Germany increases use of COAL


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Despite recent news of German's Green Energy being successful, Coal use is increasing dramatically.

How can Coal use increase, while Green Energy claims such dramatic production rates?

Its kind of simple, Green Energy fluctuates widely, at noon on one day Green Energy spikes, for how long? Is it really in any report? Where is the data?

What about the costs? Are they not the highest in the world, how is that effecting German Industry.

All one has to do is do a simple search and its clear Germany has increased use of Coal and is building Coal plants at a faster rate than Green Energy.

Take a look, Coal use has increased in Germany.

Germany initiates new generation of coal-fired new builds - Power Engineering International

Germany initiates new generation of coal-fired new builds
By Diarmaid Williams
International Digital Editor

A new generation of hard coal-fired power plants has been initiated in Germany with the activation of the 725 MW Walsum facility in Dortmund.

Steag GmbH started Germany’s first new power plant fuelled by hard coal in eight years, allowing the generator and energy trader to take advantage of near record-low coal prices that have widened profit margins.

Walsum coal
While electricity output commenced this week, the plant will begin commercial operations later in the year following “optimization works and testing,” according to an email statement.

It marks the start of Germany’s biggest new-build program for hard coal stations since its liberalization in 1998. Ten new hard-coal power stations, or 7,985 MW, are scheduled to start producing electricity in the next two years, according to information from German grid regulator Bundesnetzagentur and operators.

Coal prices have fallen to their lowest price in four years, making this type of facility extremely attractive from a profitability standpoint.

Generating electricity by burning coal currently makes a profit of 9.16 euros a MW-hour, compared with a loss of 19.31 euros a MW-hour from gas-fired power, according to data compiled by Bloomberg based on next-year German power prices
Coal Returns to German Utilities Replacing Lost Nuclear - Bloomberg

What’s a beleaguered utility to do when forced by the government to close its profitable nuclear power plants?

It turns to lignite, a cheap, soft, muddy-brown colored form of sedimentary rock that spews more greenhouse gases than any other fossil fuel.

The story of German power giant RWE AG (RWE) exemplifies the crisis facing the nation’s utility industry -- and those of many countries across Europe -- as nuclear power plants get shuttered in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, renewables steal away revenue, and consumers and companies complain about rising power costs that are three times higher than in the U.S.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision in 2011 to shutter all 17 of Germany’s nuclear power stations by 2022 struck a blow to RWE’s profit stream, particularly for a company that has almost no presence in renewables. RWE posted its first loss last year since World War II and may face worse losses going forward.

The Essen-based company, founded in 1898 to produce power for Germany’s industrial heartland, has had no choice except to ramp up production from its profitable coal-fired plants, most of which burn lignite.

The result: RWE now generates 52 percent of its power in Germany from lignite, up from 45 percent in 2011. And RWE isn’t alone. Utilities all over Germany have ramped up coal use as the nation has watched the mix of coal-generated electricity rise to 45 percent last year, the highest level since 2007.


Coal use is up in Germany, yet Germany spent over 200$ billions on building Wind Turbines as well as Solar Plants.

Seems Germany could of saved the environment and stopped global warming by building Nuclear Power plants, but Nuclear is cheap.

Expensive Green Energy Renewable Energy Power Plants create the greatest amount of PROFIT for Banks, Governments, as well as Extreme Profits for the Oil industry which is instrumental in providing the materials to build the World's largest in size physical structures.

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