German Nazis Hold a Massive Demonstration in Dresden

Good for them, standing up to destructive mass muslim immigration. Europe is waking up to mass immigration. I suppose everyone who doesn't wish to be erased as a people is a Nazi? You little punk...
Did you read the article? Did you watch the video as they proudly wore their swastikas?

Wait, aren't you a self hating Jew?
How is opposing mass immigration, specifically in this case, Muslim immigration, anti-Jewish?
It is the proud Nazism being displayed that is the problem. You know, the ones that want to gas and make lampshaded out of Jew skin. As a Jew, how can you support any Nazi?
Go to hell you lying scumbag, in fact, in the video online, they had a picture of a swatiska, the red star, and the muslim crescent in the garbage. They aren't nazis, they oppose islam, communism, and nazism and are decent German patriots.

Saying these nationalists want to kill jews is a vile slander used by anti-western Leftist scum and globalist plutocrats alike who want to erase borders.
I got past the screen name "Salty Nutz", at "The German hate gene" I knew we had a hysterical child.
Ironically Saltynutz, many of your leftist friends(particularly in Europe) who call opponents of mass immigration "nazis" are the ones that oppose the very existence of Israel, so stop pretending to care for Jews.
Good for them, standing up to destructive mass muslim immigration. Europe is waking up to mass immigration. I suppose everyone who doesn't wish to be erased as a people is a Nazi? You little punk...
Did you read the article? Did you watch the video as they proudly wore their swastikas?

Wait, aren't you a self hating Jew?
How is opposing mass immigration, specifically in this case, Muslim immigration, anti-Jewish?
It is the proud Nazism being displayed that is the problem. You know, the ones that want to gas and make lampshaded out of Jew skin. As a Jew, how can you support any Nazi?
Go to hell you lying scumbag, in fact, in the video online, they had a picture of a swatiska, the red star, and the muslim crescent in the garbage. They aren't nazis, they oppose islam, communism, and nazism and are decent German patriots.

Saying these nationalists want to kill jews is a vile slander used by anti-western Leftist scum and globalist plutocrats alike who want to erase borders.
Again, right in the video before you play it...the assholes are wearing swastikas...of course you are a self hating Jew and a liar who would do anything to support German believe what you want. Your hate propaganda doesn't work here!
Ironically Saltynutz, many of your leftist friends(particularly in Europe) who call opponents of mass immigration "nazis" are the ones that oppose the very existence of Israel, so stop pretending to care for Jews.
You misunderstand. I could give a shit what the Germans and Europeans do to the killer muslims who try to take over their nations with Sharia law. I care about the Nazism and hate for Jews and people of a darker hue.
Good for them, standing up to destructive mass muslim immigration. Europe is waking up to mass immigration. I suppose everyone who doesn't wish to be erased as a people is a Nazi? You little punk...
Did you read the article? Did you watch the video as they proudly wore their swastikas?

Wait, aren't you a self hating Jew?
How is opposing mass immigration, specifically in this case, Muslim immigration, anti-Jewish?
It is the proud Nazism being displayed that is the problem. You know, the ones that want to gas and make lampshaded out of Jew skin. As a Jew, how can you support any Nazi?
Go to hell you lying scumbag, in fact, in the video online, they had a picture of a swatiska, the red star, and the muslim crescent in the garbage. They aren't nazis, they oppose islam, communism, and nazism and are decent German patriots.

Saying these nationalists want to kill jews is a vile slander used by anti-western Leftist scum and globalist plutocrats alike who want to erase borders.
Again, right in the video before you play it...the assholes are wearing swastikas...of course you are a self hating Jew and a liar who would do anything to support German believe what you want. Your hate propaganda doesn't work here!
134 post since joining yesterday, and you know what works here?

You are a legend in your own mind boy.
Ironically Saltynutz, many of your leftist friends(particularly in Europe) who call opponents of mass immigration "nazis" are the ones that oppose the very existence of Israel, so stop pretending to care for Jews.
You misunderstand. I could give a shit what the Germans and Europeans do to the killer muslims who try to take over their nations with Sharia law. I care about the Nazism and hate for Jews and people of a darker hue.
You obviously give a shit you anti-german anti-western liar, otherwise you wouldn't be slandering these patriots. You don't care about Jews, you just use them as a prop in your pro-mass immigration, anti-white crusade, and in a vulgar manner I might add.

No one likes you or your trolling here. So just go away and stop bothering decent posters here with your crap.
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Ironically Saltynutz, many of your leftist friends(particularly in Europe) who call opponents of mass immigration "nazis" are the ones that oppose the very existence of Israel, so stop pretending to care for Jews.
You misunderstand. I could give a shit what the Germans and Europeans do to the killer muslims who try to take over their nations with Sharia law. I care about the Nazism and hate for Jews and people of a darker hue.
You obviously give a shit you anti-german anti-western liar, otherwise you wouldn't be slandering these patriots. You don't care about Jews, you just use them as a prop in your pro-mass immigration, anti-white crusade, and in a vulgar manner I might add.

No one likes you are your trolling here. So just go away and stop bothering decent posters here with your crap.
:lmao: The self hating Jew is offended.
Did you read the article? Did you watch the video as they proudly wore their swastikas?

Wait, aren't you a self hating Jew?
How is opposing mass immigration, specifically in this case, Muslim immigration, anti-Jewish?
It is the proud Nazism being displayed that is the problem. You know, the ones that want to gas and make lampshaded out of Jew skin. As a Jew, how can you support any Nazi?
Go to hell you lying scumbag, in fact, in the video online, they had a picture of a swatiska, the red star, and the muslim crescent in the garbage. They aren't nazis, they oppose islam, communism, and nazism and are decent German patriots.

Saying these nationalists want to kill jews is a vile slander used by anti-western Leftist scum and globalist plutocrats alike who want to erase borders.
Again, right in the video before you play it...the assholes are wearing swastikas...of course you are a self hating Jew and a liar who would do anything to support German believe what you want. Your hate propaganda doesn't work here!
134 post since joining yesterday, and you know what works here?

You are a legend in your own mind boy.
What do you mean I know what works here?
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.
There's the swastika on the banner in the OP.
Yea, its in a trash bin along with the islamic symbol you idiot. Maybe we ought to dump you in the trash with them.
The s
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.
There's the swastika on the banner in the OP.
Yea, its in a trash bin along with the islamic symbol you idiot. Maybe we ought to dump you in the trash with them.
LOL...the self hating Jew STILL denies the truth. A swastika armband on the protesters...and he still denies it.
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.

You know that from the time of the Anschluss and thereafter, wherever Jews were being rounded up in droves, the SS was so convinced that "Jew dogs" were irretrievably corrupted by Jewish human genes, just by virtue of proximity, that they were all shot out of hand. Poor Jewish mutts; they probably suffered a higher rate of death in their own Holocaust, than did their human counterparts (for whom most "Jew dogs" would gladly sacrifice their lives anyway, but that's another dog story all by itself).

That's some pretty sick thinking eh, Nuts?

Now why don't you go don your jackboots and your leather thong, and your cute little riding crop, and tell us all about your empirical findings regarding "the German hate gene"? I know science awaits with baited breath.
I am trying to dumb it down for you. It is actually a spiritual thing...but you wouldn't understand that because you, like the rest of the German filth, are deceived.
The s
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.
There's the swastika on the banner in the OP.
Yea, its in a trash bin along with the islamic symbol you idiot. Maybe we ought to dump you in the trash with them.
LOL...the self hating Jew STILL denies the truth. A swastika armband on the protesters...and he still denies it.
The protestors, sporting swastikas, are against the influx of "foreigners" ... sound pretty Right Wing to most of us. Those on the Right will still claim Nazis are Liberals. Go figure.
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.

You know that from the time of the Anschluss and thereafter, wherever Jews were being rounded up in droves, the SS was so convinced that "Jew dogs" were irretrievably corrupted by Jewish human genes, just by virtue of proximity, that they were all shot out of hand. Poor Jewish mutts; they probably suffered a higher rate of death in their own Holocaust, than did their human counterparts (for whom most "Jew dogs" would gladly sacrifice their lives anyway, but that's another dog story all by itself).

That's some pretty sick thinking eh, Nuts?

Now why don't you go don your jackboots and your leather thong, and your cute little riding crop, and tell us all about your empirical findings regarding "the German hate gene"? I know science awaits with baited breath.
I am trying to dumb it down for you. It is actually a spiritual thing...but you wouldn't understand that because you, like the rest of the German filth, are deceived.
The only filth here is you. I am proud of my German heritage and won't allow you to reduce it to Nazism and demonize Germans who seek to preserve their identity in their own country.
The s
The German hate gene has become more active as Germany has emerged from WWII. We should all be very weary of any German or person of German ancestry...the hate and violence is making a HUGE comeback.
There's the swastika on the banner in the OP.
Yea, its in a trash bin along with the islamic symbol you idiot. Maybe we ought to dump you in the trash with them.
LOL...the self hating Jew STILL denies the truth. A swastika armband on the protesters...and he still denies it.
The protestors, sporting swastikas, are against the influx of "foreigners" ... sound pretty Right Wing to most of us. Those on the Right will still claim Nazis are Liberals. Go figure.
Its amusing how you put "foreigners" in quotes. Do borders not exist in your demented left wing world view?
I am trying to dumb it down for you. It is actually a spiritual thing...but you wouldn't understand that because you, like the rest of the German filth, are deceived.

I think I have this figured out. Saltynutz is a leather queen who took it up the ass from a German last weekend, who told him he's the worst fuck he's ever had in his life. Now saltynutz is on a screaming hate vendetta for all things his asshole still his ego is shattered. Well salty, you know what Truman Capote said in his unfinished autobiography, 'Cocksucker Blues': "No one can hate like a faggot can hate." And are you a shining example, moron.
Most German Neo-Nazis are from the East, which technically still has a lot of economic catch up to do with the West of Germany.

Unfortunately just like with Japan, not enough effort was put into re-education and pushing the truth of the past to wash away the extreme nationalist propaganda.

During and after the Cold War, Germany's government failed to monitor or combat far right groups, instead wasting it's time going after leftist and peace groups. As a result Neo Nazi groups were able to flourish and commit gruesome murders. Only now is the government beginning to take them seriously.

But even if German Neo Nazis are a 'million strong' as they claim, they are hardly a majority, and don't achieve political power beyond protest votes.
Most German Neo-Nazis are from the East, which technically still has a lot of economic catch up to do with the West of Germany.

Unfortunately just like with Japan, not enough effort was put into re-education and pushing the truth of the past to wash away the extreme nationalist propaganda.

During and after the Cold War, Germany's government failed to monitor or combat far right groups, instead wasting it's time going after leftist and peace groups. As a result Neo Nazi groups were able to flourish and commit gruesome murders. Only now is the government beginning to take them seriously.

But even if German Neo Nazis are a 'million strong' as they claim, they are hardly a majority, and don't achieve political power beyond protest votes.
Not enough reeducation? The Germans are some of the most guilt ridden people in the world. But it does make sense East Germans are more right wing and nationalistic, they lived under an incredibly oppressive communist tyranny, a soviet puppet state and probably value the concept of national sovereignty more than west germans who had it much easier post war. You claim Germans didn't receive enough of "reeducation", but if anything the East Germans government was much more authoritarian in their crackdowns on anyone who espoused even the slightest of right wing or non-socialist ideology.

I think another reason Germans in the east of the country are more hostile to immigration is they haven't had to deal with it up until this point, where Germans in the west have had immigrants coming in for a couple decades now, and have been "educated" into a belief of multiculturalism by the academia, media, and the government.

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