Georgia girl, 7, dies after being shot Christmas shopping with family: Atlanta must be a real nice place

Most gun violence is committed with guns that are not legally owned by the shooter in the crimes. 100 percent of current and proposed gun laws only effect lawful gun owners.

Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.

You can always count on Incel Joe to take the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. Always.

YOu can always count on Mormon Bob to remind us he's a racist, but he can't help it, he belongs to a racist cult.

What is a sensible gun law in your opinion?

Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.

if your side would put everyone in prison for five years just for being caught with a gun illegally the death rate would plummet

Ah, let's look at that. The United States makes guns easy to get, and throws 2 million people in prison now.

We have the highest homicide rates in the industrialized world.

Other industrialized countries make gun difficult or impossible to get, and throw very few people in jail. As a result, they have very little homicide.

If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.

You have been told over and over again, we catch gun criminals, then the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians let them back out......

It doesn't matter how many violent, repeat offenders we put in prison if the democrat keep letting them back out....
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It' s like the wild west you either kill or be killed..

The Wild West wasn't wild...everyone had guns so they had to be polite to each other.
If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.
Background checks don't stop criminals from getting guns, you have been shown this over and over again. You and the other anti-gun extremists only want universal background checks so you can require universal gun registration...which you need when you get the power to confiscate every other country that banned guns did....they first registered guns, then the confiscated them...Britain, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, Turkey, Russia...........we know how you operate.

Criminals don't have waiting periods.....and waiting periods do not stop crimes or suicides with guns.

We already have liability for gun sellers who knowingly sell defective products or knowingly sell guns to criminals...what you want is the ability to destroy gun makers, gun stores and gun owners through legal warfare....knowing that they did not use the guns to commit crimes.

Incel Joe is openly on the side of subhuman criminal filth, and against that for actual human beings. He doesn't even try very hard to hide it.

He's not going to care about any arguments that actually address the causes of crime, and how to reduce it, because that is not what he wants. He's not even going to acknowledge the validity of any such arguments.

He is on the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit such as himself, and all he wants is to make actual human beings easier prey for his kind.
The 7 year old girl being shot is a tragedy. I feel for the family.

And if that is a reason people don't move here, I am fine with that. Traffic is bad enough now. We are full.

However, I enjoy living in Atlanta for a number of reasons. I'll stay.
A cousin of mine left Atlanta close to 20 years ago because the tough-enders were taking over her suburb. She always had interesting things to talk about though--a lot of very cool stuff in Atlanta. The Botanical Gardens, the restaurants, concerts, and a lot of smart, interesting professionals.
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
That’s funny.
When you take away blacks in the city, we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.View attachment 434322


Some decades back (the 1980s or 1990s?), a fairly prominent American politician (who is still alive, so I shan't mention his name) was very incautious when he just nonchalantly said on a radio (?) show that if this country did not have a population of certain folks, we would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Well, the next day he groveled and asked forgiveness. Because it was still the twentieth century when he said it, there were -- to the best of knowledge -- no serious consequences to his radio career. But quite possibly he was quietly blacklisted for any government position.
The truth is the truth. No one needs apologize for such
Then just what is your final solution to stop people from shooting each other?
It's a free country dammit.

Stop trying to control folks behavior. If someone wants to shoot me, or they want to shoot you? THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.

They'll just have to suffer the consequences later. . .
It' s like the wild west you either kill or be killed..

The Wild West wasn't wild...everyone had guns so they had to be polite to each other.
Just a boring place.
The 7 year old girl being shot is a tragedy. I feel for the family.

And if that is a reason people don't move here, I am fine with that. Traffic is bad enough now. We are full.

However, I enjoy living in Atlanta for a number of reasons. I'll stay.
A cousin of mine left Atlanta close to 20 years ago because the tough-enders were taking over her suburb. She always had interesting things to talk about though--a lot of very cool stuff in Atlanta. The Botanical Gardens, the restaurants, concerts, and a lot of smart, interesting professionals.

There are places that are rough. Most cities have them. I have spent time in Brooklyn, Boston, Chicago, Miami, New Orleans, and other major cities. The only place I was ever mugged was in a mall parking lot in Meridian MS.

Atlanta has a lot going for it, and a vibrant music scene I love. But there are some great restaurants, from 5 star places to Mom & Pop ethnic places. I like it here.
If guns and jails were the solution, we'd be there by now.
Background checks don't stop criminals from getting guns, you have been shown this over and over again. You and the other anti-gun extremists only want universal background checks so you can require universal gun registration...which you need when you get the power to confiscate every other country that banned guns did....they first registered guns, then the confiscated them...Britain, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, Turkey, Russia...........we know how you operate.

Criminals don't have waiting periods.....and waiting periods do not stop crimes or suicides with guns.

We already have liability for gun sellers who knowingly sell defective products or knowingly sell guns to criminals...what you want is the ability to destroy gun makers, gun stores and gun owners through legal warfare....knowing that they did not use the guns to commit crimes.

Incel Joe is openly on the side of subhuman criminal filth, and against that for actual human beings. He doesn't even try very hard to hide it.

He's not going to care about any arguments that actually address the causes of crime, and how to reduce it, because that is not what he wants. He's not even going to acknowledge the validity of any such arguments.


You’ve got that right. He has been utterly annihilated in this thread. If he has any sense he will just duck out and try and out this in the rear view. If he does respond he will either ignore the rock solid points made here, or try to address them in some asinine way that makes him look even more foolish.
I’m embarrassed for him already.
You’ve got that right. He has been utterly annihilated in this thread. If he has any sense he will just duck out and try and out this in the rear view. If he does respond he will either ignore the rock solid points made here, or try to address them in some asinine way that makes him look even more foolish.
I’m embarrassed for him already.

Looks like this time, they gave you a big enough entrance to safely get the Assdozer into the arena.

Rehabilitate away!

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What exactly does “strict liability of hun sellers” mean?
Why would someone selling an item legally be responsible for its misuse?

Yes, that's exactly what it means.

You see, every time we have a mass shooting, we find out two things.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was a nut.
2) It was still incredibly easy for him to get a gun.

So here's a crazy idea... instead of letting the gun industry make a killing off of killing, let the victims of gun violence have their day in court. Obviously, if you sold a gun to a responsible owner and someone stole his gun, you won't be held liable. On the other hand, if you sold a gun to a guy who crossed three state lines, and bought 25 guns, which ended up in the hands of street gangs in another state... um, yeah, you were irresponsible and someone needs to take a piece out of your ass.

And it seems you like to keep comparing us to other nations in regards to crime. Since you like to look outward and compare stats, why don’t you look inward at our own statistics. It’s one group in this country responsible for a huge percentage of “hun crime”. Why won’t you acknowledge that? And why should everyone have their rights infringed due to one groups inability to control themselves?

Ah, Guns don't kill people, darkies do.

That chart is bullshit... Half the homicides are committed by white people in this country. Most people are killed by people they know. It's not the "Criminal" you have to worry about so much as the neighbor or family member who let an argument get out of hand and a gun was involved. You are far more likely to be killed by someone you know than a stranger.
Nothing to do with race. Subhuman pieces of shit, such as you and those whose side you openly take, come in all races, as do actual human beings.

The distinction has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin, but the choices that one makes.

Do you really want me to annihilate you again by talking about your cult's racist history, Mormon Bob? I noticed you abandoned that other thread where I did just that.

I'm always amused when someone who has had all the advantages of white privilege talks about "choice". Given your temper tantrums, if you ever had any real hardship in your life, you probably wouldn't last a week without getting into serious trouble. You have real anger management problems...

The right to keep and bear arms is clearly laid out in the Constitution, and any laws that violate this rights are acts of lawlessness and corruption.

The constitution has a right to a well-regulated militia. I am all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years.

But if you want to dump tons of guns onto the streets and then whine when some of them are used in crime, that gets a little silly. The Gun industry WANTS criminals to have guns. They want them to have guns so you are scared and you want them, too. you are being played, son!!!

If he's to be believed, he's about my age, (late fifties) and has never been married. You have to know, just on that basis, that there's something wrong with him, even before you hear his misogynistic sour-grapes excuses for having never married.

Yeah, it was called, "not wanting some bitch to get half my stuff". Funny thing, you can have sex without getting married or belonging to a misogynistic cult where that woman knows her place.
Background checks don't stop criminals from getting guns, you have been shown this over and over again.

Except we don't do background checks. Not really thorough ones.

I underwent a background check for a job recently.... They talked to several of my ex-coworkers, checked with two former employers, did a thorough check of my criminal background (I don't have anything more serious than a moving violation, just for Mormon Bob, who obsesses about me constantly), and Checked the last three addresses I lived at.

They actually did find a "discrepancy" in that I listed my start date as when I started temping for a company 12 years ago, and the company listed my start date as when they hired me a few months later. This was quickly resolved with a follow up.

Now, if I were a criminal or a mentally unstable person, they'd have figured that out pretty quickly and I wouldn't have gotten the job. The same standard should apply when you are trying to buy a gun.

You can't water down background checks to the point where they are meaningless, and then whine that they don't work.

So my solution is simple. Let the Gun Industry manage background checks, but then they have strict liability if their products get into the wrong hands.

And as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down can't explain that with what you believe.

I don't have to explain it because it just isn't true.

2017 had 14542 Gun homicides, a record number going back 20 years. The homicide rate was 4.46 per 100,000, the highest that number has been in 25 years.

Now, let's compare those numbers to the rest of the G-7, which I will organized by how close they are to the US in "culture" -- with Canada and the UK being closest, being in the Anglosphere, and Japan being the most different, being a non-white, non-Christian culture.

Canada 651 gun homicides, 1.81/100K (Canada probably has the most lax gun laws after the US.)
UK 32 gun homicides, 0.02/100K (very strict gun laws.)
Germany 82 gun homicides - 0.06/100K (Germany allows guns, but with strict licensing.)
Italy - 180 gun homicides, 0.29/100K
France - 264 gun homicides, 0.12/100K
Japan - 3 gun homicides. Rate so small it can't be calculated. (Very strict gun laws.)

So it has no real bearing on "Culture" and a lot more with how strict the gun laws actually are.
You have been told over and over again, we catch gun criminals, then the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians let them back out......

You tell me that, but it just isn't true. that's the problem.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. If locking people up were a deterrent to crime, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

What exactly does “strict liability of hun sellers” mean?
Why would someone selling an item legally be responsible for its misuse?

Yes, that's exactly what it means.

You see, every time we have a mass shooting, we find out two things.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was a nut.
2) It was still incredibly easy for him to get a gun.

So here's a crazy idea... instead of letting the gun industry make a killing off of killing, let the victims of gun violence have their day in court. Obviously, if you sold a gun to a responsible owner and someone stole his gun, you won't be held liable. On the other hand, if you sold a gun to a guy who crossed three state lines, and bought 25 guns, which ended up in the hands of street gangs in another state... um, yeah, you were irresponsible and someone needs to take a piece out of your ass.

And it seems you like to keep comparing us to other nations in regards to crime. Since you like to look outward and compare stats, why don’t you look inward at our own statistics. It’s one group in this country responsible for a huge percentage of “hun crime”. Why won’t you acknowledge that? And why should everyone have their rights infringed due to one groups inability to control themselves?

Ah, Guns don't kill people, darkies do.

That chart is bullshit... Half the homicides are committed by white people in this country. Most people are killed by people they know. It's not the "Criminal" you have to worry about so much as the neighbor or family member who let an argument get out of hand and a gun was involved. You are far more likely to be killed by someone you know than a stranger.

Guns also save and protect people. The politicians, celebrities, and elites who share your passion and logic for far reaching restrictive gun laws rely on guns for protection. Me too.
Every illegal gun started it's life as a legal gun.
When I say “illegal gun” I mean that the person is holding the gun illegally

convicted felons out on parole

or 15 year old gang bangers in the hood

both examples are responsible for most of the gin violence in America
Thorough Background checks
Waiting periods
Strict liability for gun sellers.
So you want to punish honest and non criminsl gun owners instead of the felons who are committing the gun violence

that is completely backwards
Again, we aren't going to pass sensible gun laws, so we've all decided this is something we can live with.

You are confused Moon Bat. You are always confused, aren't you?

The gun didn't shoot the girl. A filthy ass thug shot the girl. Most likely a Negro just like the ones that commit most of the violent crimes in this country.

You have trouble understanding the difference , don't you?
But your basic principle is sound. Rather than put anyone in prison for exercising their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, how about putting anyone in prison who commits any crime which involves intentionally causing serious injury or death to another, or threatening to do so, without just cause? I'd be totally on board with that. In fact, if the crime involves the use of deadly force, without any just cause, then I think five years is way too light.
You are halfway there but not far enough in my opinion

known criminals and kids in gangs commit the overwhelming majority of the murders in America

and the are not legally entitked to own a gun

removing guns from their hands will stop most of the gun violence in America
Again, we aren't going to pass sensible gun laws, so we've all decided this is something we can live with.

Only a Moron would make a statement like that

The problem is not the Gun laws as we have tens of thousands already.

What Fools cannot understand is that criminals don't care about laws, so no matter how many gun laws there are, criminals will still continue to commit crimes with guns or knives or bats or acid or cars or trucks etc etc etc

Idiots like JoeBlow131 will scream for more gun control laws that only affect good people, and in the same breath, scream for more leniency for murderers.
Almost 800 people killed in Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Then we have this attack in New York, with a stupid Democrat Mayor that has defunded the police.

Man randomly slashes woman in the back of her head in NYC: video

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