German do-gooder regime throws its money away


Nov 14, 2012
The heads of the regime will have to deal with a lack of money next year. To stay with their fake balanced budget they likely will make cuts at the welfare or health system instead of deporting illegals, an AfD MP said.
The fake balanced budget was achieved by directing obligations to the state and community level and looting retirement and healthcare funds. The fraudulent clowns also create "special funds" that are not counted in the budget to keep the fake balanced budget.

Should be interesting if the two German Numpties comment , Ze Bra and Banger Bang booma.
I wonder if they are cabinet members slumming here ?
The German "economic" minister, who shut down Germany´s last three nuclear power plants now wants to import Ukrainian nuclear energy. It is OK to keep the Ukrainian power plants running because they were built, the kindergarten boy of the green party of stupidity and craze said.

Remember that the Ukrainian energy grid, that has now been fully synchronized with the European, as well as their power plants, are endangered by the war. Also, these Soviet power plants are fueled by American fuel rods that are incompatible with the plants and cause emergency shutdowns and can even cause hazards. The insanity of those lunatics can no longer be described with words.

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Very informative Post .
And the imbecility of German energy thinking is remarkable .

I have a strong feeling that Moscow is very much in control of energy matters in Khazaria and that when they supported Donbas in late February '22 a prime priority was to secure as many of the 35+ essentially US Bio Labs plus the nuclear plants with Zaporzhynia at the top of the list.
This could be a key controlling factor re German future energy supply .
In order for Russia to retain its domination within the EU energy market , they must ensure that full control in the Khazarian conflict is maintained .

And as I outline in my largely unread topic on the Israel-Palestine conflict really being about Gas and Oil , Russia will longer term wish to somehow regulate supply from the Gaza fields reaching Europe and perhaps particularly Germany ---- sink Germany and you scupper the EU being the thinking, imho .l

I also have a thread on this topic.

If you want more audience you need to make a thread for each news and put in the Politics or Current Events forum.
If you want more audience you need to make a thread for each news and put in the Politics or Current Events forum.
I am not really bothered about proselytising as you can literally count the number of worthwhile political brains and pundits here on one hand. Sheeple eat grass and make wool and meat . They are the only possible conversions .

I think I would have more fun and usefulness by joining the Word Puzzle threads and looking for items you use regularly beginning with letter ---- or, ending in --- uck .

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