Get the Feds out of Western lands


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In the final days of his administration, President Obama has decided that with the stroke of pen, he shall further consolidate direct federal control over lands within Western states.

Specifically, Obama created the Bear Ears National Monument and the Gold Butte National Monument in Utah and Nevada, respectively. The Obama Administration claims that Obama’s unilateral edict was necessary because Congress had not passed any legislation on the matter.

It's not about conservation - it's about federal control

If there is one area people need to realize it is a term known as Agenda 21 or now Agenda 2030.
This is where wordage is easily dumbed down to the public and most have no knowledge of this slick plan put into place.
It run deep and into many areas until you follow the links of information you can then understand how this is being done right under your noses.
One of the best sources on this is a woman name Rosa Kori who has this video
BEHIND THE GREEN MASK................

She also has tons of information on her website
Have you wondered where these terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high density urban mixed use development' came from?
Doesn't it seem like about 10 years ago you'd never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with...what?
Click here for more: http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21...

Who are we?
We are engaged in educating ourselves, our peers, and our country about UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Form-Based Zoning, Green Energy Mandates, Carbon Offsets, ....
They took over 1.5 million acres to protect a few sights.
This happens to be a poor community
So now the dems say, we have to give all this money to red states.
Anytime a lib sez how much they give to red states remind them of how much ground they gave to the fed gov.
1.5 million acres at 10,000 an acre.

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