Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on @Sobieski who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that;s still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.
Sobie has issues.
Blei is an out and out joke.
Unlike yourself, he throws dung at the wall hoping something will stick.
I never see you posting anything unfounded.
Blei will dance all night claiming Israel is committing genocide.

Anyone else posting half of what Sobieski posts would have been subjected to the biggest gang bang and we all know that. I mean WTF he has all but posted the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and it's all ignored. Bizarro.
Your ad hominems have a null impact on Israel's current ability to grind Hezbollah into dust.
And to be honest, your misery gladdens my heart.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

The BBC, yes.

The BBC hates everyone who isn't Muslim, this is what I get from the BBC World Service, it's all kiss the buttocks of Islam now mixed with We Hate Donald Trump.
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on @Sobieski who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that;s still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.
Sobie has issues.
Blei is an out and out joke.
Unlike yourself, he throws dung at the wall hoping something will stick.
I never see you posting anything unfounded.
Blei will dance all night claiming Israel is committing genocide.

Anyone else posting half of what Sobieski posts would have been subjected to the biggest gang bang and we all know that. I mean WTF he has all but posted the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and it's all ignored. Bizarro.
The moderators here have not been doing a very good job in terms of extreme posters, but if they did, the Liberals and Conservatives would be gone and there's be about 6 of us left.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

The BBC, yes.

The BBC hates everyone who isn't Muslim, this is what I get from the BBC World Service, it's all kiss the buttocks of Islam now mixed with We Hate Donald Trump.

BBC World Service is utter crap.
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

The BBC, yes.

The BBC hates everyone who isn't Muslim, this is what I get from the BBC World Service, it's all kiss the buttocks of Islam now mixed with We Hate Donald Trump.

BBC World Service is utter crap.

It's tragic because it didn't use to be it did have interesting and a variety of programmes, now it's all Muslims, attempting to tell people that Islam is the religion of peace, bashing Trump and pointless half hour programmes about hell holes like Liberia and The Congo.
No Iron Fist...
Your ad hominems have a null impact on Israel's current ability to grind Hezbollah into dust.
And to be honest, your misery gladdens my heart.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

There was no Bromberg Massacre before WW2, there was after WW2, which was provoked by local Germans collaborating with Nazi Germany to kill Polish people.
Of course provoked by the Germans because only Germans do bad things.

Such as?

I think I just request a new section added to this forum, it can be named:


Why not we have approx four different threads happening now all with people trashing Germany and Germanic peoples, in the new section all of you can indulge in "2 million German women deserved to be raped by the Communists that America and Britain supported", "If only we would have wiped them off the map we would not have anymore problems in the world" along with posting the usual Masturbation material of pictures of Hitler and Nazi symbols that you all enjoy masturbating to.

It's okay we know you all have a collection of Nazi porn in your houses.

Here masturbate to this women and children raped and murdered by YOUR Communist saviours, go ahead stroke yourselves to this you German haters remember these women and children deserved to be raped and murdered yes? Of course they did because they were German.

View attachment 166429

^^^^ I add that if German women and children deserved to be raped because of something they never took part in, then American and British women and children deserve to be raped by ALL MUSLIMS because America and Britain bombed Iraq and killed up to approx one million and five hundred thousand innocent Iraqi men women and children.
Your ad hominems have a null impact on Israel's current ability to grind Hezbollah into dust.
And to be honest, your misery gladdens my heart.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.

I have been to Haifa and Jerusalem, I was told not to go to Tel Aviv because it's full of Leftists and LGBTQ Crowd and I was told that by my Orthodox friends in Haifa, I don't know if Tel Aviv is like that but that is what they say to me.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.
Iron Dome is still the same it was in 2013.
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.
Iron Dome is still the same it was in 2013.
Uh, no.
I attended a lecture by the scientist who's was in charge of ID and who's now in charge of the new project and ID was constantly going through improvements.
No more, of course, because it's now old hat.
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.

I have been to Haifa and Jerusalem, I was told not to go to Tel Aviv because it's full of Leftists and LGBTQ Crowd and I was told that by my Orthodox friends in Haifa, I don't know if Tel Aviv is like that but that is what they say to me.
That is correct.
It's not easy to find kosher food in Tel Aviv.
Of course, when Hamas lobs rockets at Tel Aviv, they become very nationalistic.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
Article's dated 13 March 2013.
Are you a professional comedian?
Or just plain stupid?
2013 is centuries ago. So you must be right...
So technology in Germany hasn't advanced in almost 4 years?
How sad, but very difficult to believe.
Visit Israel every 6 months and you won't recognize a city because it's expanded and updated.
Iron Dome is still the same it was in 2013.
Uh, no.
I attended a lecture by the scientist who's was in charge of ID and who's now in charge of the new project and ID was constantly going through improvements.
No more, of course, because it's now old hat.
Yesterday you thought Iron Dome is a retaliation system that strikes a source of fire within 30 seconds!
Your posts drive a clown into suicide.
Stormfront is fanatically pro-German as a collective, they should be embarrassed of themselves, making up garbage like Poles killed over 30,000 Germans before WW2 in Bromberg Massacre, which never happened.
giving excuses for Germans in WW2 destroying White cities like Warsaw, and Rotterdam.

Bromberger Blutsonntag did happen, though I think approx 400-460 Germans were killed by you Polish peasants.

There was no Bromberg Massacre before WW2, there was after WW2, which was provoked by local Germans collaborating with Nazi Germany to kill Polish people.
Of course provoked by the Germans because only Germans do bad things.

Such as?

I think I just request a new section added to this forum, it can be named:


Why not we have approx four different threads happening now all with people trashing Germany and Germanic peoples, in the new section all of you can indulge in "2 million German women deserved to be raped by the Communists that America and Britain supported", "If only we would have wiped them off the map we would not have anymore problems in the world" along with posting the usual Masturbation material of pictures of Hitler and Nazi symbols that you all enjoy masturbating to.

It's okay we know you all have a collection of Nazi porn in your houses.

Here masturbate to this women and children raped and murdered by YOUR Communist saviours, go ahead stroke yourselves to this you German haters remember these women and children deserved to be raped and murdered yes? Of course they did because they were German.

View attachment 166429

What's your fascination with the Germans?

You don't seem to support Merkel, or Hitler, or perhaps you secretly do.

My criticisms of Germans are pretty spot on, tell me why people should like a people who change in 70 years from Hitler who killed mostly Whites to Merkel who supports Islam above Whites?
Your ad hominems have a null impact on Israel's current ability to grind Hezbollah into dust.
And to be honest, your misery gladdens my heart.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on SobieskiSavedEurope who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that's still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.

I even posted twice that he posts on Stormfront and you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd all ignored that. Strange.

Not really, Roudy the Jewish Israel first guy, really flipped out at me, bad.
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on @Sobieski who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that;s still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.
Sobie has issues.
Blei is an out and out joke.
Unlike yourself, he throws dung at the wall hoping something will stick.
I never see you posting anything unfounded.
Blei will dance all night claiming Israel is committing genocide.

Anyone else posting half of what Sobieski posts would have been subjected to the biggest gang bang and we all know that. I mean WTF he has all but posted the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and it's all ignored. Bizarro.

This forum seems to be very free-speech oriented.

Besides, most of what I've posted here has had a factual basis.

I'm only slightly more extreme than yourself, if I can't post here, what makes you so sure you could?
Besides, most of what I've posted here has had a factual basis.
The word you meant is fecal, Soby.

When hasn't Germany bullied it's neighbors?

Even Merkel's a bully.

I'm so sorry that reality doesn't sound good for Germans.
We don´t. Actually, we never did. We are that stupid we sell Poland Mig-29 for one Euro each.
Yes, and we donated butter to Poland and they repacked it and sold it back to Germany.
Besides, most of what I've posted here has had a factual basis.
The word you meant is fecal, Soby.

When hasn't Germany bullied it's neighbors?

Even Merkel's a bully.

I'm so sorry that reality doesn't sound good for Germans.
We don´t. Actually, we never did. We are that stupid we sell Poland Mig-29 for one Euro each.
Yes, and we donated butter to Poland and they repacked it and sold it back to Germany.

Macron and Merkel take tough line on Poland

  • 'If the commission considers it is forced to resort to sanctions, we would also support the commission,' Macron and Merkel said. (Photo: Consilium)

BRUSSELS, 15. DEC, 17:58
France and Germany have pledged to back the European Commission if it triggers sanctions against Poland next week.

"If the commission thinks it has to trigger the procedure, we have a very clear and consistent position - we'll support the commission," French president Emmanuel Macron said in Brussels on Friday (15 December).

German chancellor Angela Merkel said: "If the commission considers it is forced to resort [to sanctions], we would also support the commission".

They spoke at a joint briefing after an EU summit that took place amid a long-standing row on Poland's controversial judicial reforms.

Macron and Merkel take tough line on Poland

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