Georgia Panel Recommended Charging Lindsey Graham in Trump Case

Do you mean the JURY would charge "Mickey Mouse"? The JURY is made up of private citizens who have been agreed upon by both the prosecution and defense.
A grand jury is NOT made up by the defense the accused doesn't even get a lawyer in a Grand Jury.
We have witnesses who testified to the broken laws discussed between trump and rudy, as well as recordings.

And we have witness Devon Archer's testimony, and the IRS Whistle Blower testimony. As I said, we could do this all day long. WHich is why you parroting the Biden's THER"S NO PROOF nonsense makes you look like an ignorant stooge.

That's more than just saying they had a meeting.
Are you saying Obama was party to extortion just to protect a company that Joe Biden's son was working for? Do you really think that is the least bit possible?

I'm saying Obama looked the other way because not putting his foot down when he was made aware of what Biden and his son were doing made him at least look complicit.
I’m not sure what purpose is served by a Grand Jury “report.” They hear an almost entirely one-sided presentation from a partisan political persecutor and then they make some “findings” upon which they make “recommendations?”

And we have witness Devon Archer's testimony, and the IRS Whistle Blower testimony. As I said, we could do this all day long. WHich is why you parroting the Biden's THER"S NO PROOF nonsense makes you look like an ignorant stooge.

I'm saying Obama looked the other way because not putting his foot down when he was made aware of what Biden and his son were doing made him at least look complicit.

Odd that Archer has nothing to back up his claims, don't you think? An accusation is not proof.

Sure, but you say lots of goofy shit. Like rudy said. you have lots of theories, but no proof.
I’m not sure what purpose is served by a Grand Jury “report.” They hear an almost entirely one-sided presentation from a partisan political persecutor and then they make some “findings” upon which they make “recommendations?”


Your disegard of how our criminal justice system has always worked is noted. Any other foundations of American jurisprudence you care to shit on?
Your disegard of how our criminal justice system has always worked is noted.

Nonsense I never disegard any such thing. Heck, I don’t even disregard how it is supposed to work. Unlike you libturds.
Any other foundations of American jurisprudence you care to shit on?
I haven’t shit on any of it.

You’re dismissed now, troll boi.
My take is anyone but a democrat.
I really doubt you would vote for any conservative.

We are just standing on different sides of the isle.
Prior to Trump I never voted Democrat. You're a hardcore. Trump was right. He could should someone in the head in the street and you would justify it.
Nonsense I never disegard any such thing. Heck, I don’t even disregard how it is supposed to work. Unlike you libturds.

I haven’t shit on any of it.

You’re dismissed now, troll boi.
Your previous post indicated different.
No. It sure didn’t. Your inability to comprehend is the real problem.

Blame your own obvious and severe mental retardation.
Hell, you don't even see the purpose in a grand jury report. You understand generating that report is the purpose of a grand jury, don't you? Tell me what other purpose you think it might have.
Hell, you don't even see the purpose in a grand jury report.
Yeah. I know. That’s what I said, you dickweed.
You understand generating that report is the purpose of a grand jury, don't you?

No. You moron. It’s not. It is one of its powers and abilities. But its main function is to determine whether to indict a suspect or not.
Tell me what other purpose you think it might have.
I just did, you ignorant lump of stupid.
Yeah. I know. That’s what I said, you dickweed.

No. You moron. It’s not. It is one of its powers and abilities. But its main function is to determine whether to indict a suspect or not.

I just did, you ignorant lump of stupid.
Determine whether to indict a suspect or not, and present that decision in a report to the court.
and the civil war would be Americans fighting I ask again how many in the military would desert to join the rebellion?
I suppose there might be a handful. Military people know a few nutbags can't stand up to our fighting forces.
You know how we could all learn? If you pussies actually had the balls to do you what you've been threatening to do ever since it dawned on you that you're cucks. 😄
U mad Bro? Cuz you sound mad.

You're just going to have to wait patiently until after the election like everyone else.

No matter who wins, someone's side is going to riot.

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