Georgia Tech researcher bemoans the huge black white achievement gap in STEM


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article blames it on lack of opportunity but everybody knows the real reaosn. Blacks are mentally inferior and can't do math and science.

A Georgia Tech researcher asks: Where are the black students... | Get Schooled |

Emphasis on STEM has become the cornerstone of the national education dialogue. National and state level focus is on increasing the number of students who graduate from college with STEM degrees to meet growing workforce needs.
Behind the mask of those broad and very real concerns is the withering reality of the under-preparedness of black students in the basics of mathematics and science. The vast majority of black students in Georgia are completely excluded from real participation in the STEM education conversation.

Despite the opportunities and the concentration of educated adults, the academic performance for black students in Atlanta Public Schools is grim and the racial achievement gap is thriving.

Percent of students who failed Mathematics II EOCT, 2011. Source, Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement

Atlanta public schools --- Black - 71% White - 21%

Fulton ------------------- Black - 62% White - 10%

Dekalb ------------------- Black - 57% White - 18%

Gwinnett ----------------- Black - 47% White - 20%

Cobb -------------------- Black - 45% White - 14%
The most efficient and expedient way to educate a minority child is to first educate their parent(s).
Blacks were not brought to America for their brains

Yet, they are on the menu just like the rest of us ingredients.

I'd rather view this nation as Vichyssoise than stone soup.
Blacks were not brought to America for their brains

Yet, they are on the menu just like the rest of us ingredients.

I'd rather view this nation as Vichyssoise than stone soup.
View things the way you wish.

But the sad fact is the worst places to live in America or the world is around blacks and it's getting worse.

The soup is burning
[QUOTE=ShootSpeeders;7848839]Article blames it on lack of opportunity but everybody knows the real reaosn. Blacks are mentally inferior and can't do math and science

What is the "reaosn" for you not being able to "do" spelling?
"White" Americans are fortunate to have the spectacle of ignorant inner-city black students taking math and science tests alongside them. Because the fact of the matter is that most "white" kids are not budding little Einsteins's either, but compared to the "black" kids they look pretty good. If it weren't for the Asian and Indian kids, the "white" stats would be quite embarrassing, compared to European standards. (Now, we can blame the poor averages on Black kids).

It's like a plain looking girl seeking out a fat, ugly "best friend" to hang out with, knowing that by comparison when people see them together, she will look pretty good.

I have an experiment that I would very much like to try one day:

Take the worst-performing inner-city high school, where the teachers are poorly paid, unhappy, and fearful for their safety. The school building is falling apart; the teachers are constantly taking heat for the poor test scores of the students. Let's call this School #1.

Now take the best-performing, suburban, lilly-white high school in the same geographical area. The building and its ancillary buildings and fields are exemplary. The faculty is well-paid and appreciated. They have dozens of National Merit Scholars and such. School #2.

Now get two large convoys of school buses and deposit the students from School #1 into School #2 for a year, and vice versa.

What happens to the test scores? Will the inner-city kids thrive with the better faculty and facilities? Will the rich suburban white kids start to fail?

It would be interesting. My guess: the teachers in School #1 would adapt immediately and those kids (the rich suburban white kids) would do fine, while the faculty at School #2 would be overwhelmed, and those kids would also perform as before.

But consider, both of those groups of kids are EQUALLY ENTITLED TO A FREE EDUCATION PROVIDED BY THE STATE! There is nothing in any state constitution that says that if the parents are paying higher real estate taxes, the kids are entitled to a "better" state-provided education. On what basis do we tolerate one group of kids getting such an inferior version of their "free public school education"?

Just wondering.
I have an experiment that I would very much like to try one day:

Take the worst-performing inner-city high school, where the teachers are poorly paid, unhappy, and fearful for their safety. The school building is falling apart; the teachers are constantly taking heat for the poor test scores of the students. Let's call this School #1.

Now take the best-performing, suburban, lilly-white high school in the same geographical area. The building and its ancillary buildings and fields are exemplary. The faculty is well-paid and appreciated. They have dozens of National Merit Scholars and such. School #2.

Now get two large convoys of school buses and deposit the students from School #1 into School #2 for a year, and vice versa.

What happens to the test scores? Will the inner-city kids thrive with the better faculty and facilities? Will the rich suburban white kids start to fail?

It would be interesting. My guess: the teachers in School #1 would adapt immediately and those kids (the rich suburban white kids) would do fine, while the faculty at School #2 would be overwhelmed, and those kids would also perform as before.


Cities have tried throwing money at black schools and it didn't do a bit of good. Famous conservative writer thomas woods talks about such an experiment in one of his books. It was either kansas city or oklahoma city. Anyway - he says it was a huge failure. He never explained why but we all know - blacks are mentally inferior just like whites are physically inferior.

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