Getting Vaccine will NOT free you from Mask/Social Distancing

Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Time for you to grow up. If you don't, you will have adults telling you what you WILL do.

I don’t take orders from petulant children or communists.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.

We need a min of 78% of the population to get both shots to reach the point where they can get a handle on it through Isolation and contract tracing. The problem is, with only 50 to 60% of the people willing to be vaccinated we will run out of vaccine and be right back where we started from when the vaccine wears off. Masks and social distancing will also be needed until it gets to the min of 78% rate. Otherwise, it's one step forward and two steps back. It's time for the children in Adult Bodies to grow up.
And let’s say in your fantasy scenario 100% of America gets vaccinated. Then what?

What about people from other countries who come visit America? What about Americans that go overseas like our military? What about the illegals coming across the border?

Yup, once again YOU are full of shit. Even *if* all Americans got the vaccine you fascists will still claim there is a threat from foreigners as well as people that must travel overseas. Or are you advocating 100% border closure and all international travel be banned?
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Getting Vaccine ?! How long before we are forced the vaccine
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Getting Vaccine ?! How long before we are forced the vaccine

After this vaccine, then what? Required annual flu shots? Shots for measles? Rubella? Hep?

Then will mandatory medical procedures be required? Will men be required to do annual Prostrate Exams or colonscopies?
The lockdown loons and fright freaks dont want a vaccine and while the shots are going on they will be weeping how they just don’t FEEL comfortable yet so for their fragile well being everyone needs to stay masked and distanced and eat on the curb outside. They got Covid power and influence where they never had before and won’t give it up
Media still censoring everything is example of how when corrupt power is grabbed it is not relinquished
The lockdown loons and fright freaks dont want a vaccine and while the shots are going on they will be weeping how they just don’t FEEL comfortable yet so for their fragile well being everyone needs to stay masked and distanced and eat on the curb outside. They got Covid power and influence where they never had before and won’t give it up
Media still censoring everything is example of how when corrupt power is grabbed it is not relinquished

Its about the Power with liberals. Forcing people to bend to their will- ordering them around to take shots they do not want, wear masks they do not need.

Libs like Gov. Wolf, our She-Male Health Director and Doc Fauci all love the idea of tellign people what to do- which is the essence of Slavery.

Really, what is the difference between forcing someone to Pick Cotton or forcing someone to take an immunization.

Its all just Slavery.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
Where we go again. What percentage exactly is herd immunity? How is that determined? How do they count people that had the virus but never got tested?

You see, yet another unattainable goal post that will be moved when we get there. Once 60% of the population has either had the flu, or vaccine, they will just claim it needs to be 80%....90%...

Then they will claim there is a new strain that the vaccine doesn’t protect.

Not to mention the vaccines are only 90% effective against it.

It will never end.

Dunno where you're getting your information, but the Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be 95 percent effective, and Moderna's has been shown to be at 94.5 percent. Since you don't know that (incidentally, it's been all over the news for the past week or so), I'm guessing the rest of your post is just more crap. But, if your paranoid delusions keep you warm at night, carry on.
You know, when the VA here in Amarillo gets their vaccine allotment and starts giving it to the vets, I'm gonna try to be one of the first ones in line. And, I will continue to wear a mask in public and social distance until about a week after the second shot.

After that? I'm going to leave the masks at home, and start some semblance of a normal life again.

According to what I've heard so far, the VA here in Amarillo is going to be getting the Moderna vaccine, and is just waiting for it to be approved.
Good luck with that. When you enter a store some deranged WuTard will tell you to put your mask on.

Doubtful. I always wear my U.S. Navy Retired ball cap, and most people around here in the TX Panhandle have a fair amount of respect for veterans. If they wanna scream at me, I'll simply tell them I've been vaccinated, and they should do so as well.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.

We need a min of 78% of the population to get both shots to reach the point where they can get a handle on it through Isolation and contract tracing. The problem is, with only 50 to 60% of the people willing to be vaccinated we will run out of vaccine and be right back where we started from when the vaccine wears off. Masks and social distancing will also be needed until it gets to the min of 78% rate. Otherwise, it's one step forward and two steps back. It's time for the children in Adult Bodies to grow up.
And let’s say in your fantasy scenario 100% of America gets vaccinated. Then what?

What about people from other countries who come visit America? What about Americans that go overseas like our military? What about the illegals coming across the border?

Yup, once again YOU are full of shit. Even *if* all Americans got the vaccine you fascists will still claim there is a threat from foreigners as well as people that must travel overseas. Or are you advocating 100% border closure and all international travel be banned?

People from other countries? Simple, ask if they are vaccinated (almost every other modern country is vaccinating their people), and if so, they can go wherever, if not, quarantine them for a couple of weeks. Matter of fact, other countries aren't as lenient as we are, there was recently a story of a 18 year old girl and her boyfriend who were sentenced to 4 months in the Cayman Islands for breaking quarantine.

As far as Americans going overseas like the military? Apparently, you don't know much about the military, because they like to give you vaccinations for a bunch of stuff. Matter of fact, if you are deployed overseas to certain areas, there are REQUIRED vaccinations that you must get before you can go there. Vaccinations are part of the overseas duty screening.

As far as the illegals coming across the border? Well, you said that even if 100 percent of Americans were vaccinated, there were still things that people had to worry about. Sorry, but apparently you also don't understand what "vaccination" means. If everyone has the shot, then there is no worry about catching it from other people, so go scare monger somewhere else.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
Where we go again. What percentage exactly is herd immunity? How is that determined? How do they count people that had the virus but never got tested?

You see, yet another unattainable goal post that will be moved when we get there. Once 60% of the population has either had the flu, or vaccine, they will just claim it needs to be 80%....90%...

Then they will claim there is a new strain that the vaccine doesn’t protect.

Not to mention the vaccines are only 90% effective against it.

It will never end.

Dunno where you're getting your information, but the Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be 95 percent effective, and Moderna's has been shown to be at 94.5 percent. Since you don't know that (incidentally, it's been all over the news for the past week or so), I'm guessing the rest of your post is just more crap. But, if your paranoid delusions keep you warm at night, carry on.
Okay, thanks for the correction. 94.7%.

So since that isn’t 100%, the COVIDiots will still use it as an excuse to keep lockdowns going, and my point is still valid.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Time for you to grow up. If you don't, you will have adults telling you what you WILL do.

I don’t take orders from petulant children or communists.

Then you won't go to the movies or have a job or go to school or go into a store or...... Guess you had better get used to being isolated but not in a good way. And when you do go out, get ready for the fines. It's coming sooner or later. If you think they can't do it, it's under Public Safety and it IS Constitutional all the way. The only petulant child here is you. Cooperate a little now or lose it all later. But until we get the virus under control and get enough people cooperating it's going to get worse and NOT go away. All of the family I claim follow the Covid rules and none of us have gotten covid and it's a very large clan clear across the nation. We also avoid you Covid Distributors like you like the plague. And we all get tested on intervals. By the end of this month, I will receive one of the two covid vaccines through the VA. From the sound of things, it's going to be Moderno since the VA doesn't have the deep cold storage facility and Moderno comes out next week.

But you will probably refuse the vaccine because they say you should. And that makes you a potential carrier if nothing else. You don't deserve the nice things in life.
See, that exactly what I think of you.

Do you think we should keep up the masking/shutdown bit even after the vaccine is distributed to force EVERYONE to get it?

How do you believe that is appropriate in comparison to an individual's right to choose? Or, do you believe in individual right at all?

Everyone doesn't need to get it.

We need to get to herd immunity, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 60% of the population.
Where we go again. What percentage exactly is herd immunity? How is that determined? How do they count people that had the virus but never got tested?

You see, yet another unattainable goal post that will be moved when we get there. Once 60% of the population has either had the flu, or vaccine, they will just claim it needs to be 80%....90%...

Then they will claim there is a new strain that the vaccine doesn’t protect.

Not to mention the vaccines are only 90% effective against it.

It will never end.

Dunno where you're getting your information, but the Pfizer vaccine has been shown to be 95 percent effective, and Moderna's has been shown to be at 94.5 percent. Since you don't know that (incidentally, it's been all over the news for the past week or so), I'm guessing the rest of your post is just more crap. But, if your paranoid delusions keep you warm at night, carry on.
Okay, thanks for the correction. 94.7%.

So since that isn’t 100%, the COVIDiots will still use it as an excuse to keep lockdowns going, and my point is still valid.

No, you point isn't. Until at least 78% of the population is vaccinated at the same time, we need to adhere to the PPP Methods. Lockdowns are not needed but social distancing and masks are. Just like Influenza, when they get it down to the point of being able to do small isolations and contact tracings then the masks and social distancing and deep cleaning will be needed. This ain't the first rodeo. It's just the first time we have had so many children in adult bodies running around saying stupid things like "You can't tell me what to do".

BTW, Moderna is 94.X effective for most but it's 100% effective for those 65 and older. Hence the VA holding out for it since most of us are a bit older than the average age.
Yup, the MSM got their orders to push out this narrative, that even when you get the vaccine you must still wear your mask and social distance. Supposedly until “everyone” has gotten the vaccine. But wait....does that mean unless everyone is FORCED to take the vaccine that we will still have all the shutdowns and forced face diaper mandates? You bet! This has always been about government control and taking away our rights.

Remember when they said all we needed was a few weeks of a shut down, or the Fraudulent-Elect’s “100 day” mask mandate. Funny how the goal posts keep moving. These fuckers keep lying to us.

According to XiNN, the vaccine didn’t test if WuFlu could be spread asymptotically by people with the vaccine. Umm, how can they spread it if the vaccine prevents infection? In order to spread it you have to be infected with it multiplying millions of times in your body.

They are lying to us. Of course the COVIdiots keep following their word as gospel.

Isn't there a rule about the OP needing to be in some form of English? Xinn..WuFlu?

Once the vaccine is widely distributed, as I understand it, you will have some sort of immunity from suffering from its effects but you still could carry the virus and spread it to others. Their vaccination will, eventually make the mask wearing less important...but until it is widely distributed...we should continue to take mitigation steps.

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