Get ready for more "Deep State" mania

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.

Stupid question Private Pyle.

Then answer it, loser.

(smile) Look Gomer, if you have to even ASK the question you're too ignorant to admit you are wrong. Tell me little man, just what is OPPOSITION research in Politics?

I want to know what you believe and how you believe it was done.

Can you even show that either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever even saw the dossier during the election?
That's not the point. There's nothing remotely unusual about one political campaign purchasing research about what another politician did or said. This is not some deep state ohhh so fucking scary issue. IT'S FUCKING POLITICS AS USUAL. It's a conspiracy for one campaign to break into another's office and instill taps, and then lie to the FBI about it. It would be a conspiracy to promise things to Russia or Assange for them to illegally hack another campaigns computers. THAT'S THE FUCKING ISSUE.

I really don't see any question that Trump did that. And neither do a maj of Americans. But proving it's another question.

There's no fucking deep state. We have career civil servants and lawyers who operate on premises of the DoS doing certain things certain ways, and investigations being conducted in certain ways. And we now have an Alt-R view of the ******* taking shit from us that is just really bad.

There is no educating the willfully blind, and there is nothing more tragic than a willfully closed mind.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to blame all their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

Having spent some time dealing with Congress, and working with staffers and lobbyists, I am well aware of the "Deep State" and the "Unelected Government". To question their existence is, simply,a result of an intentional, and orchestrated, effort to keep the American people unaware of the reality of governance today. To deny their existence, and not pay homage, is to ensure that you never get any government contracts.

If the American people had any idea just how much the power brokers hold them in disdain, they would storm the walls and remove them physically.
Trump supporters and many on the alt right have found a convenient boogeyman to blame all their problems on The "Deep State" is supposed to be a group of shadowy power players within our government, media and law enforcement communities that are out to destroy Trump and family. Trump and his supporters need an enemy to blame all their problems on, and they can't use the Democrats anymore since the GOP controls the Senate, House and Whitehouse. This is going to be easy for the Trump folks to get away with since they don't have to so identify their enemy, and their followers are too ignorant and easily led bother to research this for themselves, so be prepared for a lot more of this Deep State garbage folks. The "Deep State" and their "Secret Society" will get ya, if you don't watch out!!

Fox News hosts ramp up ‘deep state’ conspiracies

Michael Goodwin: FBI memo proves the ‘deep state’ is real – and the press is part of it

Here is one from the National Enquirer, the most trusted name in news!! :bye1:

Donald Trump: Prez's Agenda Taken Hostage By Deep State Operatives!

You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You are so easily manipulated by them.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

“Former CIA director John Brennan has become the latest member of the NBC News and MSNBC family, officially signing with the network as a contributor,” chirps a recent article by The Wrap, as though that’s a perfectly normal thing to have to write and not a ghastly symptom of an Orwellian dystopia. NBC reports that the former head of the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering Central Intelligence Agency “is now a senior national security and intelligence analyst.”

CIA Information Operations Center logo

Brennan, who played a key role in the construction of the establishment’s Russia narrative that has been used to manufacture public consent for world-threatening new cold war escalations, is just the latest addition in an ongoing trend of trusted mainstream media outlets being packed to the gills with stalwarts from the U.S. intelligence community. Brennan joins CIA and DoD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash on the NBC/MSNBC lineup, who is serving there as a national security analyst, as well as NBC intelligence/national security reporter and known CIA collaborator Ken Dilanian.

Former Director of National Intelligence, Russiagate architect, and known Russophobic racist James Clapper was welcomed to the CNN “family” last year by Chris “It’s Illegal to Read WikiLeaks” Cuomo and now routinely appears as an expert analyst for the network. Last year CNN also hired a new national security analyst in Michael Hayden, who has served as CIA Director, NSA Director, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and an Air Force general.

Former CIA analyst and now paid CNN analyst Phil Mudd, who last year caused Cuomo’s show to have to issue a retraction and apology for a completely baseless claim he made on national television asserting that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is “a pedophile”, is once again making headlines for suggesting that the FBI is entering into a showdown with the current administration over Trump’s decision to declassify the controversial Nunes memo.

More and more of the outlets from which Americans get their information are being filled not just with garden variety establishment loyalists, but with longstanding members of the U.S. intelligence community. These men got to their positions of power within these deeply sociopathic institutions based on their willingness to facilitate any depravity in order to advance the secret agendas of the U.S. power establishment, and now they’re being paraded in front of mainstream Americans on cable news on a daily basis. The words of these “experts” are consistently taken and reported on by smaller news outlets in print and online media in a way that seeds their authoritative assertions throughout public consciousness.

The term “deep state” does not refer to a conspiracy theory but to a simple concept in political analysis which points to the undeniable reality that (A) plutocrats, (B) intelligence agencies, (C) defense agencies, and (D) the mainstream media hold large amounts of power in America despite their not being part of its elected government. You don’t need to look far to see how these separate groups overlap and collaborate to advance their own agendas in various ways. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, for example, is deeply involved in all of the aforementioned groups: (A) as arguably the wealthiest person ever he is clearly a plutocrat, with a company that is trying to control the underlying infrastructure of the economy; (B) he is a CIA contractor; (C) he is part of a Pentagon advisory board; and (D) his purchase of the Washington Post in 2013 gave him total control over a major mainstream media outlet. . . . "


". . . America is ruled by an elite class which has slowly created a system where money increasingly translates directly into political power, and which is therefore motivated to maintain economic injustice in order to rule over the masses more completely. The greater the economic inequality, the greater their power. Nobody would willingly consent to such an oppressive system where wealth inequality keeps growing as expensive bombs from expensive drones are showered upon strangers on the other side of the planet, so a robust propaganda machine is needed.

And that’s where John Brennan’s new job comes in. Expect a consistent fountain of lies to pour from his mouth on NBC, and expect them to all prop up this exploitative power establishment and advance its geopolitical agendas. And expect clear-eyed rebels everywhere to keep calling it all what it is."
How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.

Stupid question Private Pyle.

Then answer it, loser.

(smile) Look Gomer, if you have to even ASK the question you're too ignorant to admit you are wrong. Tell me little man, just what is OPPOSITION research in Politics?

I want to know what you believe and how you believe it was done.

Can you even show that either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever even saw the dossier during the election?

Do you really want to try and make the case that Clinton and the DNC paid millions for something they never saw? Seriously?

"Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department"
the foreign source gave the information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton, who then gave the information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, who then gave the information to Steele. Steele wrote a report based on the information, but the redacted version of the referral does not say what Steele did with the report after that.

Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department

Steele wrote memo based on information fed through Clinton campaign — released documents - Newsline

You want to try and make the point that Clinton never saw it even though Steele spent months briefing Reporters abut it?

"Steele revealed in a London court filing earlier this year that he was directed by Fusion GPS to brief reporters at outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo!"

Schiff Says House Intel Committee ‘Learned A Great Deal’ During Fusion GPS Founder’s Marathon Testimony

You know full well she not only saw it, she fully endorsed it. Today it is being reported that Blumenthal, a CLOSE Clinton ally had a hand in it. This is why you aren't even worth wasting time on, you believe everything in the Dossier and refuse to believe that a control freak like Hillary "never saw" it.

I sort of thought this would go there when I posted #78. LOL Of course it wouldn't matter if Hillary gave the Steele dossier to the FBI, the Wash Post or tom dick and harry. Apparently she didn't but ... it is irrelevant.
How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.

Stupid question Private Pyle.

Then answer it, loser.

(smile) Look Gomer, if you have to even ASK the question you're too ignorant to admit you are wrong. Tell me little man, just what is OPPOSITION research in Politics?

I want to know what you believe and how you believe it was done.

Can you even show that either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever even saw the dossier during the election?

Do you really want to try and make the case that Clinton and the DNC paid millions for something they never saw? Seriously?

"Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department"
the foreign source gave the information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton, who then gave the information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, who then gave the information to Steele. Steele wrote a report based on the information, but the redacted version of the referral does not say what Steele did with the report after that.

Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department

Steele wrote memo based on information fed through Clinton campaign — released documents - Newsline

You want to try and make the point that Clinton never saw it even though Steele spent months briefing Reporters abut it?

"Steele revealed in a London court filing earlier this year that he was directed by Fusion GPS to brief reporters at outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo!"

Schiff Says House Intel Committee ‘Learned A Great Deal’ During Fusion GPS Founder’s Marathon Testimony

You know full well she not only saw it, she fully endorsed it. Today it is being reported that Blumenthal, a CLOSE Clinton ally had a hand in it. This is why you aren't even worth wasting time on, you believe everything in the Dossier and refuse to believe that a control freak like Hillary "never saw" it.

Great. Now what does that have to do with the "deep state", a warrant on Page, or Mueller?
This is priceless, if you were to actually DO some research you'd have quite a different view of things.

translation- you need to listen to more rush

You have no idea how much you don't know. It's ALL out in the open too, you're just another lazy child.
we are not lazy, you deep staters the nth degree and you need a boogeyman and a scapegoat for your own failures....and yes, we've read all the paranoid bull crap on this imaginary deep state.... it's all bull shit....

you can't name any of them, you don't know who runs it, you don't know the ''leader'', you don't know if their paid, you don't know if they even know each other, but by golly they are REAL to you! Somehow, they continue generation after generation after generation, presidency after presidency.....Just Ridiculous, and simply infeasible.
we have a boogey man and you and yours are all in on a blank russia russia story. There is even evidence now on who really was talking to the russians through the dude Steele. That's directly from the congressional records. so if yours isn't a CT, then list out the crime that is being investigated and how it got started?

tick tock.
It's NOT a blank Russia story.

The Russian interference in our democratic election process is a FACT, jack.

What we do not know is if any Americans, wittingly or UN-wittingly, got sucked in to help them.
Son, I have been waiting for someone to say what it is the Russians did. Can you tell me? I mean you just stated it's a fact. so what is the fact exactly?
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Area 51 = 9/11 explosives = grassy knoll...

All of the CTs are the same.
except when there is actual evidence. like we're getting in this one. It is still active!! ask Adam Schitt.

There's far more evidence that Trump may simply have had dirty dealings rather than a conspiracy against him by the entire US govt.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?
except when there is actual evidence. like we're getting in this one. It is still active!! ask Adam Schitt.

There's far more evidence that Trump may simply have had dirty dealings rather than a conspiracy against him by the entire US govt.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.

Stupid question Private Pyle.
Well, no, I'd like to see you address how Hillary used the Steele material against Trump. Perhaps more importantly, since when, in your opinion, has funding opposition research on a political opponent been wrong? Even if the source is a foreign entity. It would be illegal to offer money, or anything of value, for anyone to do anything illegal. But it's never been illegal to hire investigators.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people
The Deep State = The Illuminati = NWO = Flat Earth society = Area 51 = 9/11 explosives = grassy knoll...

All of the CTs are the same.
except when there is actual evidence. like we're getting in this one. It is still active!! ask Adam Schitt.

There's far more evidence that Trump may simply have had dirty dealings rather than a conspiracy against him by the entire US govt.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
except when there is actual evidence. like we're getting in this one. It is still active!! ask Adam Schitt.

There's far more evidence that Trump may simply have had dirty dealings rather than a conspiracy against him by the entire US govt.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.
There's far more evidence that Trump may simply have had dirty dealings rather than a conspiracy against him by the entire US govt.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
I don't believe anyone said the entire government. The names have been listed. and they are actually common between the email scandal and what's going on now. that's just unbelievable. dude, I give two shits what anyone believes, but anyone who can't acknowledge that Hitlery paid for material to use against an opponent are just out of touch with reality.

How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm
How did Clinton use that material against her opponent?

Sadly, it is you who is out of touch with reality.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm

The memo Congress released doesn't say anything about Trump being spied on, dope.

The warrant began on Page a month after he left the campaign.
to give it to the FBI and set up spying through the FISA courts on trump. you deny that happened? Seriously?

Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm

The memo Congress released doesn't say anything about Trump being spied on, dope.

The warrant began on Page a month after he left the campaign.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team. again, I give two shits you ignore the facts. go for it, be uninformed and irrational.
Stupid question Private Pyle.

Then answer it, loser.

(smile) Look Gomer, if you have to even ASK the question you're too ignorant to admit you are wrong. Tell me little man, just what is OPPOSITION research in Politics?

I want to know what you believe and how you believe it was done.

Can you even show that either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever even saw the dossier during the election?

Do you really want to try and make the case that Clinton and the DNC paid millions for something they never saw? Seriously?

"Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department"
the foreign source gave the information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton, who then gave the information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, who then gave the information to Steele. Steele wrote a report based on the information, but the redacted version of the referral does not say what Steele did with the report after that.

Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department

Steele wrote memo based on information fed through Clinton campaign — released documents - Newsline

You want to try and make the point that Clinton never saw it even though Steele spent months briefing Reporters abut it?

"Steele revealed in a London court filing earlier this year that he was directed by Fusion GPS to brief reporters at outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo!"

Schiff Says House Intel Committee ‘Learned A Great Deal’ During Fusion GPS Founder’s Marathon Testimony

You know full well she not only saw it, she fully endorsed it. Today it is being reported that Blumenthal, a CLOSE Clinton ally had a hand in it. This is why you aren't even worth wasting time on, you believe everything in the Dossier and refuse to believe that a control freak like Hillary "never saw" it.

Great. Now what does that have to do with the "deep state", a warrant on Page, or Mueller?

Are you really this stupid? Can you really NOT follow a conversation from end to end? Good lord kid.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
well we know it went from her to the media back to the FBI for a fisa warrant to spy on trump. It's all out there today. Why do you deny that? now you're just being irrational. There are documents now to show that. Wow. can't fight irrational people

There is no FISA warrant on Trump and never has been.

You are the biggest source of false news on this forum. You lie with almost every post. The fact anyone could lie so much is rather remarkable.
they don't need one when they have one on a former volunteer that was in the area Trump and his team were in. boom, spying on trump. no other way around it bub. no other. WE know it, how else did they know about Flynn or the idiot papadapolis nut? How can you live with yourself being so stupid?
Last edited:
Clinton did all of that?

The warrant was specific to Page, dope.
LOL, yeah sure we all know what happened, we follow the paper trail today. It's all out there for us all to see. Now you're irrationally ignoring facts.

Trump was never spied on, dope.
well sure he was. I don't care if you ignore the material the congress released. that's up to you. Doing business with you must suck. you ignore all business material unless it fits your story. wow. facts are facts, you want to ignore those facts, doesn't change the facts. Flynn's lawyers are expected to file papers on these facts to throw out the charges. hmmmmmm

The memo Congress released doesn't say anything about Trump being spied on, dope.

The warrant began on Page a month after he left the campaign.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team. again, I give two shits you ignore the facts. go for it, be uninformed and irrational.
sure it does, it even details the circular path it took to spy on Trump's whole team.

WTF are you talking about?
Then answer it, loser.

(smile) Look Gomer, if you have to even ASK the question you're too ignorant to admit you are wrong. Tell me little man, just what is OPPOSITION research in Politics?

I want to know what you believe and how you believe it was done.

Can you even show that either the Clinton campaign or the DNC ever even saw the dossier during the election?

Do you really want to try and make the case that Clinton and the DNC paid millions for something they never saw? Seriously?

"Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department"
the foreign source gave the information to an unnamed associate of Hillary and Bill Clinton, who then gave the information to an unnamed official in the Obama State Department, who then gave the information to Steele. Steele wrote a report based on the information, but the redacted version of the referral does not say what Steele did with the report after that.

Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department

Steele wrote memo based on information fed through Clinton campaign — released documents - Newsline

You want to try and make the point that Clinton never saw it even though Steele spent months briefing Reporters abut it?

"Steele revealed in a London court filing earlier this year that he was directed by Fusion GPS to brief reporters at outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo!"

Schiff Says House Intel Committee ‘Learned A Great Deal’ During Fusion GPS Founder’s Marathon Testimony

You know full well she not only saw it, she fully endorsed it. Today it is being reported that Blumenthal, a CLOSE Clinton ally had a hand in it. This is why you aren't even worth wasting time on, you believe everything in the Dossier and refuse to believe that a control freak like Hillary "never saw" it.

Great. Now what does that have to do with the "deep state", a warrant on Page, or Mueller?

Are you really this stupid? Can you really NOT follow a conversation from end to end? Good lord kid.

Answer it, loser.

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