Get the 25th Amendment procedures going - call Nancy, Chuck, the Turtle, and Kamala


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020

They are bailing out (honorably), and the rest are planning President Harris' inauguration. The Weekend at Biden's is coming to the end we have been anticipating

No State of the Union - no press conference. He referred to Harris as President and then he stumbles up the stairs . . .

The end is near. This is the 25th Amendment ending that we have been wondering what it would look like.
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Nahhh....the end is never near.

Soon to be Pot-Smoker-In-Chief probably will end up taking over.... :icon_rolleyes:

She ran a hard line in CA on the surface only...typical democrat symbolism over substance....she was caught in bold face lies constantly....almost to an embarrassing point...
She arrested pot smokers? I wasn't aware that she was ever on any police force.

No, she was the former AG for the state of California. I am sure she prosecuted those who were arrested.

So the people were caught, arrested, and charged. Should she have just said "Oh, it is against the law but I am not going to prosecute them"?

People were caught with weed. They were prosecuted for it. She did her job. Unless weed is made legal, that is a risk all weed smokers take. I knew the risks every time I lit up.

As a matter of fact, in my younger days I smoked with numerous cops.
She arrested pot smokers? I wasn't aware that she was ever on any police force.

No, she was the former AG for the state of California. I am sure she prosecuted those who were arrested.

So the people were caught, arrested, and charged. Should she have just said "Oh, it is against the law but I am not going to prosecute them"?

People were caught with weed. They were prosecuted for it. She did her job. Unless weed is made legal, that is a risk all weed smokers take. I knew the risks every time I lit up.

As a matter of fact, in my younger days I smoked with numerous cops.
She arrested pot smokers? I wasn't aware that she was ever on any police force.

No, she was the former AG for the state of California. I am sure she prosecuted those who were arrested.

So the people were caught, arrested, and charged. Should she have just said "Oh, it is against the law but I am not going to prosecute them"?

People were caught with weed. They were prosecuted for it. She did her job. Unless weed is made legal, that is a risk all weed smokers take. I knew the risks every time I lit up.

As a matter of fact, in my younger days I smoked with numerous cops.
Yes, a DA has the power to drop charges.

She sent them to prison for smoking weed, and bragged about it. She’s a power tripping bitch, it’s going to be a real shit show when Biden is put into a retirement home.
So the people were caught, arrested, and charged. Should she have just said "Oh, it is against the law but I am not going to prosecute them"?

People were caught with weed. They were prosecuted for it. She did her job. Unless weed is made legal, that is a risk all weed smokers take. I knew the risks every time I lit up.

As a matter of fact, in my younger days I smoked with numerous cops.

Ok, with all due with respect, I think you took my comment out of context. I don't believe that I implied that smoking pot was bad. Back in the days, I used to smoke pot - back in the 1980's.
All I was stating that since Beijing Biden is not doing so well - mentally and physically - that we could be very well on our way to having a Former Pot-smoking-In-Chief. Even she admitted that she had smoked pot. I wonder if Biden is going to "fire" her. (I know he can't.) But that was my original comment.
She arrested pot smokers? I wasn't aware that she was ever on any police force.

No, she was the former AG for the state of California. I am sure she prosecuted those who were arrested.

So the people were caught, arrested, and charged. Should she have just said "Oh, it is against the law but I am not going to prosecute them"?

People were caught with weed. They were prosecuted for it. She did her job. Unless weed is made legal, that is a risk all weed smokers take. I knew the risks every time I lit up.

As a matter of fact, in my younger days I smoked with numerous cops.

That is EXACTLY what the current AG for LA is doing!

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