German court: Conscientious objection doesn´t qualify for asylum


Nov 14, 2012
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Münster ruled that a Syrian can only temporarily stay in Germany. The court cited the following reasons:

- Conscientious objection alone doesn´t qualify for asylum.
- Conscientious objection does not lead to political prosecution in Syria.
- Serving in the Syrian Arab Army does not automatically lead to war crimes.
- "Fear of personal danger does not justify a deed, when the soldierly duty demands to face the danger."


The politicians are shocked. How can the Syrian´s asylum be rejected, when he did not even apply for, the green party asks. The reply should be what the legal basis for his sojourn in Germany was when he did not even apply for asylum. Politicians of all affiliations summoned Syrian war crimes but the government did not officially respond.

Kritik an Urteil: Kein Asyl für syrischen Kriegsdienstverweigerer

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