German state minister says foreigners behind Cologne violence


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Doh! Are people like this purposely dense or are they so innately stupid that discovering this is a shock to them?

Based on testimony from witnesses, the report from the Cologne police and descriptions by the federal police, it looks as if people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts,” Ralf Jaeger, interior minister from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia told a special commission on the Cologne violence.

And it take until now for them to come up with this finding?
The word for rape jihad is Taharrush...

The Arabic gang-rape 'Taharrush' phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted... and has now spread to Europe
12 January 2016 | The Arabic term 'taharrush' roughly translates to 'collective harassment'; It refers to sexual assaults carried out by groups of men in public places; Surrounded by dozens of attackers, lone women are groped or raped; The phenomenon was first seen in 2011 when a reporter was attacked; Lara Logan endured an assault while reporting on the protests in Egypt; Police say attacks in Cologne marked Europe's first instance of taharrush
Police fear a gang-rape phenomenon known as 'taharrush gamea' in the Arab world and seen in attacks on women across German cities at the New Year has now spread to Europe. The name of the practice translates to 'collective harassment' and is carried out by large groups of men who sexually assault lone women, either by groping, or in some instances, raping them. The men first surround their victim in circles. Some then sexually assault her, while others not directly involved watch or divert outsiders' attention to what is occurring. Sometimes the terrified victim - in a state of shock and unable to respond - is also robbed during the ordeal. And the attack usually goes unpunished because the large number of perpetrators and chaos of the attack means authorities are unable to identify those involved. Sometimes the terrified victim - in a state of shock and unable to respond - is also robbed during the ordeal. And the attack usually goes unpunished because the large number of perpetrators and chaos of the attack means authorities are unable to identify those involved.


CBS reporter Lara Logan, photographed in Cairo's Tahrir Square moments before she was assaulted in 2011. Her attack was one of the first known instances of 'taharrush' to be reported in Western media​

It was revealed that as she was pulled into the frenzy the camera recorded her shouting 'Stop.' It was revealed that someone in the crowd falsely shouted out that she was an Israeli Jew. Angie Abdelmonem, a doctoral candidate at Arizona State University, recently published a study into the instances of 'taharrush' seen during the Egyptian Revolution. She said the 'violent nature of sexual harassment and assault in Tahrir Square captured global attention', but many locally initially believed the state was hiring thugs to harass women and stem public protest. 'This [perception] shifted on February 11, the day Mubarak stepped down, with the mob assault and rape of CBS correspondent, Lara Logan,' she wrote. 'Between 2011 and 2013, sexual harassment became common at protests in Tahrir Square, exemplified by a number of highly publicized violent attacks that demonstrate how women’s bodies became objectified and dehumanized during the uprising.'

She goes on to conclude the lack of 'conceptual boundaries' of the term further blurred the lines of when acceptable flirtation became harassment. German police believe it was 'taharrush' committed in Cologne and other cities at New Year by Arab and North African men that led to hundreds of police complaints in the following weeks. German federal police told Die Welt that crimes are committed by groups of young men during large gatherings of people, such as demonstrations, and range from sexual harassment to rape. It was the first instance of the phenomenon having reached Europe, and as the scale of the attacks in the city slowly emerged, other centres, such as Zurich and Salzburg, reported similar crimes.


A teenager named only as Michelle (pictured), 18, described how the New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne a fortnight ago turned into targeted and coordinated attacks on women​

A report from the Interior Ministry in North Rhine-Wesphalia (NRW) state, where Cologne lies, said 516 criminal complaints had been registered, 237 of which were of a sexual nature. A separate report from the Cologne police gave graphic descriptions of the crimes, listing case after case of women surrounded by gangs of men who put their hands in the victims' pants and skirts, grabbed them between the legs, on the buttocks and the breasts, often while stealing their wallets and cell phones. A total of 19 suspects have been identified, all foreigners.

The Arabic gang-rape 'Taharrush' phenomenon which has spread to Europe

See also:

Ten Horrifying Stories of Muslims Gang Raping White Women
12 January 2016 - In Stockholm, Sweden, as many as 20 Muslim men gang-raped an 11-year-old girl.
1. A mother was hosting a birthday party at a public bath/swim center for a group of 11 and 12 year old children. Up to 20 Muslim men who lived at a nearby refugee center arrived at the public bath. They immediately began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys when they tried to stop the assault. Eventually, the men cornered one of the little girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to make any arrests.


2. England has probably the most massive Muslim rape and prostitution problem in Europe, in large part because the British government refuses to acknowledge it. Two years ago, the British online paper, The Daily Mail reported that hundreds of white British girls were used as prostitutes, rape victims, and sex slaves by Muslim men (whom the British refer to a “Asians”):

Police and social services have been accused of fuelling a culture of silence which has allowed hundreds of young white girls to be exploited by Asian men for sex. Agencies have identified a long-term pattern of offending by gangs of men, predominantly from the British Pakistani community, who have befriended and abused hundreds of vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16. Experts claim the statistics represent a mere fraction of a ‘tidal wave’ of offending in counties across the Midlands and the north of England which has been going on for more than a decade.

And the Leftists continue to apologize for Islam, claiming these thugs and barbarians are not an example of what it stands for.


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