German Defense Minister Admits Its Military is Not Capable of Protecting Germany if Attacked

Germany has what? he 3rd or fourth-largest GDP and still refuses to pay their fair share of NATO. And here we are in 2023 and Americans are STILL paying to defend them and the EU while many NATO countries refuse to pay the minimum 2% of GDP recommended. The EU economy is about the size of ours and we are still defending them. Trump was right yet again, this time about NATO.

NATO is a joke. It was supposed to be about western countries all uniting together in a shared common defense, but instead, our government bilks American taxpayers into spending all of our hard earned money supplying 38% of the world military spending while the next largest NATO member spends less than 1/10th that, and the four largest NATO members combined contribute a mere 10%.

That is the secret to European prosperity: they are countries of peace now spending zilch on defense living under the cover that the USA will have their backs. How nice for them! Meantime, the USA now excels at TWO things: military spending and incarcerations.

What do you think would happen to the USA if we did the same thing, failed to keep up our military and were attacked by Russia, China or NK? Can't you just see all of Europe rushing to our aid coming to our defense? Can you imagine our standard of living if we weren't laden with all of this defense spending? Our tax burden would be at least HALVED.

NATO is a scam, Trump was right and telling us the truth yet again. NATO is nothing but a bunch of weak, chickenshit countries all looking to get under the NATO umbrella for their own protection while contributing JACK to that protection.

We should drop NATO like a hot potato. Imagine the panic around the world.

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    • Long vacations
    • Short work-weeks
    • Long lunches
    • Low taxes
    • Low crime
    • State-paid education
    • Free healthcare, because they can contribute 99% of their economy to comfort.
    • Beautify countryside
    • Heavy taxation
    • Little vacation
    • Long work weeks
    • Most expensive education in the world
    • Most expensive healthcare in the world, yet one of the poorest
    • Failed education
    • Crumbling cities, streets and bridges, wasting infrastructure and high crime, because we are forced to defend and protect half of the rest of the world so they can live well and sleep safely at our expense.
Russia has proven not to be a threat to anyone
All Russia wants to do is evict the 2014 illegal imposters from the government. Everything else we hear is a bunch of bullshit made up by the left in order to get support for funding their proxy war and putting Western business in Ukraine.
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All Russia wants to do is evict the 2014 illegal imposters from the government. Everything else we hear is a bunch of b******* made up by the left in order to get support for funding their proxy war and putting Western business in Ukraine.

The illegal imposter Russia put in charge of Ukraine escaped to Russia in 2014
Putin invaded Crimea the next year
That is the secret to European prosperity: they are countries of peace now spending zilch on defense living under the cover that the USA will have their backs. How nice for them! Meantime, the USA now excels at TWO things: military spending and incarcerations.

I sometimes think that that was the entire veiled purpose behind the American revolution. To let us bask in the illusion of partial freedom, and prosper as a military power for the very purpose of protecting the interests of European aristocracy in the future.
I sometimes think that that was the entire veiled purpose behind the American revolution. To let us bask in the illusion of partial freedom, and prosper as a military power for the very purpose of protecting the interests of European aristocracy in the future.

I have no doubt that at some level, perhaps at the Bilderbergs and TLC, that was discussed and decided.
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German Defense Minister Admits Its Military is Not Capable of Protecting Germany if Attacked​

Yes, our Boris Pistorious was honest about it! :)

And he also said: "The German Bundeswehr has just abou as much ammunition to last for 2 or 3 days ...."
They're so fucked up after Merkel trashed that country with her socialist craziness I doubt anyone would want it.

It's a new defense concept. Make your country so undesirable you don't need a military.

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