Georgia officer resigns after dragging black woman, 65, from car

Why do Blacks usually insist on acting like retarded savages at traffic stops? It would be one thing if the creature was a "constitutionalist." But being an ugly Black is not a defensible rationale to not cooperate with law enforcement.
The old bitch was asking for a confrontation. With that said..he could have handled it better. Like, stick some tape over her fucking mouth.

AND..I would say the same thing if she were white, blue, green or pink.
The pig interjected himself into the arrest and incident. He was not the arresting officer but rather, a backup officer who interfered with the officers already handling the situation. He is obviously a person with disturbing emotional issues with anger and control and insecurity. Not police officer material. An out of control thug. His superiors saw this and could not get rid of the bully thug fast enough.

Unfortunately this thug was allowed to resign and was not fired for cause or charged with assault as he should have been. He will be able to find employment as a cop again in some small town. The only protection from this animal for the people who live in his area of operations is if someone puts a well deserved bullet in his face.
Georgia officer resigns after dragging black woman, 65, from car

This woman may well have deserved a ticket. But no one deserves the physical or verbal treatment that the officer used on her -- and it's disturbing that this treatment so frequently appears when the individual is Black.
He'll open up a gofundme and white people (and even some non whites) wil pour lots of money in his account
I have already donated 100 bucks just to get your panties in a wad
my doody to the white race is whatever my clan leader says it is. I dont need you telling me what my doody is, boy
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white ppl are the main evil.
Sign the fuken ticket and none of this would have happened.
How stupid do have to be to not understand that signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt,just that you recognize that you have been issued a ticket and will either pay it or fight it in court.

I have zero sympathy for these idiots.
She was an idiot for not being cooperative in the first place. She refused to sign the ticket and escalated the situation.
I have never in my 53 years been dragged from my vehicle.
But I would expect it to happen if I acted like this moron.
Why do Blacks usually insist on acting like retarded savages at traffic stops? It would be one thing if the creature was a "constitutionalist." But being an ugly Black is not a defensible rationale to not cooperate with law enforcement.

Why do bigoted white trash think they can treat black people differently from whites?

Trumptrash you wouldn’t know what the constitution is if it bit you.
Why do Blacks usually insist on acting like retarded savages at traffic stops? It would be one thing if the creature was a "constitutionalist." But being an ugly Black is not a defensible rationale to not cooperate with law enforcement.

Why do bigoted white trash think they can treat black people differently from whites?


I would expect to be treated the same way if I was as stupid as this old lady.
Of course we'll never know since I'm smart enough to sign the damn ticket and be on my way.
These kinds of things happen when animals are allowed to get away with crime.

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