German Violations of International Law in WWII

Joe Bruno

Active Member
Oct 11, 2019
San Diego
Nazi Violations of International law in WWII

Some revisionists claim that the laws the defendants at Nuremberg were charged with breaking were not enacted until after WWII. This is patently false.

Violation of laws of war by the Nazis

Hague Convention of 1899:Germany signed it.

Here is the law:

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague II); July 29, 1899

Killing of unarmed civilians-Article 46 prohibits it

Count 1

Darkest atrocities of Nazis laid bare in secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war | Daily Mail Online

Confiscating or damaging property of unarmed civiliansArticle 46 prohibits it

Count 2

Killing Prisoners of war-Article 23 prohibits it

Massacre at Malmedy

Article 25-Bans bombing or shelling of unfortified cities(Warsaw,Athens ,Rotterdam)

Luftwaffe Terror Raids : Warsaw

Nazis bomb Athens, Greece... -

The aerial bombing of Rotterdam by German forces

Article 52-forbids deporting civilians for slave labor

Avalon Project : Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Volume 1 Chapter X - The Slave Labor Program, The Illegal Use of Prisoners of War

Border treaties-crossing them with armed forces without permission is prohibited

Violation of the Versailles Treaty,-part of international law-Germany signed it.

The treaty forbid Germany to rearm and limited her Army to 100,000 men

1. To be fair, Great Britain committed war atrocities as well, particularly the terror bombing of German cities.

2. In many ways, the Japanese committed worse atrocities than the Germans. Why aren't they held to the same standards?

3. Do you consider the U.S. bombing of Japanese cities to be violations of international law?
Nazi Violations of International law in WWII

Some revisionists claim that the laws the defendants at Nuremberg were charged with breaking were not enacted until after WWII. This is patently false.

Violation of laws of war by the Nazis

Hague Convention of 1899:Germany signed it.

Here is the law:

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague II); July 29, 1899

Killing of unarmed civilians-Article 46 prohibits it

Count 1

Darkest atrocities of Nazis laid bare in secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war | Daily Mail Online

Confiscating or damaging property of unarmed civiliansArticle 46 prohibits it

Count 2

Killing Prisoners of war-Article 23 prohibits it

Massacre at Malmedy

Article 25-Bans bombing or shelling of unfortified cities(Warsaw,Athens ,Rotterdam)

Luftwaffe Terror Raids : Warsaw

Nazis bomb Athens, Greece... -

The aerial bombing of Rotterdam by German forces

Article 52-forbids deporting civilians for slave labor

Avalon Project : Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Volume 1 Chapter X - The Slave Labor Program, The Illegal Use of Prisoners of War

Border treaties-crossing them with armed forces without permission is prohibited

Violation of the Versailles Treaty,-part of international law-Germany signed it.

The treaty forbid Germany to rearm and limited her Army to 100,000 men


You have some good points here. Although, the same kinds of atrocities have been committed in wars since antiquity. So I can understand why the Germans were a little bit peevish about being called out for it.

But what really rakes my ass is the fact that the Fuhrerette, Angela Merkel, refuses to take any responsibility, even going so far as to attack our President. I don't get that, Germany has no room to criticize anyone over anything.
1. To be fair, Great Britain committed war atrocities as well, particularly the terror bombing of German cities.

2. In many ways, the Japanese committed worse atrocities than the Germans. Why aren't they held to the same standards?

3. Do you consider the U.S. bombing of Japanese cities to be violations of international law? many books/laws/Constitution/GUIDEbooks/Geneva Convention/etc--they can't think or write up everything--...especially ''new'' problems/wars/ the INDIRECT bombing of civilians was not a war crime was TOTAL WAR!!! if the Germans are going to bomb London--MoFO!! -you are going to bomb them back
to·tal war
  1. a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded.
Nazi Violations of International law in WWII

Some revisionists claim that the laws the defendants at Nuremberg were charged with breaking were not enacted until after WWII. This is patently false.

Violation of laws of war by the Nazis

Hague Convention of 1899:Germany signed it.

Here is the law:

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague II); July 29, 1899

Killing of unarmed civilians-Article 46 prohibits it

Count 1

Darkest atrocities of Nazis laid bare in secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war | Daily Mail Online

Confiscating or damaging property of unarmed civiliansArticle 46 prohibits it

Count 2

Killing Prisoners of war-Article 23 prohibits it

Massacre at Malmedy

Article 25-Bans bombing or shelling of unfortified cities(Warsaw,Athens ,Rotterdam)

Luftwaffe Terror Raids : Warsaw

Nazis bomb Athens, Greece... -

The aerial bombing of Rotterdam by German forces

Article 52-forbids deporting civilians for slave labor

Avalon Project : Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Volume 1 Chapter X - The Slave Labor Program, The Illegal Use of Prisoners of War

Border treaties-crossing them with armed forces without permission is prohibited

Violation of the Versailles Treaty,-part of international law-Germany signed it.

The treaty forbid Germany to rearm and limited her Army to 100,000 men

...maybe I missed it, but do you have links for the examples of what the revisionists claimed?
Nazi Violations of International law in WWII

Some revisionists claim that the laws the defendants at Nuremberg were charged with breaking were not enacted until after WWII. This is patently false.

Violation of laws of war by the Nazis

Hague Convention of 1899:Germany signed it.

Here is the law:

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague II); July 29, 1899

Killing of unarmed civilians-Article 46 prohibits it

Count 1

Darkest atrocities of Nazis laid bare in secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war | Daily Mail Online

Confiscating or damaging property of unarmed civiliansArticle 46 prohibits it

Count 2

Killing Prisoners of war-Article 23 prohibits it

Massacre at Malmedy

Article 25-Bans bombing or shelling of unfortified cities(Warsaw,Athens ,Rotterdam)

Luftwaffe Terror Raids : Warsaw

Nazis bomb Athens, Greece... -

The aerial bombing of Rotterdam by German forces

Article 52-forbids deporting civilians for slave labor

Avalon Project : Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Volume 1 Chapter X - The Slave Labor Program, The Illegal Use of Prisoners of War

Border treaties-crossing them with armed forces without permission is prohibited

Violation of the Versailles Treaty,-part of international law-Germany signed it.

The treaty forbid Germany to rearm and limited her Army to 100,000 men


New information?
the INDIRECT bombing of civilians was not a war crime was TOTAL WAR!!! if the Germans are going to bomb London--MoFO!! -you are going to bomb them back

LOL, are you serious? Britain declared war on Germany, not vice versa. Churchill used the accidental bombing of Coventry during the Battle of Britain as an excuse to bomb civilians throughout Germany. Hitler then retaliated with the Blitz of London.

The fire bombing of Dresden at the end of the war was as much a war crime as anything the Germans did.

Apparently, you believe Total War is fine for the victors, but a horrible crime for the losers.
the INDIRECT bombing of civilians was not a war crime was TOTAL WAR!!! if the Germans are going to bomb London--MoFO!! -you are going to bomb them back

LOL, are you serious? Britain declared war on Germany, not vice versa. Churchill used the accidental bombing of Coventry as an excuse to bomb civilians throughout Germany. Hitler retaliated with the Blitz. The fire bombing of Dresden at the end of the war was as much a war crime as anything the Germans did.

Apparently, you believe Total War is fine for the victors, but a horrible crime for the losers.

Having a hard time building up much sympathy for The Germans...

Having a hard time building up much sympathy for The Germans...

How about the Japanese? Why should they get a pass?

Actually, the Japanese were tried for war crimes (just like the Germans).

Nearly 1,000 of the accused were sentenced to death. About 500 received life sentences. 3,000 received lesser prison sentences.
the INDIRECT bombing of civilians was not a war crime was TOTAL WAR!!! if the Germans are going to bomb London--MoFO!! -you are going to bomb them back

LOL, are you serious? Britain declared war on Germany, not vice versa. Churchill used the accidental bombing of Coventry during the Battle of Britain as an excuse to bomb civilians throughout Germany. Hitler then retaliated with the Blitz of London.

The fire bombing of Dresden at the end of the war was as much a war crime as anything the Germans did.

Apparently, you believe Total War is fine for the victors, but a horrible crime for the losers.
hahahhahahah---yes--WW2 was Britain's fault-----hahahahhahahahahahah
''accidental''''--another hahahhahahahahahhahah
the INDIRECT bombing of civilians was not a war crime was TOTAL WAR!!! if the Germans are going to bomb London--MoFO!! -you are going to bomb them back

LOL, are you serious? Britain declared war on Germany, not vice versa. Churchill used the accidental bombing of Coventry during the Battle of Britain as an excuse to bomb civilians throughout Germany. Hitler then retaliated with the Blitz of London.

The fire bombing of Dresden at the end of the war was as much a war crime as anything the Germans did.

Apparently, you believe Total War is fine for the victors, but a horrible crime for the losers. usual, you people think 1 dimensionally--unrealistically ....the winners choose what's right and what's wrong
Japanese War Crimes
R. J. Rummel estimates the civilian victims of Japanese war crimes at 5,424,000. Detailed by country: China 3,695,000; Indochina 457,000; Korea 378,000; Indonesia 375,000; Malaya-Singapore 283,000; Philippines 119,000, Burma 60,000 and Pacific Islands 57,000.
Werner Gruhl estimates the civilian victims of Japanese war crimes at 20,365,000. Detailed by country: China 12,392,000; Indochina 1,500,000; Korea 500,000; Dutch East Indies 3,000,000; Malaya and Singapore 100,000 ; Philippines 500,000; Burma 170,000; Forced laborers in Southeast Asia 70,000, 30,000 interned non-Asian civilians; Timor 60,000; Thailand and Pacific Islands 60,000.Werner Gruhl estimates POW deaths in Japanese captivity at 331,584. Detailed by country: China 270,000; Netherlands 8,500; U.K. 12,433; Canada 273; Philippines 20,000; Australia 7,412; New Zealand 31; and the United States 12,935
Out of “60,000" Indian Army POWs taken at the Fall of Singapore, 11,000 died in captivity
There were 14,657 deaths among the total 130,895 western civilians interned by the Japanese due to famine and disease.
Japanese War Crimes
R. J. Rummel estimates the civilian victims of Japanese war crimes at 5,424,000. Detailed by country: China 3,695,000; Indochina 457,000; Korea 378,000; Indonesia 375,000; Malaya-Singapore 283,000; Philippines 119,000, Burma 60,000 and Pacific Islands 57,000.
Werner Gruhl estimates the civilian victims of Japanese war crimes at 20,365,000. Detailed by country: China 12,392,000; Indochina 1,500,000; Korea 500,000; Dutch East Indies 3,000,000; Malaya and Singapore 100,000 ; Philippines 500,000; Burma 170,000; Forced laborers in Southeast Asia 70,000, 30,000 interned non-Asian civilians; Timor 60,000; Thailand and Pacific Islands 60,000.Werner Gruhl estimates POW deaths in Japanese captivity at 331,584. Detailed by country: China 270,000; Netherlands 8,500; U.K. 12,433; Canada 273; Philippines 20,000; Australia 7,412; New Zealand 31; and the United States 12,935
Out of “60,000" Indian Army POWs taken at the Fall of Singapore, 11,000 died in captivity
There were 14,657 deaths among the total 130,895 western civilians interned by the Japanese due to famine and disease.
Actually, the Japanese were tried for war crimes (just like the Germans).

Take a look:

List of Axis personnel indicted for war crimes - Wikipedia

International Military Tribunal for the Far East - Wikipedia

More than 5,700 lower-ranking personnel were charged with conventional war crimes in separate trials convened by Australia, China, France, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The charges covered a wide range of crimes including prisoner abuse, rape, sexual slavery, torture, ill-treatment of labourers, execution without trial, and inhumane medical experiments. The trials took place in around fifty locations in Asia and the Pacific. Most trials were completed by 1949, but Australia held some trials in 1951.[18] China held 13 tribunals, resulting in 504 convictions and 149 executions.

Of the 5,700 Japanese individuals indicted for Class B war crimes, 984 were sentenced to death; 475 received life sentences; 2,944 were given more limited prison terms; 1,018 were acquitted; and 279 were never brought to trial or not sentenced. The number of death sentences by country is as follows: the Netherlands 236, Great Britain 223, Australia 153, China 149, United States 140, France 26, and Philippines 17
The Germans committed war crimes and atrocities during the second world war? You've gotta be shitting me!
Actually, the Japanese were tried for war crimes (just like the Germans). Nearly 1,000 of the accused were sentenced to death. About 500 received life sentences. 3,000 received lesser prison sentences.

Speaking of Japan, I listened to this book called "Supreme Commander" on Audible. Your first audiobook is FREE. It's great for long car rides, etc. Anyway, it was a great listen. It talked about how MacArthur and his team governed Japan.



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