Get Rid of Spanish in America

How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?
Spanish should be BANNED in the US. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?

You know, I'm wondering if we can even eat Mexican food. Isn't that a slippery slope to allowing free speech to come back again?

Nope, from here out, it's fish and chips and shepard's pie for the lot of us
I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?
They throw a net over you, and place you into a re-education school, to deprogram you from the liberal MISeducation system. All free. No cost to you. :biggrin:
Who said anything about banning anything?

The National Security League did.

A century ago. How 'bout now?.

Yes, a century ago. That's what learning from history means. You look back and ask, "how did this work out last time?".

How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?

It doesn't. That's fine. But the OP here is actually talking about eliminating a language. It's right there in his title, and he's reiterating it in every post. Can you read English?

I can. I am expressing my own opinion on the matter. That is generally the purpose of message boards such as these.
How do you get rid of a language?

The next step of course would be getting rid of accents. And of course all slang terms that didn't meet the national standard list.

What a fucked-up world.

LOL. Look, I have no problem if people speak their native language. However, where I live, the public school system is spending a fortune teaching children in Spanish because they refuse to learn English... I have a problem with this.

I used to have a Honduran lady that worked for me, Monday morning, her accent was thick... not so much on Friday. She spoke nothing but Spanish over the weekend.

The direct issue that pogo and I have been raising is that protectionist is proposing government ban free speech between citizens.

Do you believe they should? I've read a lot of your posts, I can't believe that you would support that
How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?
Spanish should be BANNED in the US. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?

You know, I'm wondering if we can even eat Mexican food. Isn't that a slippery slope to allowing free speech to come back again?

Nope, from here out, it's fish and chips and shepard's pie for the lot of us

Only is it's made by Mexicans. Otherwise, it's cultural appropriation. :lmao:
How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?

Do you mean government business or all business? If you mean the former, I am with you, if you mean the latter, you're advocating tyranny
How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?
Spanish should be BANNED in the US. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?

You know, I'm wondering if we can even eat Mexican food. Isn't that a slippery slope to allowing free speech to come back again?

Nope, from here out, it's fish and chips and shepard's pie for the lot of us

Only is it's made by Mexicans. Otherwise, it's cultural appropriation. :lmao:

Another one running away from questions that prove him wrong. Again, quelle surprise
I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?
They throw a net over you, and place you into a re-education school, to deprogram you from the liberal MISeducation system. All free. No cost to you. :biggrin:

Without closing the Jewish Restaurant. I mean Mexican. Aren't you just treating a symptom rather than the disease?
If you have to preserve your identity by restricting the free speech of citizens, then you're just a despot anyway.

Again, I agree that government should speak English. You are advocating that government have the power to prevent it's citizens from speaking Spanish, and that's tyranny. You would have been a Tory in the revolution
Not tyranny. Just simple nationality preservation. Nobody said anything about people "speaking Spanish" to one another. Although that;s a bad thing, and it also detracts from the national identity, the OP is talking about media, telephone recordings, advertising, etc.

As for free speech, plenty of things are restricted, you don't know ?
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Shit, here in the filthy shithole of Mexifornia there are many places where English is the secondary language...I’ve been in banks with 50 people or more inside where I was the only white person there, including employees...where everyone is speaking kinda stop and suck it all in, at first you feel like you’re in an episode of the Twilight Zone then you quickly realize you’ve become a foreigner in your own country.
I don't think we need to get rid of the Spanish language.

I prefer we get rid of the people that only speak Spanish.
And he STILL won't answer.

Look Sprinkles, you either have a logical point, or you do not. It's obvious which one is at work here but if you did, you could apply the principle anywhere and answer the question. But you can't.
Answer WHAT question ?
How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?

Do you mean government business or all business? If you mean the former, I am with you, if you mean the latter, you're advocating tyranny

Government. Official biz. Everyone else is free to do what they want.

Yes, I'm with you then. I agree. I thought that's what you meant, Billy. Just wanted you to specify that.

That isn't what Protectionist is advocating, he's proposing government ban private businesses from operating in Spanish, which is not what you are doing
If you have to preserve your identity by restricting the free speech of citizens, then you're just a despot anyway.

Again, I agree that government should speak English. You are advocating that government have the power to prevent it's citizens from speaking Spanish, and that's tyranny. You would have been a Tory in the revolution
Not tyranny. Just simple nationality preservation. Nobody said anything about people "speaking Spanish" to one another.

YOU DID. Repeatedly.

Know what should be eliminated? LYING.
How about conducting all business in English? How does that ban anything?
Spanish should be BANNED in the US. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I go into my local Mexican restaurant --- what happens? I can't order? If I read the menu out loud do your stürmtroopers goose-step in and toss me in a Konzentration Kamp?

WTF...doesn't Taco Bell have a menu in English?

Happy to say I don't have a Taco Bell to not go to in my town. But at the actual Mexican restaurant I usually go to I usually order a Pollo Chilango.

Hey, if I deliberately mispronounce it can I get off with a misdemeanor?
We can brainwash kids to report parents who speak anything but English at home. When we throw them in concentration camps, their kids will be hailed as heroes!

Protectionist is sick
YOU are sick for posting nonsense, and then trying to attribute it to someone else. Try to be genuine. Phonieness doesn't work here.

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