Get rid of the disagree button

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.

Or if we can't get rid of it, can we replace it with this lady's face? Because this is what I think over many posts

Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.

Why do you give a flying fuck if someone disagrees with your post?

Not to mention many of your tribe members do the very same thing.
Why do you give a flying fuck if someone disagrees with your post?

Not to mention many of your tribe members do the very same thing.

Too many of them are by goyim, who aren't supposed to disagree with one of the Master Race representatives here. They have to go through waiting for the pet mod and sniveling and demanding thread bans, which is just too much trouble and time to spend on sub-humans.

Rabbi Ginsburgh, a leading Chabad Rabbi, has argued that because Gentiles are genetically inferior to Jews, a Jew should be able to take Gentiles organs if he needs one. He was recorded saying, 'As for the goyim... Zalman's attitude (was):

"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

'If every single cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.'

'If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value.'

The influential rabbi who wants to turn Israel into an Iran-style fundamentalist state

There are several of these supremacists here.
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Better than the old days when those agrees and disagrees actually affected your posting power.

Wolf packs would swarm the posts of those they disagreed with and neg them to death and chase away new posters
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
Only if it gets replaced by a "STFU!" button. :D
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
Does it hurt your feelings if anonymous people on the internet don't don't like you?
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
Same with the far right on here. There is one maga bitch on here that hits disagree on everyone of my posts and I could give a shit. So it goes both ways, quit whining. Maybe the mods could change it to GFY.
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
I disagree with your remarks because you are wrong.
Could we get rid of this button? There are some leftists who just go right down the list and hit disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.disagreeā€¦.to a conservativeā€™s well-articulated opinion on a position without ever having to explain why they disagree or why they feel the conservative is wrong.

Itā€™s just like a conversation in which one person explains something - such as why they feel Trump is being unfairly targeted by a weaponized DOJ - and the other person just says, ā€œwrong!ā€ We KNOW the leftist would disagree, but to just say that without any content serves no purpose.

I suggest a new rule where if a leftist (or anyone) disagrees with a posterā€™s message, they need to say why they disagree and not just slap it down without any defense or explanation. Thatā€™s hardly the way to have a discussion on a discussion board.
I would replace it with either a middle finger or mooning symbol.
Youā€™re responding and laughing to your own post. Tells me youā€˜re not too bright, but then again.ā€¦youā€™re on the side of the Deep State Left and think Biden is preferable to Trump.
Nope, responding to GG he disagreed with my post. I know what it looked like.
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