another, or threatening to do so, without just cause? I'd be totally on board with that. In fact, if the crime involves the use of deadly force, without any just cause, then I think five years is way too light.
Dick Tiny.

…just so a few idiots can "compensate" for their insecurities and fears.
Ahhh... the old compensation aka “you have a gun because your dick is small” argument. Corny and unoriginal.


Joe is a stepford husband anyways
You can't legally be married to a sex joe isn't married....

If he's to be believed, he's about my age, (late fifties) and has never been married. You have to know, just on that basis, that there's something wrong with him, even before you hear his misogynistic sour-grapes excuses for having never married.

Of course, his pathetic projection of his sexual inadequacies at others, just goes to help confirm what we already know about him.
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Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.

Background checks don't stop criminals from getting guns, you have been shown this over and over again. You and the other anti-gun extremists only want universal background checks so you can require universal gun registration...which you need when you get the power to confiscate every other country that banned guns did....they first registered guns, then the confiscated them...Britain, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, Turkey, Russia...........we know how you operate.

Criminals don't have waiting periods.....and waiting periods do not stop crimes or suicides with guns.

We already have liability for gun sellers who knowingly sell defective products or knowingly sell guns to criminals...what you want is the ability to destroy gun makers, gun stores and gun owners through legal warfare....knowing that they did not use the guns to commit crimes.
Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.

They have lower homicide rates because of their cultures....they had lower homicide rates long before they banned guns, you dumb ass.......

And as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down can't explain that with what you believe.

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