Get ready for more "Deep State" mania

well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

You claimed there was a FISA warrant to spy ON TRUMP. you cannot walk it back now, liar boy.

You made the claim and you got busted lying, one more time
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.

The hell he wasn't.

Even the Deep State honey pot of the left, Snowden, has revealed, EVERYONE is spied on.

J. Edgar Hoover set the precedent, and the culture hasn't changed. It has only become more efficient. Everyone in politics and mainstream culture is spied on, here, and abroad.

. . and millions of American citizens as well. If the press, and spooks tell you differently, they are lying.

well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.
It was off of the FISA warrant. hahahahahahahaha Flynn could call the ambassador it's legal. he was caught in the spying from the FISA warrant and then was questioned on if he met with a russian and he failed to say that call. so what? you want a person to go to jail for that stupid kind of shit? really? I then hope bad things happen to you.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
It's called irrational.
translation- you need to listen to more rush

You have no idea how much you don't know. It's ALL out in the open too, you're just another lazy child.
we are not lazy, you deep staters the nth degree and you need a boogeyman and a scapegoat for your own failures....and yes, we've read all the paranoid bull crap on this imaginary deep state.... it's all bull shit....

you can't name any of them, you don't know who runs it, you don't know the ''leader'', you don't know if their paid, you don't know if they even know each other, but by golly they are REAL to you! Somehow, they continue generation after generation after generation, presidency after presidency.....Just Ridiculous, and simply infeasible.
we have a boogey man and you and yours are all in on a blank russia russia story. There is even evidence now on who really was talking to the russians through the dude Steele. That's directly from the congressional records. so if yours isn't a CT, then list out the crime that is being investigated and how it got started?

tick tock.
It's NOT a blank Russia story.

The Russian interference in our democratic election process is a FACT, jack.

What we do not know is if any Americans, wittingly or UN-wittingly, got sucked in to help them.
Son, I have been waiting for someone to say what it is the Russians did. Can you tell me? I mean you just stated it's a fact. so what is the fact exactly?
and as always crickets. All these fking facts and not one can ever be posted. NOT FKING ONE.
How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.

The hell he wasn't.

Even the Deep State honey pot of the left, Snowden, has revealed, EVERYONE is spied on.

J. Edgar Hoover set the precedent, and the culture hasn't changed. It has only become more efficient. Everyone in politics and mainstream culture is spied on, here, and abroad.

. . and millions of American citizens as well. If the press, and spooks tell you differently, they are lying.


LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm

The memo Congress released doesn't say anything about Trump being spied on, dope.

The warrant began on Page a month after he left the campaign.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team. again, I give two shits you ignore the facts. go for it, be uninformed and irrational.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team.

WTF are you talking about?
so you want me to rewrite the memo? LOL, dude, read it, it's only three and half pages.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
It's called irrational.
you can't argue with someone who is irrational. No amount of facts will change their mind.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
Yes, we're all sure that you know better what "really" happened. :laugh2:

Well, since he pled guilty in federal court to lying and the intercept was used to verify that, it's pretty clear that it's not simply a story.
There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
It's called irrational.
you can't argue with someone who is irrational. No amount of facts will change their mind.

Quoting yourself now, dope.
Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm

The memo Congress released doesn't say anything about Trump being spied on, dope.

The warrant began on Page a month after he left the campaign.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team. again, I give two shits you ignore the facts. go for it, be uninformed and irrational.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team.

WTF are you talking about?
so you want me to rewrite the memo? LOL, dude, read it, it's only three and half pages.

Yes, and it speaks to a warrant on Carter Page. Not Trump or anyone else.
Do you really want to try and make the case that Clinton and the DNC paid millions for something they never saw? Seriously?

the lawyer firm paid $134,000 for it, NOT MILLIONS! Where in the world did you get that from?
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
Yes, we're all sure that you know better what "really" happened. :laugh2:

Well, since he pled guilty in federal court to lying and the intercept was used to verify that, it's pretty clear that it's not simply a story.
I've wondered why Flynn would call the Ruskie ambassador. I mean if one of my neighbors was a drug dealer, and I merely wanted to borrow a cup of sugar, and he was the only one home .... I'd walk to the store.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.
It was off of the FISA warrant. hahahahahahahaha Flynn could call the ambassador it's legal. he was caught in the spying from the FISA warrant and then was questioned on if he met with a russian and he failed to say that call. so what? you want a person to go to jail for that stupid kind of shit? really? I then hope bad things happen to you.

It was off of the FISA warrant.

Yes, dope. The FISA warrant targeting the Russian ambassador. Not Flynn.

It wasn't illegal to call him, but lying to the FBI is.
The Deep State are American Patriots

Deeply loyal to the Great Obama, they keep Republican tyranny in check
There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
It's called irrational.
you can't argue with someone who is irrational. No amount of facts will change their mind.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn. How can you live with yourself being so stupid?

Flynn was intercepted incidentally while speaking to the Russian ambassador, retard.
Flynn called the ambassodor.

Christ you're dumber than shit.

. . and you're naive as hell if you believe that story.
Yes, we're all sure that you know better what "really" happened. :laugh2:

Well, since he pled guilty in federal court to lying and the intercept was used to verify that, it's pretty clear that it's not simply a story.

The Intercept is the mouth piece of the left's Deep State folks, and just the fact that Flynn took a plea deal rather than deal with the corruption of the courts means not a whole lot, if you really know how the establishment system works. Surely you know about the relationship between Greenwald and Snowden, yes?

So, I guess you nailed it, of course I know better what happened. Or at least I can guess.

The Kennedy brothers had the establishment's blessing to talk to the Russians off the record, and Trump and Flynn didn't.

Go back and read post #83 again, b/c apparently it just didn't sink in.

. . . So you are either a dupe or a partisan hack, is that it?
The Deep State are American Patriots

Deeply loyal to the Great Obama, they keep Republican tyranny in check

You don't often post the truth, but I think you nailed it.

The Deep State are loyal to Obama's globalists, they are continually trying to nip those nationalists in the bud. They no longer care much for the US or America, hell, they even are to the point of killing American's to further their policy agenda. It has got to stop.

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