German priest wears Islamic headscarf in protest against immigration party


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A German priest reacted to AfD leader Alice Weidel’s comments about the Islamic veil by wearing one during the Pentecostal sermon.

German Priest Wears Islamic Headscarf in Protest Against Anti-Immigration Party

Perfect example of brain washed idiots and once again just like the moron of the US. These stupid morons have no clue if given the chance the very animals they think they are fending for are the same bastards who would slice your throat with no second thoughts.

What idiots don't know is amazing. Just like the pathetic trendy liberal who thought she knew it all and everybody was oh so full of s...t she decided to walk through Turkey saying oh they're nice people nobody will hurt me the dumb bitch ended up dead.

Leftist trendy's have no logic no common sense and are the dumbest jackasses on the planet.

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