Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

There's no spin there. You can't have it both ways. A gun only protects you if you kill the other guy first.

No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
You understand there are other possibilities, right?
As long as you are faster at killing them then they you, you might have a chance using a gun but the gun is good for only one thing, killing the other guy.
OK so you dnt understand this.
If I point the gun at you and you run away, I have used my firearm to neutralize a threat. No one was killed but that doesnt mean I didnt win the confrontation.
If I wound you and you go down I have used my firearm to neutralize the threat byt no one died.
If I rack my shotgun and you run away at the sound before even seeing me I have used my fierarm to neutralize a threat.
Do you understand this better now?
What you have done is be some fucking nutjob with a gun so any sane person ran for their life. They weren't a threat, that you would have needed to use the gun for instead of waving it around like the loon that you are. What you thought was a threat, so you pulled out your gun, wasn't.
Three idiots. If she sees you coming, you're doing it wrong, obviously.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Spin, spin, spin, guns are only as good as the person holding them, who knew? You got any more fantasy scenarios up your sleeve?
There's no spin there. You can't have it both ways. A gun only protects you if you kill the other guy first.

No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period.

You just proved you're a moron. There's no point in debating anyone as stupid as you.

Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull

More idiocy.

I could tear this into little pieces, but it's not necessary since intelligent people already know how stupid it is.
There's no spin there. You can't have it both ways. A gun only protects you if you kill the other guy first.

No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Ooh, scary, she would have lost $1.62, and he gave her so much time she could have built a gun. She didn't even go for it at first, she was thinking of going for a knife. Yep, she's a real John Wayne.
Three idiots. If she sees you coming, you're doing it wrong, obviously.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Or there's the example of the Kobe Bryant "rape" case. Some gold digging floozy was eager to have sex with Kobe because he was rich and famous and she thought she might be his able to become his girl friend. Then after the event, when it becomes obvious that he had no other intention than using her sexually, she gets angry and decides to get revenge by accusing him of rape.
No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Ooh, scary, she would have lost $1.62, and he gave her so much time she could have built a gun. She didn't even go for it at first, she was thinking of going for a knife. Yep, she's a real John Wayne.
You're a real Bozo the Clown.
You proposed a scenario that you said couldnt happen and I showed that exact scenario actually did happen and you focus on the change in her purse.
You are a turd clogging the toilet bowl of this forum.
Three idiots. If she sees you coming, you're doing it wrong, obviously.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.
Pure bullshit.
Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.
Happens rarely, give it a rest Fred Flintstone.
Three idiots. If she sees you coming, you're doing it wrong, obviously.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Or there's the example of the Kobe Bryant "rape" case. Some gold digging floozy was eager to have sex with Kobe because he was rich and famous and she thought she might be his able to become his girl friend. Then after the event, when it becomes obvious that he had no other intention than using her sexually, she gets angry and decides to get revenge by accusing him of rape.
The question there was was it consensual or not. The answer is the first 8 inches were consensual.
And so our notorious vandalizer of prostitutes (he who paints his ho's)
Throws up a post with a title suggesting he plans a rampage in Texas.

Homeland Security please take note.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Ooh, scary, she would have lost $1.62, and he gave her so much time she could have built a gun. She didn't even go for it at first, she was thinking of going for a knife. Yep, she's a real John Wayne.
You're a real Bozo the Clown.
You proposed a scenario that you said couldnt happen and I showed that exact scenario actually did happen and you focus on the change in her purse.
You are a turd clogging the toilet bowl of this forum.
She was never under a threat, that she didn't allow herself, and even then wasn't under any serious threat, losing some money is BS, and she didn't even go for the gun at first. Exactly as I said, the gun was never, ever necessary. God only knows if she even knew how to fire the damn thing.
Three idiots. If she sees you coming, you're doing it wrong, obviously.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Or there's the example of the Kobe Bryant "rape" case. Some gold digging floozy was eager to have sex with Kobe because he was rich and famous and she thought she might be his able to become his girl friend. Then after the event, when it becomes obvious that he had no other intention than using her sexually, she gets angry and decides to get revenge by accusing him of rape.
The question there was was it consensual or not. The answer is the first 8 inches were consensual.
You guys are why women don't report rape., that and they knew the guy. Men like you, and I use the term loosely, think it doesn't happen.
Spin, spin, spin, guns are only as good as the person holding them, who knew? You got any more fantasy scenarios up your sleeve?
There's no spin there. You can't have it both ways. A gun only protects you if you kill the other guy first.

No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Dude, you keep painting scenarios that simply don't matter. And you're spouting lunacy. An assailant approaches me with a knife in hand and demands my wallet. I pull out a gun but don't shoot it. He runs away. I don't pull out a gun and he stabs me because I don't have any cash in my wallet. Clearly the gun had a positive impact without being fired.

Sometimes, the fish in the barrel don't even move. Heck, you might as well say visible body guards have no impact on anything unless they attack someone. And, you never answered the question. Why do you get a sign to put on your lawn stating that your house is protected by an alarm system? According to you, nothing good comes from that.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon.
Very very few criminals will go after a potential victim they have reason to believe is armed; criminals that choose to do so are either highly motivated, highly trained, crazy, or a some combination of the three.
If anyone tells you different, they are lying.
Exactly. Criminals attack the weak ON PURPOSE. They leave the strong alone. An elderly lady with a weapon quite suddenly moves from the former category to the latter, and she doesn't have to fire it to do so.
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There's no spin there. You can't have it both ways. A gun only protects you if you kill the other guy first.

No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Dude, you keep painting scenarios that simply don't matter. And you're spouting lunacy. An assailant approaches me with a knife in hand and demands my wallet. I pull out a gun but don't shoot it. He runs away. I don't pull out a gun and he stabs me because I don't have any cash in my wallet. Clearly the gun had a positive impact without being fired.

Sometimes, the fish in the barrel don't even move. Heck, you might as well say visible body guards have no impact on anything unless they attack someone. And, you never answered the question. Why do you get a sign to put on your lawn stating that your house is protected by an alarm system? According to you, nothing good comes from that.
A guy who wants money isn't threatening you at any level you would need a gun for. And the alarm sign only keeps lazy or mostly honest thieves away. For all you know your guns are what they are after.

And I never said anything about the sign BTW, until now.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon.
Very very few criminals will go after a potential victim they have reason to believe is armed; criminals that choose to do so are either highly motivated, highly trained, crazy, or a some combination of the three.
If anyone tells you different, they are lying.
Exactly. Criminals attack the weak ON PURPOSE. They leave the strong alone. An elderly lady with a weapon quite suddenly moves from the former category to the latter, and she doesn't have to fire it.
Had he been any kind of real threat she would have been dead and he would have had the gun.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon.
Very very few criminals will go after a potential victim they have reason to believe is armed; criminals that choose to do so are either highly motivated, highly trained, crazy, or a some combination of the three.
If anyone tells you different, they are lying.
Exactly. Criminals attack the weak ON PURPOSE. They leave the strong alone. An elderly lady with a weapon quite suddenly moves from the former category to the latter, and she doesn't have to fire it.
Had he been any kind of real threat she would have been dead and he would have had the gun.
If someone seriously wants you dead, there is little you can do about it. That extremely small possibility aside, an assailant represents a certain level of threat. An unarmed citizen represents a much lower level of threat. Equation result? A successful attack. Reset. A now ARMED citizen represents an equal or greater threat than the assailant. Equation result? MOST of the time, the assailant flees and no one gets hurt. You, therefore, are at the bottom of a very deep hole and you haven't stopped digging yet..
No, that's a lie.
Nope. If that wasn't true you could just leave a gun hanging around and you be protected. If doesn't work that way.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon. In that case, he has a decision to make. Either run away and live another day, or persist in trying to rob her and potentially lose his life. She doesn't have to kill him in order for the presence of the weapon to have a positive impact. You're simply wrong, know you're wrong, and are flailing desperately trying to find a way to salvage some pride. Here's a clue, you can't. Just walk away knowing you failed, big time.
If you pull out a gun and don't shoot anyone, you didn't need the gun, period. Some guy trying to steal an old lady's purse isn't going to give her the chance to get to a gun. When he steals the purse he gets that as well. For some guy planning to rape an armed college girl it's the same thing. He get sex and a gun, which she never had the time to pull.
Dude, you keep painting scenarios that simply don't matter. And you're spouting lunacy. An assailant approaches me with a knife in hand and demands my wallet. I pull out a gun but don't shoot it. He runs away. I don't pull out a gun and he stabs me because I don't have any cash in my wallet. Clearly the gun had a positive impact without being fired.

Sometimes, the fish in the barrel don't even move. Heck, you might as well say visible body guards have no impact on anything unless they attack someone. And, you never answered the question. Why do you get a sign to put on your lawn stating that your house is protected by an alarm system? According to you, nothing good comes from that.
A guy who wants money isn't threatening you at any level you would need a gun for. And the alarm sign only keeps lazy or mostly honest thieves away. For all you know your guns are what they are after.

And I never said anything about the sign BTW, until now.
I know. I did. You keep insisting that advertising the fact that a potential victim has defensive measures available to them does nothing. I say it does, and am proving my point. You, OTOH, are simply repeating nonsense.
False. A gun can represent a threat. An assailant preparing to rob what he thinks is an unprotected elderly lady has a different equation to work with if she opens her purse and pulls out a weapon.
Very very few criminals will go after a potential victim they have reason to believe is armed; criminals that choose to do so are either highly motivated, highly trained, crazy, or a some combination of the three.
If anyone tells you different, they are lying.
Exactly. Criminals attack the weak ON PURPOSE. They leave the strong alone. An elderly lady with a weapon quite suddenly moves from the former category to the latter, and she doesn't have to fire it.
And so, any scenario that includes "...if I think she has a gun..." and then does not immediately end is utter BS.
You seem to know an awful lot about how rapists operate. Why is that?
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Or there's the example of the Kobe Bryant "rape" case. Some gold digging floozy was eager to have sex with Kobe because he was rich and famous and she thought she might be his able to become his girl friend. Then after the event, when it becomes obvious that he had no other intention than using her sexually, she gets angry and decides to get revenge by accusing him of rape.
The question there was was it consensual or not. The answer is the first 8 inches were consensual.
You guys are why women don't report rape., that and they knew the guy. Men like you, and I use the term loosely, think it doesn't happen.

You are the asshole who says rapes that can be stopped with guns don't happen...moron.....we are the ones who want to stop those violent attacks.....moron....
Because unlike you I deal in reality, not ideology. That's why I know that guns don't stop rape and even if they did most women wouldn't shoot who they get raped by, which is someone they know, like, or even love in the vast majority of cases.

Pure bullshit.

Some females like playing the victim card - they want to tell dad that bad Leroy Brown fucked them against their will - they don't want to tell the truth , ie, that they like to fuck. They have been told for so many years that fucking is bad so they must get stoned out of their minds to do it and then blame someone or something else.


Or there's the example of the Kobe Bryant "rape" case. Some gold digging floozy was eager to have sex with Kobe because he was rich and famous and she thought she might be his able to become his girl friend. Then after the event, when it becomes obvious that he had no other intention than using her sexually, she gets angry and decides to get revenge by accusing him of rape.
The question there was was it consensual or not. The answer is the first 8 inches were consensual.
You guys are why women don't report rape., that and they knew the guy. Men like you, and I use the term loosely, think it doesn't happen.

You are the asshole who says rapes that can be stopped with guns don't happen...moron.....we are the ones who want to stop those violent attacks.....moron....
If you want to stop them then find out how they actually happen. And guns don't stop rape means that even if you had a gun, and knew how to use it, it wouldn't have done you any damn good, but the rapist would have gotten a free gun out of the deal.

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