Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. 25 to 50% are naturally aborted. What is harm to public under US Constitution?

Does Government have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to pass laws that restrict the liberty of a gestating individual if the action taken under the liberty of the individual causes no harm to the public outside of her private circle of family and friends?
Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?
Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. It is considered to be somewhere in a range of 25 to 50% conceptions that are naturally aborted.
What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?

That many people die of natural causes is no excuse at all for murdering, or supporting the murder, of those who would live, if allowed to do so.

One of the most basic and essential duties of government is to protect the innocent from those who would murder them.

To the degree that the savage and murderous practice of abortion is allowed to take place in this country is a severe degree of malfeasance on the part of our government—not only a willful failure to fulfill its duty to protect the innocent, but a willful repudiation and violation of that duty.
Reviewing the 9th and 10th Amendments, government has enumerated powers (not rights). We the people have rights (not powers). We surrender a few rights to empower the government we created.

We do not surrender these rights. We delegate them. The rights still belong to us.

For example, if we are wronged in a serious way, we have a right to justice. Without government, that means vigilantism. If someone kills one of my loved ones, without government, the way to obtain justice would be for me to hunt down the killer and kill him.

But vigilantism has some serious problems. Nearly all societies have determine that it is better to have a government in charge of administering justice, to insure that it is done in a fair and consistent manner, that vigilantism is really not capable of doing. We still retain the right to have justice done, but we delegate this right to government, because a properly-functioning government can exercise this right on our behalf, better than we can do ourselves as individuals. But the right remains ours, if where government seriously enough fails to uphold it, vigilantism remains a legitimate response.
What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?

What harm was done to German society, to European society, in the 1930s and 1940s, when the Germans mass-murdered sixteen million of those that they deemed to be inferior?
A minority, in this case fertile human females, having their choice imposed upon by a majority that is not confronted by the same serious choice is a screaming example of oppression.
Bob Blaylock said: If someone kills one of my loved ones, without government, the way to obtain justice would be for me to hunt down the killer and kill him. bbblylck.23.11.13 #62 .I.a

Is every miscarriage in America one of your lived ones.

nf.23.11.13 #66
See POST nf.23.19.15 #596 Neshama comes from the essence of God at our first breath - a belief that Jesus may have believed

Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the word “breath” to describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]
“God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

ding said: Doctor: Do you understand the consequences of your decisions? • • • Lady: Yes, I'm just adding to the billions of inseminations which end in natural abortion.
85 years ago.... • •• • The Rest of the World: Do you understand the consequences of your decisions? • ••• • Hitler: Yes, I'm just adding to the billions of deaths which end naturally. dvng.23.10.15 #640

NotfooledbyW said: “So you think Jews are Nazis for believing that the sanctity of life begins at first breath.” nf.23.10.15 #643 to dvng.23.10.15 #640

Bob Blaylock said: The Germans didn't consider Jews to be persons, either. bbblylck.23.09.06 #102 .I

Saint Ding and Saint Bobblaylock devote many posts to dehumanizing pro/choice people.

Why do they think it’s ok?


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