Germanwings A320 and Malaysian MH17


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Interesting thing. Germanwings A320 plane crash in French Alps investigation took about 4 days. Now we know who is to blame. It remains to determine the reasons.

And what about MH17 investigation?

As you remember the plane was shot down on July 17 of last year. More than eight months since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down. Are there any real facts about what happened to MH17?
Whether there is some dependence of the quickness of the investigation on the possibility to accuse Russia?
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Oh, really? I did not know...
Oh yeah, Russia, Land of Barbarians. Of course....
We hear so much about apparent facts but the ability of the USA to see a sex a gnat on the ground from space has yet to produce their indisputable proof of what actually happened.
Nobody offers indisputable evidence.
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Lies, lies, and more lies....

Not everyone believes that BS. When will you ever learn?

Who Shot Down MH17?
Michael S. Rozeff

A new 15-page report is out. It contains more detail than anything yet available. It contains more reasoning based on the evidence. It has photographs. Its conclusion is that a Ukrainian jet airplane shot down the Boeing 777. The case it makes is persuasive.

Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy
Posted on December 23, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

Decisive evidence as to how the July 17th shooting-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner occurred is being hidden by the four-nation team thatā€™s doing the official ā€˜investigationā€™ into the plane-downing incident.

First, see this, which explains why, if a ground-based missile shot down the airliner, then there can be no bullet-holes and no bullets, in the wreckage, nor in any of the corpses:

The decisive additional evidence (above and beyond that, which already is enough to prove that the Ukrainian Air Force shot the airliner down, and did it intentionally) is the coronerā€™s report on the corpse of the airlinerā€™s pilot. If the pilot was killed by bullets, then the standard ā€˜explanationā€™ of the downing (that the plane was downed by a ground-fired missile) isnā€™t just false, itā€™s an outright hoax. So: whereā€™s the pilotā€™s autopsy?

This investigation is important because stringent economic sanctions against Russia were instituted immediately after the downing; these sanctions were based upon never-substantiated charges from the Ukrainian Government, and from its sponsor the U.S. Government, alleging that the plane had been downed by rebels who were supported by Russia. (The ā€œBukā€ missile launcher charged by Ukraine as the cause was actually manned by Ukraineā€™s soldiers.)

The same Government, the U.S., that had lied its way into invading Iraq, might now be orchestrating still-more-dangerous frauds, with the potential even for a nuclear war against Russia.

The four nations doing the official investigation and report into the airliner-downing are: Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, and Netherlands. All four are U.S. allies; and, one of them, Ukraine, is one of the two main suspects in this case, the other being separatists against the Ukrainian Government. (Theyā€™re not represented in this ā€˜investigation.ā€™) The United States and Ukraine say that the airliner was downed by separatists who mistakenly thought that they were shooting down a Ukrainian bomber instead of an airliner. (Even if that had been true, the U.S. would still have been the ultimate cause of the downing. The whole cover-story was designed to be believed only by fools.)

However, the Ukrainian Government, which until now has maintained steadfastly that there is only one possible explanation for the downing ā€” their explanation, that it had been downed by a ā€œBukā€ ground-fired missile controlled by the rebels ā€” finally changed their tune on December 21st, and announced that maybe it wasnā€™t. Apparently, the other three nations on the team are refusing to sign their names onto a joint report from all four (according to the secret agreement signed by them all on August 8th, this report will be unanimous or else it wonā€™t be at all) that commits to Ukraineā€™s ā€˜explanation,ā€™ because the real evidence is overwhelmingly against it ā€” as will herein be explained and documented.

According to Londonā€™s Daily Mail on December 5th, a video documentary from a Russian journalist ā€œsuggestedā€ that, ā€œpieces of 30mm rounds were found in the bodies of the pilots.ā€ 30mm bullets are the same size of bullets that come from the types of fighter-jet planes that are in the Ukrainian Air Force, including the following jets: Su-25, Su-27, and Mig-29. 30mm bullets are very different from missile-shrapnel, which the U.S. and Ukraine allege had brought down this airliner.

A retired Lufthansa pilot, Peter Haisenko, examined a remarkably clear photo of the key piece of evidence on the downing, which is the side-panel of the fuselage right next to the pilot; this panel was riddled with what he said were 30mm bullet holes, shot right into the spot where the pilotā€™s belly would be. Apparently (if Haisenko is correct), the airlinerā€™s pilot was machine-gunned to death, his belly was ripped into by a hail of bullets, after which the attacking jet or jets fired a missile into the airlinerā€™s body, and the airliner then promptly plummeted to earth. No ground-fired missile was involved. (The ground-fired ā€œBukā€ would have been 33,000 feet below, much too far away for precise targeting at the planeā€™s pilot; and shrapnel-holes are not round; theyā€™re very different from bullet-holes.)



I recommend to click on the little picture to the right. You can download this photo as a PDF in good resolution. This is necessary, because that will allow you understand what I am describing here. The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likeley that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile. The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes showing shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that at these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent ā€“ outwardly! Furthermore, minor cuts can be seen, all bent outward, which indicate that shrapnel had forcefull exited through the outer skin from the inside of the cockpit. The open rivets are are also bent outward.
AnderweltOnline Shocking Analysis of the Shooting Down of Malaysian MH17
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Lies, lies, and more lies....

Not everyone believes that BS. When will you ever learn?

Who Shot Down MH17?
Michael S. Rozeff

A new 15-page report is out. It contains more detail than anything yet available. It contains more reasoning based on the evidence. It has photographs. Its conclusion is that a Ukrainian jet airplane shot down the Boeing 777. The case it makes is persuasive.

Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy
Posted on December 23, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

Decisive evidence as to how the July 17th shooting-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner occurred is being hidden by the four-nation team thatā€™s doing the official ā€˜investigationā€™ into the plane-downing incident.

First, see this, which explains why, if a ground-based missile shot down the airliner, then there can be no bullet-holes and no bullets, in the wreckage, nor in any of the corpses: Western News-Suppression about the Downing of MH-17 Malaysian Jet

The decisive additional evidence (above and beyond that, which already is enough to prove that the Ukrainian Air Force shot the airliner down, and did it intentionally) is the coronerā€™s report on the corpse of the airlinerā€™s pilot. If the pilot was killed by bullets, then the standard ā€˜explanationā€™ of the downing (that the plane was downed by a ground-fired missile) isnā€™t just false, itā€™s an outright hoax. So: whereā€™s the pilotā€™s autopsy?

This investigation is important because stringent economic sanctions against Russia were instituted immediately after the downing; these sanctions were based upon never-substantiated charges from the Ukrainian Government, and from its sponsor the U.S. Government, alleging that the plane had been downed by rebels who were supported by Russia. (The ā€œBukā€ missile launcher charged by Ukraine as the cause was actually manned by Ukraineā€™s soldiers.)

The same Government, the U.S., that had lied its way into invading Iraq, might now be orchestrating still-more-dangerous frauds, with the potential even for a nuclear war against Russia.

The four nations doing the official investigation and report into the airliner-downing are: Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, and Netherlands. All four are U.S. allies; and, one of them, Ukraine, is one of the two main suspects in this case, the other being separatists against the Ukrainian Government. (Theyā€™re not represented in this ā€˜investigation.ā€™) The United States and Ukraine say that the airliner was downed by separatists who mistakenly thought that they were shooting down a Ukrainian bomber instead of an airliner. (Even if that had been true, the U.S. would still have been the ultimate cause of the downing. The whole cover-story was designed to be believed only by fools.)

However, the Ukrainian Government, which until now has maintained steadfastly that there is only one possible explanation for the downing ā€” their explanation, that it had been downed by a ā€œBukā€ ground-fired missile controlled by the rebels ā€” finally changed their tune on December 21st, and announced that maybe it wasnā€™t. Apparently, the other three nations on the team are refusing to sign their names onto a joint report from all four (according to the secret agreement signed by them all on August 8th, this report will be unanimous or else it wonā€™t be at all) that commits to Ukraineā€™s ā€˜explanation,ā€™ because the real evidence is overwhelmingly against it ā€” as will herein be explained and documented.

According to Londonā€™s Daily Mail on December 5th, a video documentary from a Russian journalist ā€œsuggestedā€ that, ā€œpieces of 30mm rounds were found in the bodies of the pilots.ā€ 30mm bullets are the same size of bullets that come from the types of fighter-jet planes that are in the Ukrainian Air Force, including the following jets: Su-25, Su-27, and Mig-29. 30mm bullets are very different from missile-shrapnel, which the U.S. and Ukraine allege had brought down this airliner.

A retired Lufthansa pilot, Peter Haisenko, examined a remarkably clear photo of the key piece of evidence on the downing, which is the side-panel of the fuselage right next to the pilot; this panel was riddled with what he said were 30mm bullet holes, shot right into the spot where the pilotā€™s belly would be. Apparently (if Haisenko is correct), the airlinerā€™s pilot was machine-gunned to death, his belly was ripped into by a hail of bullets, after which the attacking jet or jets fired a missile into the airlinerā€™s body, and the airliner then promptly plummeted to earth. No ground-fired missile was involved. (The ground-fired ā€œBukā€ would have been 33,000 feet below, much too far away for precise targeting at the planeā€™s pilot; and shrapnel-holes are not round; theyā€™re very different from bullet-holes.)



I recommend to click on the little picture to the right. You can download this photo as a PDF in good resolution. This is necessary, because that will allow you understand what I am describing here. The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likeley that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile. The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes showing shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that at these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent ā€“ outwardly! Furthermore, minor cuts can be seen, all bent outward, which indicate that shrapnel had forcefull exited through the outer skin from the inside of the cockpit. The open rivets are are also bent outward.
AnderweltOnline Shocking Analysis of the Shooting Down of Malaysian MH17
The Eric Zuesse so called investigation was refuted and debunked immediately when it came out. His investigation was admittedly based on his viewing of photographs with limited if any access to witnesses. In short, he omitted a great deal of evidence to make his pro Russia anti Ukraine article which he fraudulently added the word "investigation" to make it seem like some kind of scientific or law enforcement type investigation was conducted. The most obvious indications his article was a joke were his claim that MH17 was shot down by a Ukraine jet fighter that has a ceiling of 25,000 feet when MH17 was shot down while flying at 33,000 feet. That plus his photo analysis of the missile fragment holes in the fuselage. He claimed they were made by the weapon system used on the Ukraine fighter. That was proven wrong when Dutch authorities made actual physical examinations of the fuselage pieces. However, people with expertise of the weapon in question knew immediately Suesse's assessment was wrong just by his faulty analysis that indicated his lack of expertise about the size of the holes the 30mm cannon projectile would have caused.
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Lies, lies, and more lies....

Not everyone believes that BS. When will you ever learn?

Who Shot Down MH17?
Michael S. Rozeff

A new 15-page report is out. It contains more detail than anything yet available. It contains more reasoning based on the evidence. It has photographs. Its conclusion is that a Ukrainian jet airplane shot down the Boeing 777. The case it makes is persuasive.

Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy
Posted on December 23, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

Decisive evidence as to how the July 17th shooting-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner occurred is being hidden by the four-nation team thatā€™s doing the official ā€˜investigationā€™ into the plane-downing incident.

First, see this, which explains why, if a ground-based missile shot down the airliner, then there can be no bullet-holes and no bullets, in the wreckage, nor in any of the corpses: Western News-Suppression about the Downing of MH-17 Malaysian Jet

The decisive additional evidence (above and beyond that, which already is enough to prove that the Ukrainian Air Force shot the airliner down, and did it intentionally) is the coronerā€™s report on the corpse of the airlinerā€™s pilot. If the pilot was killed by bullets, then the standard ā€˜explanationā€™ of the downing (that the plane was downed by a ground-fired missile) isnā€™t just false, itā€™s an outright hoax. So: whereā€™s the pilotā€™s autopsy?

This investigation is important because stringent economic sanctions against Russia were instituted immediately after the downing; these sanctions were based upon never-substantiated charges from the Ukrainian Government, and from its sponsor the U.S. Government, alleging that the plane had been downed by rebels who were supported by Russia. (The ā€œBukā€ missile launcher charged by Ukraine as the cause was actually manned by Ukraineā€™s soldiers.)

The same Government, the U.S., that had lied its way into invading Iraq, might now be orchestrating still-more-dangerous frauds, with the potential even for a nuclear war against Russia.

The four nations doing the official investigation and report into the airliner-downing are: Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, and Netherlands. All four are U.S. allies; and, one of them, Ukraine, is one of the two main suspects in this case, the other being separatists against the Ukrainian Government. (Theyā€™re not represented in this ā€˜investigation.ā€™) The United States and Ukraine say that the airliner was downed by separatists who mistakenly thought that they were shooting down a Ukrainian bomber instead of an airliner. (Even if that had been true, the U.S. would still have been the ultimate cause of the downing. The whole cover-story was designed to be believed only by fools.)

However, the Ukrainian Government, which until now has maintained steadfastly that there is only one possible explanation for the downing ā€” their explanation, that it had been downed by a ā€œBukā€ ground-fired missile controlled by the rebels ā€” finally changed their tune on December 21st, and announced that maybe it wasnā€™t. Apparently, the other three nations on the team are refusing to sign their names onto a joint report from all four (according to the secret agreement signed by them all on August 8th, this report will be unanimous or else it wonā€™t be at all) that commits to Ukraineā€™s ā€˜explanation,ā€™ because the real evidence is overwhelmingly against it ā€” as will herein be explained and documented.

According to Londonā€™s Daily Mail on December 5th, a video documentary from a Russian journalist ā€œsuggestedā€ that, ā€œpieces of 30mm rounds were found in the bodies of the pilots.ā€ 30mm bullets are the same size of bullets that come from the types of fighter-jet planes that are in the Ukrainian Air Force, including the following jets: Su-25, Su-27, and Mig-29. 30mm bullets are very different from missile-shrapnel, which the U.S. and Ukraine allege had brought down this airliner.

A retired Lufthansa pilot, Peter Haisenko, examined a remarkably clear photo of the key piece of evidence on the downing, which is the side-panel of the fuselage right next to the pilot; this panel was riddled with what he said were 30mm bullet holes, shot right into the spot where the pilotā€™s belly would be. Apparently (if Haisenko is correct), the airlinerā€™s pilot was machine-gunned to death, his belly was ripped into by a hail of bullets, after which the attacking jet or jets fired a missile into the airlinerā€™s body, and the airliner then promptly plummeted to earth. No ground-fired missile was involved. (The ground-fired ā€œBukā€ would have been 33,000 feet below, much too far away for precise targeting at the planeā€™s pilot; and shrapnel-holes are not round; theyā€™re very different from bullet-holes.)



I recommend to click on the little picture to the right. You can download this photo as a PDF in good resolution. This is necessary, because that will allow you understand what I am describing here. The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likeley that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile. The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes showing shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that at these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent ā€“ outwardly! Furthermore, minor cuts can be seen, all bent outward, which indicate that shrapnel had forcefull exited through the outer skin from the inside of the cockpit. The open rivets are are also bent outward.
AnderweltOnline Shocking Analysis of the Shooting Down of Malaysian MH17
The Eric Zuesse so called investigation was refuted and debunked immediately when it came out. His investigation was admittedly based on his viewing of photographs with limited if any access to witnesses. In short, he omitted a great deal of evidence to make his pro Russia anti Ukraine article which he fraudulently added the word "investigation" to make it seem like some kind of scientific or law enforcement type investigation was conducted. The most obvious indications his article was a joke were his claim that MH17 was shot down by a Ukraine jet fighter that has a ceiling of 25,000 feet when MH17 was shot down while flying at 33,000 feet. That plus his photo analysis of the missile fragment holes in the fuselage. He claimed they were made by the weapon system used on the Ukraine fighter. That was proven wrong when Dutch authorities made actual physical examinations of the fuselage pieces. However, people with expertise of the weapon in question knew immediately Suesse's assessment was wrong just by his faulty analysis that indicated his lack of expertise about the size of the holes the 30mm cannon projectile would have caused.
Attack one source and ignore the others. Oh well...I expected that from you.
Everyone knows that MH17 was shot down by Russian equipped terrorist with a Russian missile. It took awhile for the facts to come out because the aircraft crashed in an area controlled by the rebel forces. With assistance from Russia, independent investigators were prevented from conducting an investigation and even the collection of victim remains. All this while the site was looted and the passengers personal possessions were robbed by the rebels. The Russian supported forces kept the investigators away while the bodies of the victims rotted in the sun and were feasted on by wild animals and dogs.
Lies, lies, and more lies....

Not everyone believes that BS. When will you ever learn?

Who Shot Down MH17?
Michael S. Rozeff

A new 15-page report is out. It contains more detail than anything yet available. It contains more reasoning based on the evidence. It has photographs. Its conclusion is that a Ukrainian jet airplane shot down the Boeing 777. The case it makes is persuasive.

Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy
Posted on December 23, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

Decisive evidence as to how the July 17th shooting-down of the MH17 Malaysian airliner occurred is being hidden by the four-nation team thatā€™s doing the official ā€˜investigationā€™ into the plane-downing incident.

First, see this, which explains why, if a ground-based missile shot down the airliner, then there can be no bullet-holes and no bullets, in the wreckage, nor in any of the corpses: Western News-Suppression about the Downing of MH-17 Malaysian Jet

The decisive additional evidence (above and beyond that, which already is enough to prove that the Ukrainian Air Force shot the airliner down, and did it intentionally) is the coronerā€™s report on the corpse of the airlinerā€™s pilot. If the pilot was killed by bullets, then the standard ā€˜explanationā€™ of the downing (that the plane was downed by a ground-fired missile) isnā€™t just false, itā€™s an outright hoax. So: whereā€™s the pilotā€™s autopsy?

This investigation is important because stringent economic sanctions against Russia were instituted immediately after the downing; these sanctions were based upon never-substantiated charges from the Ukrainian Government, and from its sponsor the U.S. Government, alleging that the plane had been downed by rebels who were supported by Russia. (The ā€œBukā€ missile launcher charged by Ukraine as the cause was actually manned by Ukraineā€™s soldiers.)

The same Government, the U.S., that had lied its way into invading Iraq, might now be orchestrating still-more-dangerous frauds, with the potential even for a nuclear war against Russia.

The four nations doing the official investigation and report into the airliner-downing are: Ukraine, Australia, Belgium, and Netherlands. All four are U.S. allies; and, one of them, Ukraine, is one of the two main suspects in this case, the other being separatists against the Ukrainian Government. (Theyā€™re not represented in this ā€˜investigation.ā€™) The United States and Ukraine say that the airliner was downed by separatists who mistakenly thought that they were shooting down a Ukrainian bomber instead of an airliner. (Even if that had been true, the U.S. would still have been the ultimate cause of the downing. The whole cover-story was designed to be believed only by fools.)

However, the Ukrainian Government, which until now has maintained steadfastly that there is only one possible explanation for the downing ā€” their explanation, that it had been downed by a ā€œBukā€ ground-fired missile controlled by the rebels ā€” finally changed their tune on December 21st, and announced that maybe it wasnā€™t. Apparently, the other three nations on the team are refusing to sign their names onto a joint report from all four (according to the secret agreement signed by them all on August 8th, this report will be unanimous or else it wonā€™t be at all) that commits to Ukraineā€™s ā€˜explanation,ā€™ because the real evidence is overwhelmingly against it ā€” as will herein be explained and documented.

According to Londonā€™s Daily Mail on December 5th, a video documentary from a Russian journalist ā€œsuggestedā€ that, ā€œpieces of 30mm rounds were found in the bodies of the pilots.ā€ 30mm bullets are the same size of bullets that come from the types of fighter-jet planes that are in the Ukrainian Air Force, including the following jets: Su-25, Su-27, and Mig-29. 30mm bullets are very different from missile-shrapnel, which the U.S. and Ukraine allege had brought down this airliner.

A retired Lufthansa pilot, Peter Haisenko, examined a remarkably clear photo of the key piece of evidence on the downing, which is the side-panel of the fuselage right next to the pilot; this panel was riddled with what he said were 30mm bullet holes, shot right into the spot where the pilotā€™s belly would be. Apparently (if Haisenko is correct), the airlinerā€™s pilot was machine-gunned to death, his belly was ripped into by a hail of bullets, after which the attacking jet or jets fired a missile into the airlinerā€™s body, and the airliner then promptly plummeted to earth. No ground-fired missile was involved. (The ground-fired ā€œBukā€ would have been 33,000 feet below, much too far away for precise targeting at the planeā€™s pilot; and shrapnel-holes are not round; theyā€™re very different from bullet-holes.)



I recommend to click on the little picture to the right. You can download this photo as a PDF in good resolution. This is necessary, because that will allow you understand what I am describing here. The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likeley that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile. The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes showing shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that at these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent ā€“ outwardly! Furthermore, minor cuts can be seen, all bent outward, which indicate that shrapnel had forcefull exited through the outer skin from the inside of the cockpit. The open rivets are are also bent outward.
AnderweltOnline Shocking Analysis of the Shooting Down of Malaysian MH17
The Eric Zuesse so called investigation was refuted and debunked immediately when it came out. His investigation was admittedly based on his viewing of photographs with limited if any access to witnesses. In short, he omitted a great deal of evidence to make his pro Russia anti Ukraine article which he fraudulently added the word "investigation" to make it seem like some kind of scientific or law enforcement type investigation was conducted. The most obvious indications his article was a joke were his claim that MH17 was shot down by a Ukraine jet fighter that has a ceiling of 25,000 feet when MH17 was shot down while flying at 33,000 feet. That plus his photo analysis of the missile fragment holes in the fuselage. He claimed they were made by the weapon system used on the Ukraine fighter. That was proven wrong when Dutch authorities made actual physical examinations of the fuselage pieces. However, people with expertise of the weapon in question knew immediately Suesse's assessment was wrong just by his faulty analysis that indicated his lack of expertise about the size of the holes the 30mm cannon projectile would have caused.
Attack one source and ignore the others. Oh well...I expected that from you.
The source of the report you have posted is the root source for all the articles that followed with that theory. There are pages and endless articles of this interpretation of the cause of the MH17 shoot down on the net and they all stand on this one authors theory. That is all it was, a theory that was latched unto by Russian media because it was propagated by a non Russian and published in a non Russian source. That is the jackpot for Russian propagandist. There is so much evidence against the rebels having shot down this aircraft with a Russian missile it is no longer given serious debate. From intercepted recordings of the rebels admitting committing the act to their Russian masters, eyewitness's that saw the missile being launched, the famous Bellingcat report that traced the missile launcher with private citizen provide photo's of the BUK as it moved from Russia to the launch site into rebel held territory and back again to Russia, the physical evidence finally retrieved from the crash side and the black boxes all support the accusations of the Russian supported rebel shootdown of MH17. None of it supports the long ago debunked nonsense article you are pushing.

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