German elections: Current mood


Nov 14, 2012
The ballot box is waiting for the Germans. Here is, if somebody is interested, a summary of current polls carried out by various instituts.
CDU/CSU: 39 - 41 %
SPD: 23 - 28 %
Green Party: 10 -12,5 %
Leftist Party: 7,5 - 9 %
FDP: 4 - 6 %
AfD: 1 - 4 %
Pirate Party 2,5 - 3 %
Other: 3,5 - 6 %

So, by this results, only the CDU/CSU is able to reach more then 50 %

Set of Online-Questions to figure out, which partie´s positions are closest to yours:
Wahl-O-Mat zur Bundestagswahl 2013
SPD chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück on the cover of this magazine. Hey, he is the cool guy, who has nothing to lose/win. Almost no chance to lead a coalition government, become chancellor. Well, he uses the stage to get sympathies, but not everyone is satisfied with this cover:


But he vindicates his "salute":
"Questions have been asked which are translated into gestures, grimaces, emotions."

Cool answer. I am not a SPD voter but this was a good one. And be honest, it´s better than this one:
The German Nationalist Party NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) allegedly sends letters to immigrant members of the Green Party. Content among others:
"We prefer your voluntary exit." A fictive flight ticket is subjoined.
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