Get ready for more "Deep State" mania

The Deep State are American Patriots

Deeply loyal to the Great Obama, they keep Republican tyranny in check
I don't agree there. The Alt-R paranoia about a deep state is not a whole lot different from the left's fears in the 1970s. I mean Ruby Ridge and Waco raise some pretty serious issues. I personally knew an FBI agent involved in the arrest of the innocent guy in the Atlanta Olympic bombings. Fcked him over bigly.

But the fallicy of the Deep State paranoia is that the Republic provides a remedy. Obama's pals the Dornans got off, because a court found Mark Felt stepped all over their rights. Gerry Spence won some money from the FBI over Ruby Ridge. The FBI had to pay the guy in Atlanta. It's not perfect. Innocents get killed. But it's not fucking Russia.

Trump's presidency will not end unless he did something so bad with Putin that it defies any logic. Comey and Lynch so fckied up Hillary's emails investigation that they wrecked their own careers and hers, though they all deserved wrecking.
well it would be damn nice if people actually knew what was illegal and what wasn't in a campaign and a transition of government and stop all this unnecessary investigation into american citizens lives with made up shit from a partisan hack. Really would be nice.
campaigns hire campaine finance expert lawyers for that and everyone n the campaign has access to them to make certain they are not breaking the law in all kinds of different areas of the campaign....even on who they can take a meeting with.... $9 million was paid by the dnc and c campaign for their law firm....

so how campaigns know right from wrong, legal vs illegal, ethical vs non-ethical is by asking their lawyers
you can't argue with someone who is irrational. No amount of facts will change their mind.
Yes, we're all sure that you know better what "really" happened. :laugh2:

Well, since he pled guilty in federal court to lying and the intercept was used to verify that, it's pretty clear that it's not simply a story.

The Intercept is the mouth piece of the left's Deep State folks, and just the fact that Flynn took a plea deal rather than deal with the corruption of the courts means not a whole lot, if you really know how the establishment system works. Surely you know about the relationship between Greenwald and Snowden, yes?

So, I guess you nailed it, of course I know better what happened. Or at least I can guess.

The Kennedy brothers had the establishment's blessing to talk to the Russians off the record, and Trump and Flynn didn't.

Go back and read post #83 again, b/c apparently it just didn't sink in.

. . . So you are either a dupe or a partisan hack, is that it?
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

The Intercept is the mouth piece of the left's Deep State folks, and just the fact that Flynn took a plea deal rather than deal with the corruption of the courts means not a whole lot, if you really know how the establishment system works. Surely you know about the relationship between Greenwald and Snowden, yes?

So, I guess you nailed it, of course I know better what happened. Or at least I can guess.

The Kennedy brothers had the establishment's blessing to talk to the Russians off the record, and Trump and Flynn didn't.

Go back and read post #83 again, b/c apparently it just didn't sink in.

. . . So you are either a dupe or a partisan hack, is that it?
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

Nobody will see until they want to. None of it is hidden, it's all right out in the open and they won't look at it.
The best thing The Great Obama ever did was establish the Deep State before he left

Immensely loyal to our true leader they make Fat Donnie nothing more than a figurehead

Patriots to an Orwellian nightmare the strips folks of justice, liberty, and equality only.

The Deep State fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way as they tirelessly battle Republican tyranny in our government
The Intercept is the mouth piece of the left's Deep State folks, and just the fact that Flynn took a plea deal rather than deal with the corruption of the courts means not a whole lot, if you really know how the establishment system works. Surely you know about the relationship between Greenwald and Snowden, yes?

So, I guess you nailed it, of course I know better what happened. Or at least I can guess.

The Kennedy brothers had the establishment's blessing to talk to the Russians off the record, and Trump and Flynn didn't.

Go back and read post #83 again, b/c apparently it just didn't sink in.

. . . So you are either a dupe or a partisan hack, is that it?
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

You are correct though, people ARE waking up. It is happening very slowly, but they are.
The Intercept is the mouth piece of the left's Deep State folks, and just the fact that Flynn took a plea deal rather than deal with the corruption of the courts means not a whole lot, if you really know how the establishment system works. Surely you know about the relationship between Greenwald and Snowden, yes?

So, I guess you nailed it, of course I know better what happened. Or at least I can guess.

The Kennedy brothers had the establishment's blessing to talk to the Russians off the record, and Trump and Flynn didn't.

Go back and read post #83 again, b/c apparently it just didn't sink in.

. . . So you are either a dupe or a partisan hack, is that it?
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

I really don't see a difference in your conception of a deep state with that the Jacksonian democrats saw in Eastern monied elite and a national bank. Assange may have seen fit to ally with Putin, so seeing him as an ally of truth and justice is suspect. Snowden is caught in politics.

But at the basic, without institutions favoring preservation of the Republic, we are anarchists. Admittedly, it's a tension between institutions favoring statism for the state's sake, and institutions supposedly preventing an election of a candidate who would gain power by having a foreign entity violate privacy laws that the 4th amendment would not allow our govt to violate.
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

You are correct though, people ARE waking up. It is happening very slowly, but they are.

Of course. The establishment had to be pretty damn desperate to run someone like Trump to get done what it wanted.
Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

You are correct though, people ARE waking up. It is happening very slowly, but they are.

Of course. The establishment had to be pretty damn desperate to run someone like Trump to get done what it wanted.

Of course it's just my opinion but I think Hillary just had too much stink on her. They double crossed her twice for a reason.
I see. Every time your theory hits a rough patch you simply expand the conspiracy. Now the "corrupt courts" are complicit as well.

What is it about Obama that made the entire government come under his control?

Obama was a figure head put there by the system that was already in place.

He wasn't the leader, he was just a figure head.

but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

I really don't see a difference in your conception of a deep state with that the Jacksonian democrats saw in Eastern monied elite and a national bank. Assange may have seen fit to ally with Putin, so seeing him as an ally of truth and justice is suspect. Snowden is caught in politics.

But at the basic, without institutions favoring preservation of the Republic, we are anarchists. Admittedly, it's a tension between institutions favoring statism for the state's sake, and institutions supposedly preventing an election of a candidate who would gain power by having a foreign entity violate privacy laws that the 4th amendment would not allow our govt to violate.

Get it out of your head that Assange "allied with Putin."

He never did any such thing. He's a CIA honey pot.

CIA leftists have sprinkled in the news that he was used by the Russians, it is agit-prop.
And I'm not sure Trump is particularly cooperative.

Actually (again, it's just my opinion), but I think he is playing his role perfectly. He has not just the United States but the entire World distracted. I firmly believe he is simply the shiny object being used to distract everyone from what's happening.
but the System favored Hillary in 2008.

Did it?

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

You are correct though, people ARE waking up. It is happening very slowly, but they are.

Of course. The establishment had to be pretty damn desperate to run someone like Trump to get done what it wanted.

Of course it's just my opinion but I think Hillary just had too much stink on her. They double crossed her twice for a reason.

The reason Deep State folks on the right abandoned her, I believe, was when she let them die in Libya and in Syria, and then didn't give a fuck about it.

They turned on her.
As The Deep State does battle against the evil forces of Trump, America emits a collective sigh of relief as they thwart the evil agenda of Team Trump
And I'm not sure Trump is particularly cooperative.

Actually (again, it's just my opinion), but I think he is playing his role perfectly. He has not just the United States but the entire World distracted. I firmly believe he is simply the shiny object being used to distract everyone from what's happening.
Yeah, for a long time, that was my opinion too.

I'm still sort of on the fence.

I was sort of shocked this memo got released. We'll see how far it goes and if it leads to any real reforms.

He isn't doing that good of a job with distraction if a thread such as this one gets posted. It just further serves to wake folks up with the release of this memo.

On top of that, if he was "just a distraction," he wouldn't have wanted to look into election rigging. It was the Koch brothers Crosscheck, voter purging, caging, etc. that helped suppress the vote in key areas giving the election to him. OTH, such an investigation we already know gave Hillary the nomination over Bernie. The whole system is a farce. So why would he start such an investigation if it is just as likely to show corruption in his favor as it is hers?

I was so disappointed when he stopped that from going forward. He would have been the most noble and greatest president ever to release findings that election fraud led to his victory. Maybe he did find that out? Maybe that is what killed the investigation?

Trump continues to be enigmatic. We know that what the MSM presents is a completely bogus image, so that's useless. . . .
And I'm not sure Trump is particularly cooperative.
I can see Trump himself as part of a deep state definition. I think it's more venal pursuit of money, but I get where you're going. And I don't mean Hillary's on a higher moral plane or anything. Obama had an idealism, but no less deep state as I understand your concept to be.

I'll prefer to stick with the constitution, 14 AND 17th amendments though.
As The Deep State does battle against the evil forces of Trump, America emits a collective sigh of relief as they thwart the evil agenda of Team Trump

The thing is, more and more folks are awakening. So naturally they would make it LOOK like that is the one they DON'T want there, and will fight to not have there.

Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, not a real choice when it comes to voting against the Deep State. Even Trump is part of it. Remember, if Trump was really against the Deep State, he would not only support Assange, but he would give Snowden a full pardon to come on home and help us clear this mess up.

We have already had two grass roots revolts against the system, one "on the left" and one "on the right" but neither, ostensibly, is partisan. We are just made to believe they are partisan based on social issues, propagandized by the CFR MSM.

BUT THE MAIN ISSUE, the one that the Deep State is REALLY worried about, the one unites us all, is the corruption in our system that makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to control the destiny of their own nation.

You are correct though, people ARE waking up. It is happening very slowly, but they are.

Of course. The establishment had to be pretty damn desperate to run someone like Trump to get done what it wanted.

Of course it's just my opinion but I think Hillary just had too much stink on her. They double crossed her twice for a reason.

The reason Deep State folks on the right abandoned her, I believe, was when she let them die in Libya and in Syria, and then didn't give a fuck about it.

They turned on her.

I was posting about the situation as it existed in 2008. She was the candidate of statism. 2016 was weird. It should have been a watershed election of change, but Trump emerged as the 'different' candidate .... and quite possibly he wasn't seriously running. 1936, 1964 change is resisted. Perhaps fortunately. Perhaps not
I think a lot of people do not believe in the deep state or climate change or subliminal messages in advertising, mostly because they do not understand these concepts and how they affect our everyday lives. The Kennedy assignation resulted in all kinds of theories that the CIA had Kennedy assassinated and a few people still believe that because CIA Agent Gary Underhill told people that he was pretty sure of that fact. (Google it)

Well, things like that prompted President Ronald Reagan to issue Executive Order 12333, on December 4, 1981 which clearly defines the parameters of intelligence personnel. Note that in paragraph 2.11 it clearly says such staff cannot be involved in assassinations. Some agencies require agents to sign a document once per year, stating they understand that rule. So we cannot do that anymore. Executive Orders

Also note it says, they cannot experiment with drugs on people without their consent anymore. Please recall, that the CIA experimented on people by giving them drugs without their knowledge. Project MKUltra - Wikipedia.

The point I am suggesting is that deep state or secret programs which drug or kill people are a part of our history and certainly when we see memo between FBI agents suggesting they have a plan A and a Plan B, to favor one political party over another we should all be on the bandwagon to get to the bottom of it. Just a thought.
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And I'm not sure Trump is particularly cooperative.
I can see Trump himself as part of a deep state definition. I think it's more venal pursuit of money, but I get where you're going. And I don't mean Hillary's on a higher moral plane or anything. Obama had an idealism, but no less deep state as I understand your concept to be.

I'll prefer to stick with the constitution, 14 AND 17th amendments though.
Establishment Deep State have no use for the Constitution, they loath it.

In fact, it really isn't operational at the moment. We use it by tradition only, but it isn't the highest law in the land right now.

This has been the supreme law of the land since Sept. 11. We are now operating in a soft police state. It is why the government has legalized propaganda and false flags to distract and brainwash the citizenry into a false reality.

Continuity of Operations
Continuity of Operations - Wikipedia

These come out every year, re-authorized just after 9/11 so that the congress can't review it.

Here's one from Bush;

George W. Bush: Notice - Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

. . . And Obama;

Notice -- Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

. . . and now Trump;

Federal Register :: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

So you see, all of them are the same, suspending your civil liberties, your rights, etc. The police state is here to stay. Don't kid yourself into thinking Obama is any different, that is just propaganda and a good speaking voice.
I think a lot of people do not believe in the deep state or climate change or subliminal messages in advertising, mostly because they do not understand these concepts and how they affect our everyday lives. The Kennedy assignation resulted in all kinds of theories that the CIA had Kennedy assassinated and a few people still believe that because CIA Agent Gary Underhill told people that he was pretty sure of that fact. (Google it)

Well, things like that prompted President Ronald Reagan to issue Executive Order 12333, on December 4, 1981 which clearly defines the parameters of intelligence personnel. Note that in paragraph 2.11 it clearly says such staff cannot be involved in assassinations. Some agencies require agents to sign a document once per year, stating they understand that rule. So we cannot do that anymore. Executive Orders

Also note it says, they cannot experiment with drugs on people without their consent anymore. Please recall, that the CIA experimented on people by giving them drugs without their knowledge. Project MKUltra - Wikipedia.

The point I am suggesting is that deep state or secret programs which drug or kill people are a part of our history and certainly when we see memo between FBI agents suggesting they have a plan A and a Plan B, to favor one political party over another we should all be on the bandwagon to get to the bottom of it. Just a thought.
I think not all posters are using the same definition of deep state, which leads to confusion. Bannon for example might define it differently from Snowden, and Snowden differently than Assange, perhaps.

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