Getting Vaccine will NOT free you from Mask/Social Distancing


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.
You know, when the VA here in Amarillo gets their vaccine allotment and starts giving it to the vets, I'm gonna try to be one of the first ones in line. And, I will continue to wear a mask in public and social distance until about a week after the second shot.

After that? I'm going to leave the masks at home, and start some semblance of a normal life again.

According to what I've heard so far, the VA here in Amarillo is going to be getting the Moderna vaccine, and is just waiting for it to be approved.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

The Problem is you. Not that you are a leader of the foolish and dangerous rhetoric, you echo it.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

That is exactly the play here.

They will force it, one way or another.

This will start a war that I am happy to fight.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

The Problem is you. Not that you are a leader of the foolish and dangerous rhetoric, you echo it.

See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Not "everyone."

Until we reach herd immunity.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
But Commander Fauci said a couple weeks before the election that a vaccine wont stop infection.

Oh wait, he changed his mind a few days after the election. Nevermind.
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Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Not "everyone."

Until we reach herd immunity.

I can see it now:

First, we we going to shut down for just 2 weeks to keep the hospital system from being overloaded. Then, it was "flatten the curve." Then.....on and on.

It will not end until every single person is force injected with who-knows-what. Or it will end when enough people fight back and the authoritarian shits back the fuck off.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

The Problem is you. Not that you are a leader of the foolish and dangerous rhetoric, you echo it.

What a good little totalitarian you are. You and Gavin are tight?
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You know, when the VA here in Amarillo gets their vaccine allotment and starts giving it to the vets, I'm gonna try to be one of the first ones in line. And, I will continue to wear a mask in public and social distance until about a week after the second shot.

After that? I'm going to leave the masks at home, and start some semblance of a normal life again.

According to what I've heard so far, the VA here in Amarillo is going to be getting the Moderna vaccine, and is just waiting for it to be approved.

You do know you will still be masked shamed, and told to put it on by stores you walk into, right?
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Time for you to grow up. If you don't, you will have adults telling you what you WILL do.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Why would I bother to get the shot then?
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Is anyone surprised?

In the meantime, the Democrat governor of Rhode Island just got caught at the wine bar, mask-less, and laughing her ass off at the suckers she told to stay home.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.

We need a min of 78% of the population to get both shots to reach the point where they can get a handle on it through Isolation and contract tracing. The problem is, with only 50 to 60% of the people willing to be vaccinated we will run out of vaccine and be right back where we started from when the vaccine wears off. Masks and social distancing will also be needed until it gets to the min of 78% rate. Otherwise, it's one step forward and two steps back. It's time for the children in Adult Bodies to grow up.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Why would I bother to get the shot then?

Easy answer. Unless you independent, you don't get the shots, you don't work. That's coming. Without the lawsuit protections, that is the only thing left to protect the other workers AND the Business. And you will be required to provide proof of innoculation for a lot of other things as well like ....... Time to grow up, child.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
Where we go again. What percentage exactly is herd immunity? How is that determined? How do they count people that had the virus but never got tested?

You see, yet another unattainable goal post that will be moved when we get there. Once 60% of the population has either had the flu, or vaccine, they will just claim it needs to be 80%....90%...

Then they will claim there is a new strain that the vaccine doesn’t protect.

Not to mention the vaccines are only 90% effective against it.

It will never end.
You know, when the VA here in Amarillo gets their vaccine allotment and starts giving it to the vets, I'm gonna try to be one of the first ones in line. And, I will continue to wear a mask in public and social distance until about a week after the second shot.

After that? I'm going to leave the masks at home, and start some semblance of a normal life again.

According to what I've heard so far, the VA here in Amarillo is going to be getting the Moderna vaccine, and is just waiting for it to be approved.
Good luck with that. When you enter a store some deranged WuTard will tell you to put your mask on.

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