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Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

That's what I love about Newt, that's Newt at his best, he won't be intimidated, he won't be Alinskyed and he told the whole LMSM they can suck his chubby.


That was PERFECT!!!

Newt Gingrich asked about Palin's Experience. Checkmate. - YouTube

Where's the rest of the interview (Keith said they were coming back)

I could have answered that question. State senator for eights years, federal senator for six, I could go on. Newt's an idiot....

Gee gumby, you were close.....he was a state Senator for 7 years, voted present a bunch of times and sat in Wright's Africa centric church and didn't hear anything. He then slid into a U.S. Senator gig for almost 4 years but 2 of those were spent flying a special interest 757-300 all over 57 of the 60 states campaigning and spending 730,000,000 special interest dollars to buy the Presidency over a 72 year old that spent 150,000,000 dollars. His lack of control over a budget was a damn good signal of what an inept clown he would be as President and yet he was shoved in by the entire black voting population, homeless people, guilty liberal whites, dead people in Chicago and anyone that would sell their vote for a piece of Church"s Fried Chicken.
Clinton wagged his finger and lied to our face you fucking loser

Yeah. About a blowjob....Wow, that's real bad.

It could have been worse. He could have lied about WMDs and taken your country to war. Thank god no president would be that dumb....
...oh, wait a minute.....:eusa_whistle:

So when Clinton commits adultery in the Oval Office and then lies about it under oath it's "just about a blowjob," but when Newt commits adultery, he's a scumbag?

I love the way the libturd mind works.
Uh how many divorced family members and former family members do you have that would merit such attention?? How many of them had the opportunity to be on national news to discuss their former marriages??

Personally I believe as I did when the republicans including newt went after clinton. What he does in his bedroom or outside of his marriage is his business and between him and his wife.

That being said, my problem with newt in this instance is that his position only seemed to change when his own personal life was put under the microscope. However, back when they were going after cllinton they had no problem bringing out women to go after clinton on national news.

Why wasn't he "appalled" back then?? It's great that republicans preach forgive and forget but the only pasts that they seem to want to forgive and forget are their own.

Your problem with Newt is that he's a Republican. No one went after Clinton for committing adultery. They went after him for perjury and obstruction of justice. Those who claim "it was just a blowjob" are lying libturd propagandists.
And I suppose newt has never told a lie?? LOL

When you tell a lie to a judge and jury it's called perjury, you stupid dipshit.

Your sidestep aside, it does nothing to counter the hypocrisy coming from the right on this issue. You still rail at clinton but forgive and forget newts past. Thanks for the hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is all from the left. Everyone of the drones in here attacking Newt voted for Clinton. That's all you need to know.
I'm sorry, but Newt's answer here is complete bullcrap. It is an issue of this campaign because character is an issue. As much as Newt and his supporters would like to deny it, Character does and always will matter.

We are going to be electing the next man to Preside over this nation. This man will take oaths to defend the Constitution. Integrity and character are vital because we've seen too many times what happens to men without character who take oaths to defend the Constitution and trample it.

I dont want someone in power who I can't trust to give that power back when he is required to. I'm not sure we can trust Obama that way and that is a concern. Why should I vote for someone who has the same character flaws as Obama times 10.

I agree. When it comes to electing the leader of the free world, I want to know everything about that person. Character is as important to me as performance. Newt fails on so many levels.
I agree. When it comes to electing the leader of the free world, I want to know everything about that person. Character is as important to me as performance. Newt fails on so many levels.

Yeah, right, and I'll bet you didn't vote for Clinton.
All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his X wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube

What a diva. I've never seen more batching and moaning before. Total primadonna melt-down if I ever saw one. It's good for that one, single, instance and hard RW crowd.

But that's about it.

Newt's TOAST!

And by the way, he doesn't have the demeanor of a man who's repentant of his past actions. He's acting like a man that's entitled, angry and vindictive.


All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his X wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube

The old finger wag! :lol: He is so smug, arrogant and he was dancing all around the question. John King got exactly what he wanted from Newt. It was news, King was giving him a chance to respond and he did. All wrong as usual.
We really dont' know why other people's marriages break up. And, i really dont think it is up to us or the media to scrutize that and decide why.
We really dont' know why other people's marriages break up. And, i really dont think it is up to us or the media to scrutize that and decide why.

Of course not. It was ok when Newtie did it to Clinton tho, right?
I heard part of it on the radio (I'm on dial up and you tube videos take a week to load).

Gingrich is handling this very well.

He handled it as best he could. He had a couple of options..one was to come clean and the other was to go apeshit on the media.

Considering the crowd he went with option two. That wouldn't work in the General election. Especially given he's made family behavior an issue. Also given the damage it did to the country when he led the charge to impeach a president over infidelity.
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Well, back in 1995 (then wife) Marianne Gingrich said "I don’t want him to be president, and I don’t think he should be"...I guess she still feels the same way today! :lol:

In 1995, when Vanity Fair magazine asked Marianne what would happen if Newt ran for president, she boasted she could derail the bid with a single TV interview.

“He can’t do it without me,” she said.

“I told him if I’m not in agreement, fine, it’s easy.

“I just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything . . . I don’t want him to be president, and I don’t think he should be.”

Read more: Ex-wife interview with ABC threatens to derail Newt Gingrich campaign - NYPOST.com


:razz: She comes across as a nice, stable, supportive spouse.

So every "personal friend" of theirs had personal, intimate knowledge of their sex life?
This woman's two step-daughters wrote to the network to defend their daddy? So Newt pulled the ladies aside and told them that it wasn't true? "Daddy never asked Marianne if he could have a mistress. I promise you." Imagine contacting a network to defend your father on such a thing.

It's ALL CNN; even if you do get over 3,000 hits when you search "Newt Gingrich Open Marriage" under Google News.

Everyone in this room has experienced personal pain. WTF is he talking about? His first wife with cancer, or his second with with MS?

Gingrich is qualified to be president. But is he a "good" man?

Well, from everything I've read, he's pretty much been a career politician; which is something that many of us would like to move away from. He has played a part in making the mess that our country is currently in. Any disagreements with that?

A few feet away, another woman pulled a reporter aside and asked how many times Mr. Gingrich had been married. When told that the answer was three times, the woman said simply, “Oh.” (In 1981, he and his first wife, Jackie, divorced, and he married his second wife, Marianne, that year. In an episode often cited by his detractors, he visited Jackie in the hospital in 1980 while she was recovering from a cancer operation to discuss terms of their divorce. Mr. Gingrich disputes the account.)

New York Times, February 26, 2011

(How this went down could simply be a rumor. Or is it?)

Gingrich moved toward a divorce with Marianne Gingrich months after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

businessweek.com 01/20/2012

Being an MS patient myself, he pretty much loses my vote automatically. Unless he presents some unique ideas about how to fix the mess in this country...I'm out on Mr. Gingrich. If he cares/cared so little for those he "loves/loved", do you think he cares about you, or any of us for that matter?

I could handle Herman Cain. At least he didn't respond with righteous indignation. The narcissism of this man is astounding. So he found God. Good for him. He's what...69 years old, or close? It's time. And it looks good politically on the topics of guns, God, and gays . Hopefully, that's not the only reason he's decided to embrace Catholicism.

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