get those hummingbird feeders out....sugar mix recipe in thread


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
Table sugar is perfect. The normal mixture, especially ideal during hot or dry weather, is ¼ cup of sugar per cup of water. During cold, rainy, or foggy conditions when fresh water is plentiful but birds need more energy, it’s fine to make the mixture 1/3 cup of sugar per cup of water. Concentrations of sugars in natural nectars vary within about that range

Feeding Hummingbirds Birding Basics
Thanks for the recipe.

I just bought a feeder yesterday.

Question: Does the feeder need to be hung in a shaded area?
They've been buzzing around here for a couple of weeks already, I was late catching up with 'em. But I usually keep four or five going since they're so territorial, on different sides of the house. Of course there's always one that will take a position on the corner bush where it can see both and "defend" either one.

I think you gotta have at least two feeders as alternatives. They're so territorial they'll chase their own mate away.

And keep 'em clean! Rinse out well with a vinegar solution and change fluid every couple of days so it doesn't sit in the heat and spoil.
Thanks for the recipe.

I just bought a feeder yesterday.

Question: Does the feeder need to be hung in a shaded area?

The birds don't care but yes I'd definitely hang in the shade. Direct sunlight spoils the nectar faster. :thup:
Table sugar is perfect. The normal mixture, especially ideal during hot or dry weather, is ¼ cup of sugar per cup of water. During cold, rainy, or foggy conditions when fresh water is plentiful but birds need more energy, it’s fine to make the mixture 1/3 cup of sugar per cup of water. Concentrations of sugars in natural nectars vary within about that range

Feeding Hummingbirds Birding Basics
I had a tiger stripped one fly in when the door was open..
I had to go buy a new bag of sugar, as the one from last year turned into solid rock. I don't use it for anything else so it just sits. Wish they'd sell it in smaller bags.

Don't fill the feeder to its capacity, it will be wasted. You only want enough in there for a few days until you can dump and refill. Make a large batch and keep the rest in a container in the fridge.
Bald Eagles are hangin' out on the front lawn(5 acres) and they snatched a pup a few days ago...
They dive bomb each other here in NY, they don't play well together

Yup, they all do that. If you're lucky you'll get to see the mating pattern -- the male swoops back and forth in huge figure-8 patterns to impress the female.

Then of course once she awards her favors they'll be dive bombing each other in feeder jealousy.
I had to go buy a new bag of sugar, as the one from last year turned into solid rock. I don't use it for anything else so it just sits. Wish they'd sell it in smaller bags.

Don't fill the feeder to its capacity, it will be wasted. You only want enough in there for a few days until you can dump and refill. Make a large batch and keep the rest in a container in the fridge.
I have some of the premix from the store..I buy it on clearance...
When I put out a humming bird feeders, the back porch starts reminding me of the Atlanta Airport.
Only it is a good thing there is not as much squawking and fighting at the airport.

When I put out a humming bird feeders, the back porch starts reminding me of the Atlanta Airport.
Only it is a good thing there is not as much squawking and fighting at the airport.

Not as much twittering either. ;)
How high off the ground should the feeder be hung?
3-4 feet unless you have animals that can get into it...I have some that stick in the ground and look like flowers, they are about 18 inches above ground and some hanging from tree branches..
Not as much twittering either. ;)

I put out three feeders ... One on either end and one in the middle.
Within a week a male will claim each of the feeders on the ends ... They will spend most of the day sitting in a tree and watching the feeders.
They let the females come and go ... Although they don't like them going to the wrong feeder.

The feeder in the middle is a good "drive-by" feeder for males and females who have not been claimed ... And a general point of contention or massive turf wars.
The dogfights are hilarious and some hummingbirds take advantage of the commotion to sneak in at one of the other feeders.

I have been feeding mine for over a month now.
I have 3 - 32oz feeders and I have to fill them up every single day because we have so many.
We go through 40 pounds of sugar a month. :)

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