Getting Ready to Microchip the Entire Human Race


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
These biochips look like the integrated circuits in a personal computer, but instead of containing tiny semiconductors, they are loaded with bits of actual DNA that make up genes or fragments of genes. Inserted in a PC-sized analytical instrument, the chips allow scientists to perform thousands of biochemical experiments at a fraction of the cost and time required for traditional tests.”
Getting Ready to Microchip the Entire Human Race : Conscious Life News

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Isn't it amazing how Lucent Techologies ( inventors of RFID Chip and contractors for NSA Spy Center ) come right out and call it "Beast Technologies"? They purposely hide their plans in plain sight. All you have to do is pay attention to what they are doing, who they are involved with, why they want the world population to receive the mark of the Beast - etc. If they can implant the RFID chip in your hand or forehead they will be able to control you, track you and kill you. Do not take it under any circumstances.

The people behind Lucis Trust, Alcatel Lucent, Lucent techologies - ATT - are satanists. This is their plan to usher in their god - Lucifer - to rule a One World Order. They cannot accomplish this with a generation of billions of Christians still around who have been warning about this Mark for centuries. The technology is here now and those who take this chip will be brainwashed to bow down and worship the anti christ who has yet to reveal himself. It's a deception people need to be aware of. There are millions and millions of people who will refuse to take the chip. It isn't going to be as easy as the Lucifereans think it is going to be. Wait and see.

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