Georgia girl, 7, dies after being shot Christmas shopping with family: Atlanta must be a real nice place

Guns also save and protect people.

No, they really don't. GUn in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Almost 800 people killed in Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Then we have this attack in New York, with a stupid Democrat Mayor that has defunded the police.

Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws in over a decade. They overturned our gun laws in 2010, and the Gun Industry couldn't want to open a gun shop on every block.
Guns also save and protect people.

No, they really don't. GUn in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Almost 800 people killed in Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Then we have this attack in New York, with a stupid Democrat Mayor that has defunded the police.

Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws in over a decade. They overturned our gun laws in 2010, and the Gun Industry couldn't want to open a gun shop on every block.
That ain't how reality works
Pencils cause misspellings - ban pencils.

If misspellings killed 39,000 people a year, I'd consider it.

Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.

Actually, the constitution isn't "clear". That's why the issue has been debated for over 200 years.

So instead of trying to guess what the Founding Slave Rapists really meant, guns or militias, why not start the discussion at "Should everyone have a gun" and "Shouldn't we try to keep people who don't need guns from having them."
......blacks being murdered by BLACKS is up in many cities [and the rate was high BEFORE that ] ......good thing they got rid of those statues and the police!!!!
Guns also save and protect people.

No, they really don't. GUn in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Almost 800 people killed in Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Then we have this attack in New York, with a stupid Democrat Mayor that has defunded the police.

Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws in over a decade. They overturned our gun laws in 2010, and the Gun Industry couldn't want to open a gun shop on every block.

That old lie about the gun being 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy has been debunked so many times I am amazed you still trot it out.
Pencils cause misspellings - ban pencils.

If misspellings killed 39,000 people a year, I'd consider it.

Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.

Actually, the constitution isn't "clear". That's why the issue has been debated for over 200 years.

So instead of trying to guess what the Founding Slave Rapists really meant, guns or militias, why not start the discussion at "Should everyone have a gun" and "Shouldn't we try to keep people who don't need guns from having them."

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.
Guns also save and protect people.

No, they really don't. GUn in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Almost 800 people killed in Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Then we have this attack in New York, with a stupid Democrat Mayor that has defunded the police.

Chicago hasn't had strict gun laws in over a decade. They overturned our gun laws in 2010, and the Gun Industry couldn't want to open a gun shop on every block.

No, they really don't. GUn in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The pundits, politicos, and elites that pitch the bullshit stats you are posting here are first to make sure they are protected by firearms. Remind them of your stats. If firearm protections are good enough for them, they are good enough for me.
Pencils cause misspellings - ban pencils.

If misspellings killed 39,000 people a year, I'd consider it.

Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.

Actually, the constitution isn't "clear". That's why the issue has been debated for over 200 years.

So instead of trying to guess what the Founding Slave Rapists really meant, guns or militias, why not start the discussion at "Should everyone have a gun" and "Shouldn't we try to keep people who don't need guns from having them."

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.

People never committed suicide before guns?
Your bizarre, sick fetish/obsession with my religion is really not relevant to that thread, to this one, nor any of the other threads in which you keep harping on it.

Naw, guy, you keep trying to portray yourself as a holy person, but you are really kind of awful. I'm trying to help you out here, by pointing out that your religious training probably has a lot to do with it... Yes, you all don't talk about Dark Skin being a curse from God or Blood Atonement, but you can tell the meanness is still under the surface.

If I recall your past claims, you claim to have been a member of the standing army. That is absolutely not the militia referenced in the Second Amendment. A law passed shortly after the Bill of Rights was ratified defines the militia as every able-bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 years. A later law, in effect to this day, defines two militias—an updated version of the original definition, and separately, the National Guard.

Actually, I proved that pretty definitively, I was.... and being a person of no integrity - you know, a Mormon -you didn't even apologize for your mistake.

Clearly, militias didn't work as defined, which is why they were replaced by the National Guard (and yes, a large part of my service was in the ILARNG) in the 1910's... So in many ways... the Second Amendment is kind of like the Third Amendment... a dead letter no longer relevent to the modern age, except for how it is abused by the gun lobby.

I think it is clear enough which side you are on. And from that, it is clear enough what you, yourself, are. The only reason that you would side so strongly with violent, destructive subhuman pieces of shit as you do, would be if you were one.

And where's your proof of that. Actually, never been in trouble with the law, once in my life. I also think that we are going towards a police state... and if you don't see that, then you are blind.

Oh, no, you'll howl like a mother fucker if someone tells you to wear a mask. But some black person screaming because a cop just shot her kid in the back.... she had to learn to deal.

Yours is the side that wants to dump subhuman pieces of criminal shit on the street, rather than keep them locked up as they need to be. The resulting fear, violence, and destruction belong to you and your side. And, of course, for obvious reasons, you want actual human beings to be unarmed and helpless, so that we can be easier prey for the subhuman shit whose side you openly take, against that of actual human beings.

No, man... here's the thing.

The definition of insanity is to keep trying the same thing and expecting a different result. We've tried the "lock em up" method. It doesn't work. It makes things WORSE. How much worse? Trump tried to take Biden to task for his part in the 1990's crime bill. Even Trump knows that doesn't work... and he's a fucking moron.

What we are doing, doesn't work. It eats up resources and human potential. The rest of the world has figured this out, which is why for them, incarceration is the LAST resort.

You have no idea what hardships I've faced, what I've endured, what I've survived, or how much good my “privilege” has or has not done for me.

Thrill me. Come on, Bob, what in your life has been so hard?

As with racism, you just cannot help waving your misogyny around like some proud banner, even as you falsely accuse others of being mysogynistic.

It's obvious enough why. You're an old, bitter incel, with whom no woman will have anything to do. So you hate women, describing them as bitches out to get half your stuff.

Dude, you need to stop fantasizing about my sex life, otherwise you are going to get a nasty stain on your Magic Underwear and you won't be able to rule your own planet in the Celestial Heaven.

(Mormonism! The jokes just write themselves!!)

But to the point... I'd be all for marriage if the marriage laws weren't so against men. Serious, as I said, I don't know how many times I saw senior NCO's, guys dedicated to protecting this country, get taken to the cleaners by "bitches" who were cheating on them when they were deployed. I think there was one case, where the woman got knocked up by artifiical insemination, and he had to STILL pay child support. Crazy, huh?
......blacks being murdered by BLACKS is up in many cities [and the rate was high BEFORE that ] ......good thing they got rid of those statues and the police!!!!

Whites being murdered by WHITES is up in many what is the excuse?
Pencils cause misspellings - ban pencils.

If misspellings killed 39,000 people a year, I'd consider it.

Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.

Actually, the constitution isn't "clear". That's why the issue has been debated for over 200 years.

So instead of trying to guess what the Founding Slave Rapists really meant, guns or militias, why not start the discussion at "Should everyone have a gun" and "Shouldn't we try to keep people who don't need guns from having them."

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.

People never committed suicide before guns?

And since we can't ask a successful suicide, the only thing we really know about a person who committed suicide with a gun is that they actually wanted to die. It was not an attempt to get attention.
That old lie about the gun being 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy has been debunked so many times I am amazed you still trot it out.

Well, when you trot out a debunking that doesn't come from the National Rampage Assocation, I'll take it seriously.

Actually, that number is probably low.

The pundits, politicos, and elites that pitch the bullshit stats you are posting here are first to make sure they are protected by firearms. Remind them of your stats. If firearm protections are good enough for them, they are good enough for me.

Okay. You totally have the right to hire a bonded, professional security person.

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.

I think you can reduce suicides by removing a popular method, um, yeah.

When the British changed over from lethal coal gas to natural gas, the suicide rate DID drop when people couldn't off themselves by sticking their heads in the oven.
That old lie about the gun being 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy has been debunked so many times I am amazed you still trot it out.

Well, when you trot out a debunking that doesn't come from the National Rampage Assocation, I'll take it seriously.

Actually, that number is probably low.

The pundits, politicos, and elites that pitch the bullshit stats you are posting here are first to make sure they are protected by firearms. Remind them of your stats. If firearm protections are good enough for them, they are good enough for me.

Okay. You totally have the right to hire a bonded, professional security person.

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.

I think you can reduce suicides by removing a popular method, um, yeah.

When the British changed over from lethal coal gas to natural gas, the suicide rate DID drop when people couldn't off themselves by sticking their heads in the oven.

And when Australia banned private ownership of almost all guns, the suicide rate did NOT drop. It actually rose by a tiny percentage.
That old lie about the gun being 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy has been debunked so many times I am amazed you still trot it out.

Well, when you trot out a debunking that doesn't come from the National Rampage Assocation, I'll take it seriously.

Actually, that number is probably low.

The pundits, politicos, and elites that pitch the bullshit stats you are posting here are first to make sure they are protected by firearms. Remind them of your stats. If firearm protections are good enough for them, they are good enough for me.

Okay. You totally have the right to hire a bonded, professional security person.

Your figure of 39k is bogus as hell. The only way you get that many gun deaths is if you include 29,000 or 30,000 suicides. And if you think you can stop suicides by remove one single method, you are more delusional than I thought.

I think you can reduce suicides by removing a popular method, um, yeah.

When the British changed over from lethal coal gas to natural gas, the suicide rate DID drop when people couldn't off themselves by sticking their heads in the oven.

Okay. You totally have the right to hire a bonded, professional security person.

You need to familiarize yourself with the 2nd Amendment. You can interpret it all you want and align with how you feel it should be but; objectively, I have more than the right to hire security.

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