Germany sending Leopard tanks into Ukraine stirs many memories

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
A lot of German citizens think this is a very bad idea. They still remember the last time German tanks were sent east into Ukraine to fight against Russia, and just about every family has at least one relative that never returned home.
The majority of Russian citizens are furious that Germany is once again pouring tanks and other weapons into Ukraine in order to fight and defeat their motherland.
Germany is foolishly playing with fire, and is going to get burned again.
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It's different now, the Germans learned to loan out war machines but not man them.
Even though the Leopard tanks won't be crewed by German soldiers.
Just the thought of German tanks and other weapons being used against Russian soldiers, makes the Russian citizens demand Putin quickly and decisively win this war no matter what it takes.
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burned again.
like in WW1 ?

A lot of German citizens think this is a very bad idea. They still remember the last time German tanks were sent east into Ukraine to fight against Russia, and just about every family has at least one relative that never returned home.
The majority of Russian citizens are furious that Germany is once again pouring tanks and other weapons into Ukraine in order to fight and defeat their motherland.
Germany is foolishly playing with fire, and is going to get burned again.
How do you say Deja Vu in German?
All over for US Nazis and raggle taggle Ukey remnants .


In the last seven days Russia claimed to have destroyed a total of 40 truck pulled howitzers, 32 self propelled howitzers, 8 Multiple Rocked Launcher Systems (MRLS), 15 counter artillery radars and 23 local artillery ammunition depots.

On top of that it engaged Ukrainian artillery positions with normal counter fire on 651 occasions. This will have caused additional damage and losses.

Additionally 55 MLRS rockets and HARM anti-radar missiles were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

If you think that the field reports the ministry receives are exaggerating the numbers, which is likely, simply divide them by half.

In just one week it was still more than Estonia and France promise to deliver.

Yesterday I explained why a NATO or U.S. intervention with ground troops is unlikely. We can add the acute lack of NATO artillery and artillery ammunition to the reasons.

NATO has disarmed its ground forces and is no longer combat capable.

Posted by b on January 31, 2023 at 18:02 UTC | Permalink
A lot of German citizens think this is a very bad idea. They still remember the last time German tanks were sent east into Ukraine to fight against Russia, and just about every family has at least one relative that never returned home.
The majority of Russian citizens are furious that Germany is once again pouring tanks and other weapons into Ukraine in order to fight and defeat their motherland.
Germany is foolishly playing with fire, and is going to get burned again.

From you, djihadist?
Even though the Leopard tanks won't be crewed by German soldiers.
Just the thought of German tanks and other weapons being used against Russian soldiers, makes the Russian citizens demand Putin quickly and decisively win this war no matter what it takes.

Oh - we don't have any problem to give every Russian soldier the chance to get asylum in Germany if he doesn't like to murder Ukrainians for Putin and his criminal gang. And we also don't have any problem to give every Russian mother who lost a son in this stupid, senseless and criminal war an electro shocker to be able to punish Putin and the members of his criminal gang with elctroshocks for their crimes. Perhaps they have a lot of fun to do so together with the Ukrainian mothers who lost a child in this totally stupid, senseless and criminal war. The only problem: Also this will not bring back any dead daughter or dead son.

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"Ukraine to receive 120-140 tanks in 'first wave' of deliveries" - Ukraine Foreign Minister Which brings the legitimate question what happened to all those Soviet tank types they had...
How to say Deja Vu in German? Deja Vu! I don't have any deja vu in context of this what happens currently in the Ukraine. This situation is totally new and totally absurde.
Zoom OUT and look at the big picture.

Germans are sending military assets to the east to fight Russians again for the first time since 1945. This is Lebensraum 2.0. The West is trying to pry Ukraine away from Russia and Russia wants to keep it. Many Germans don't want Germany involved. They don't want to engage with Russia and are concerned about WW3 starting. Back in the 40s many Germans were concerned about World War II starting under the Nazis pushing and expanding everywhere. Unfortunately the Nazis would ruin the lives of anyone who didn't support their agenda. Many German citizens knew that the Nazis were going to bring hell down upon their country and that's exactly what happened. Now the United States is the Big Dog driving the same train. And China may side with the Russians if things get really bad. Diaper Joe is not helping the situation by any means.
Zoom OUT and look at the big picture.
Germans are sending military assets to the east to fight Russians again for the first time since 1945.

As far as I know we don't have assets from the years 1945 any longer. Specially we have no miltary horses at all any longer. Good luck for the horses I would say.-

This is Lebensraum 2.0.

Ah good idea. We could let seddle the Ukrainian refugees in Moscow after the war - who are now in Germany on holidays and who have a lot of fun here far from their homelands. But I fear they only like to go hme and to live free and self-determined in their own country. Imagine: On a totally mysterious reason a Russian with the name "Putin" - ever heard from him? I heard he lives in the dark woods around Paganowo - has other ideas what millions of other people should do. Specially he loves it to be hated from millions and millions of people all over the world. Only the Russians love him - every single Russian except the suiciders - ask the KGB.

The West is trying to pry Ukraine away from Russia and Russia wants to keep it.

Information: The Ukraine never had been a part of Russia - it had only been a part of the Soviet Union. And it had been the Russians on their own - under their president Jelzin - who attacked the Soviet Union and destroyed it.

Many Germans don't want Germany involved.

Many Germans want to be weightless. That's why we work all day long like crazy to find out what gravitation really is. Lastes when we will test a catapult in a size to be able to shoot down the moon over Russia you should be worried about why "Russia" - whoever this Borg Queen is - is so stupid to try to make angry Germans.

They don't want to engage with Russia and are concerned about WW3 starting.

Yes and no. It's clear who will win world war 3: no one. And it's also clear who will lose world war 3: everyone. So this is not really a new situation for us Germans.

Back in the 40s many Germans were concerned about World War II starting under the Nazis pushing and expanding everywhere.

Hmmm ... who said so?

Unfortunately the Nazis would ruin the lives of anyone who didn't support their agenda.

What a luck that Putin ruins not the life of everyone. Happy war time and happy tyranny after your victory!

Many German citizens knew that the Nazis were going to bring hell down upon their country and that's exactly what happened. Now the United States is the Big Dog driving the same train. And China may side with the Russians if things get really bad. Diaper Joe is not helping the situation by any means.

Hmm ... do you know why I enjoyed to learn to sing "Die Internationale" (German text!)? Because I never understood how a Soviet was able to sing this song and not to die on self-doubt.

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The obliteration of US and Ukey Nazis continues and gathers pace .

In the last seven days Russia claimed to have destroyed a total of 40 truck pulled howitzers, 32 self propelled howitzers, 8 Multiple Rocked Launcher Systems (MRLS), 15 counter artillery radars and 23 local artillery ammunition depots.

On top of that it engaged Ukrainian artillery positions with normal counter fire on 651 occasions. This will have caused additional damage and losses.

Additionally 55 MLRS rockets and HARM anti-radar missiles were intercepted by Russian air defenses.

If you think that the field reports the ministry receives are exaggerating the numbers, which is likely, simply divide them by half.

In just one week it was still more than Estonia and France promise to deliver.

Yesterday I explained why a NATO or U.S. intervention with ground troops is
A lot of German citizens think this is a very bad idea. They still remember the last time German tanks were sent east into Ukraine to fight against Russia, and just about every family has at least one relative that never returned home.
The majority of Russian citizens are furious that Germany is once again pouring tanks and other weapons into Ukraine in order to fight and defeat their motherland.
Germany is foolishly playing with fire, and is going to get burned again.

Maybe, but then Russia sending in tanks is much more recent memory.
Germany to begin deliveries of the Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer to Kiev just to watch Ukrainians name their children after this weapon. Javelina needs a little brother!
"Ukraine to receive 120-140 tanks in 'first wave' of deliveries" - Ukraine Foreign Minister Which brings the legitimate question what happened to all those Soviet tank types they had...

I'm just curious: all we've heard for months was how Russia was petering out and on the verge of collapse, defeat and implosion, yet here we are months later, sending in---
  • MORE money than ever!
  • BIGGER WEAPONS than ever!

Anyone feel taken?

Anyone feel lied to?

Anyone feel like Biden is going out of his way to drag us into an unimportant war that doesn't concern us and on the eve of needing to fight China over Taiwan?

Anyone ever wonder if Zelensky isn't using a lot of these weapons and money for OTHER things then crying to us for more?

Anyone wonder why Biden isn't auditing what is being used there and how to ensure our weapons and stuff don't fall into the wrong hands or get wasted?

Anyone wonder how Biden is carrying out a war for a year with no declaration nor approval to fund it by the Congress?

Anyone believe that Joe Biden can pat his head and rub his tummy at the same time while chewing gum?
Anyone feel like Biden is going out of his way to drag us into an unimportant war that doesn't concern us and on the eve of needing to fight China over Taiwan
Oh come on, dude, are you ready to fight China over Taiwan?

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