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Gingrich--S.C debate-kicks CNN balls up to eyeballs over marital question.

Newt cheated on two wifes.

And it's all the media's fault!

You know, you could at least be honest. Not a single person has blamed the media for Newt's infidelity. Bringing up a straw man on a serious issue like this just destroys any credibility you might otherwise have had.

Although Newt is trying to deflect..

I love all these repubs defending Newt. Where were they when Clinton was getting blowjobs.....

Ill defend Newt for things he hasn't done. Just as I would with Clinton.

Though Clinton's issues werent blowjobs, they were lying and obstructing justice.
All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his X wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube

Man! I was so proud of Newt when he knocked the ball out of the park with that one. This honesty is what I like about Newt. And I felt Newt was right on, with his anger towards an ignorant and personal question. Newt is still someone I would like to see take on this Namby-Pamby country, if he had a GOP controlled House. Romney looks weak, next to Newt, in my opinion, but he plays it neutral, and that may be what is needed to win the nomination and restore the country to the principles of the Constitution, as much as possible. Love listening to Paul, also. He is captivating, but not ready for prime time, imo.

Santorum consistently puts in a solid performance, also. But for some reason I don't think the country would be behind him.

You can give him all the high fives you want. If Newt gets the nomination, he'll be toast. If he thinks that question was bad, he ain't seen nothing yet. he knows it too
I'm sorry, but Newt's answer here is complete bullcrap. It is an issue of this campaign because character is an issue. As much as Newt and his supporters would like to deny it, Character does and always will matter.

We are going to be electing the next man to Preside over this nation. This man will take oaths to defend the Constitution. Integrity and character are vital because we've seen too many times what happens to men without character who take oaths to defend the Constitution and trample it.

I dont want someone in power who I can't trust to give that power back when he is required to. I'm not sure we can trust Obama that way and that is a concern. Why should I vote for someone who has the same character flaws as Obama times 10.

You want to debate about character?

There is only one person with the power to shut the government for lack of funding on his singular decision ... that would be the President.

Despite this simple, elemental fact, the news media in this country in 1995 engaged in a week long charade of parrotry and managed to pin the tail on Newt.

Character? Character is balancing the books in the aftermath of that.

This is something that is a pattern in Newts career.

Personally, for me ... if the press doesn't like him, that means something. If the Republican establishment, who gave us GW over McCain in 2000 doesn't like him, that means something to me ... I watched that spectacle unfold with great disappointment back then. Disappointment eventually morphed into horror during the 8 years of one low-IQ precipitated disaster after another playing out like a Three Stooges marathon on Nick at Night.

It would be poetic justice if the hand-picked, nepotistic establishment Mannequin is turned away in S.C. 12 years later .... even in the face of some fresh moralistic myth.

Perhaps the good people of this state have matured over the years.
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You mean like all the family and acquaintances of the time coming out and claiming that the charge was entirely false?

BTW, have you noticed all the Herman Cain accusers have dried up and blown away?...You're really not so naïve as to believe that this kind of sleaze just shows up at the most inopportune of moments by accident, are you?

Exactly how do family and acquaintances of the time know the content of a private conversation between Newt and His wife?

I don't have to believe it. Doesn't mean it's not something to consider. If it's true it means something. If it's true and Newt is lying, then has he really changed? When you repent, you confess and forsake your sins. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if he did have that viewpoint in the past if he's changed.

Why would this be national news when Newt wasnt relevant to the public? When do you think it's going to be revealed?

Like I said, I don't know if it's true. Pretending that it doesnt matter if it is or not or that his character doesnt matter isn't true.
You know, you could at least be honest. Not a single person has blamed the media for Newt's infidelity. Bringing up a straw man on a serious issue like this just destroys any credibility you might otherwise have had.

Although Newt is trying to deflect..

I love all these repubs defending Newt. Where were they when Clinton was getting blowjobs.....

Clinton wagged his finger and lied to our face you fucking loser

And I suppose newt has never told a lie?? LOL

Your sidestep aside, it does nothing to counter the hypocrisy coming from the right on this issue. You still rail at clinton but forgive and forget newts past. Thanks for the hypocrisy.
Yeah, all those troops Clinton sent to Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from PTS syndrome..

Oh that's right, he didn't send them.

Who's the dumbass again, dumbass?
Acts of war are acts of war....You're in for a penny, you're in for a pound.

Fact remains that Clintoon was as big a warmonger tool as almost everyone else since Wilson, fool.

Nah, not even close. Hell, you guys were calling him a wimp for bombing a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan and some tents in Afghanistan.

About the only thing he did do was send troops to Somalia and even then it was for humanitarian reasons....
First of all, I'm not "you guys".

Secondly, the USAF pilots enforcing the no fly zones had free reign to fire on any Iraqi SAM site that turned on their radar.

And you're a total ignoramus insofar as Clintoon's itchy trigger finger was concerned....But don't take my word for it, here's a report from UC BERKELEY about what a warmonger he was.

The Constitutionality of the Congressional-Executive Agreement

Congrats....You officially have NFI what you're blabbering about.
Acts of war are acts of war....You're in for a penny, you're in for a pound.

Fact remains that Clintoon was as big a warmonger tool as almost everyone else since Wilson, fool.

Nah, not even close. Hell, you guys were calling him a wimp for bombing a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan and some tents in Afghanistan.

About the only thing he did do was send troops to Somalia and even then it was for humanitarian reasons....
First of all, I'm not "you guys".

Secondly, the USAF pilots enforcing the no fly zones had free reign to fire on any Iraqi SAM site that turned on their radar.

And you're a total ignoramus insofar as Clintoon's itchy trigger finger was concerned....But don't take my word for it, here's a report from UC BERKELEY about what a warmonger he was.

The Constitutionality of the Congressional-Executive Agreement

Congrats....You officially have NFI what you're blabbering about.

Nope, nothing much there. Some police actions in Serbia. So fucking what? You're comparing these to Iraq and Afghanistan? What do you do for an encore, compare John Wayne Gacy to Mother Theresa because they both liked to comfort children?

Christ, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried...
Whether you like Newt or not, he got a standing ovation for standing up to the media and attacking them. In addition to that, when Newt stated that he is sick and tired of the media protecting Barack Obama and attacking Republicans, that was a very powerful statement. Why, because anyone watching the debate will remember that and be watching in a more observant matter.

What Newt did will benefit whoever the Republican nominee is, he attacked the media's credibility and integrity, and put them on the spot. It was fun watching Newt not take any crap and go on offense instead of playing defense. This is why the Democrats and media fear Newt, they know in spite of his baggage, he knows how to deal with it, and that Newt will not be on defense, but be on offense. Newt is a threat in spite of his baggage.

Romney, while he was overshadowed by Newt, Romney put out his best performance yet. He is more refined than Newt, and I absolutely loved when Romney told Santorum - if he (Santorum) wants to be Gov. of MA that's fine, I(Romney) want to be president. For awhile, I thought Romney was questionable, after tonight, I truly believe Romney can beat Obama. Santorum and Paul are done. Gingrich or Romney can beat Obama.

So newt flip flopped on his previous stance that he held when going after clinton and restated the rightwing talking point about a liberal bias to the media to a bunch of republicans who buy into that BS anyway and probably only get their news from rightwing biased sources and you think that will actually "benefit" any republican candidate??

They have been saying the same thing about the media for years so why would it make such a difference now?

The right sees this and wants to make it bigger than it was but it seems to me that it was a temper tantrum thrown by a child who didn't like getting what he usually tries to give and had no response to the question asked. He lashed out and spewed rightwing talking points that got applause from a rightwing crowd.

He was preaching to the choir and now he's got all of you singing his praises. So what is so special about that??
You want to debate about character?

You act like it's an option. It's not. Character matters.

There is only one person with the power to shut the government for lack of funding on his singular decision ... that would be the President.

Has anyone suggested otherwise? And you're wrong, Congress does have some power to do that.

Despite this simple, elemental fact, the news media in this country in 1995 engaged in a week long charade of parrotry and managed to pin the tail on Newt.

Yeah. He was maligned by the media. That demonstrates the lack of character of the media. It says nothing of Newt's chracter, per se.

Character? Character is balancing the books in the aftermath of that.

Newt was hardly the only person involved in that.

This is something that is a pattern in Newts career.

Yet he was still forced out by Republicans for ethical violations. Should we ignore that part of his character?

Personally, for me ... if the press doesn't like him, that means something. If the Republican establishment, who gave us GW over McCain in 2000 doesn't like him, that means something to me ... I watched that spectacle unfold with great disappointment back then. Disappointment eventually morphed into horror during the 8 years of one low-IQ precipitated disaster after another playing out like a Three Stooges marathon on Nick at Night.

Actually, if anything the press is trying to get Gingrich as the nomination. Why on earth would they be debating on whether to release the interview after the election if they didn't want to prevent Newt from being hurt by it before hand?

Regardless, the fact that others don't like you doesn't mean you have character. There is a local judge that everyone dislikes. Mostly because he does things that piss people off and abuse the system.

The media does not like Republicans. But of all the Republicans running, they are dying for Newt to be the nominee. Why? Because they have so much ammo against his character that they can focus on that for the next 10 months and get the people away from the other issues.

It would be poetic justice if the hand-picked, nepotistic establishment Mannequin is turned away in S.C. 12 years later .... even in the face of some fresh moralistic myth.

And how would that be poetic justice?

Perhaps the good people of this state have matured over the years.

Ignoring character for the ability to communicate, doesnt really seem to be the mature choice.
All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube

His answer was AWESOME!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

It was!
Sure I have problems with his past. We've had other Presidents that lacked the ability to control their libidos, it's the nature of the beast. As long as it doesn't effect their ability to govern and they don't wag their finger at me and deny it, I can deal with it.
The WAY he answered was clear and forceful. This is a man who will not bow to Saudi Kings or negotiate with terrorists; exactly what we need.
Waaah but other countries won't like us! waaah GOOD I don't want Iran to like us. I want them scared shitless of pissing us off.

So Newt had an affair 15 years ago. Shit Obama was snorting coke about that time, and he got a pass. Did he get asked about his shady past in the 08 debates?
Nah, not even close. Hell, you guys were calling him a wimp for bombing a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan and some tents in Afghanistan.

About the only thing he did do was send troops to Somalia and even then it was for humanitarian reasons....
First of all, I'm not "you guys".

Secondly, the USAF pilots enforcing the no fly zones had free reign to fire on any Iraqi SAM site that turned on their radar.

And you're a total ignoramus insofar as Clintoon's itchy trigger finger was concerned....But don't take my word for it, here's a report from UC BERKELEY about what a warmonger he was.

The Constitutionality of the Congressional-Executive Agreement

Congrats....You officially have NFI what you're blabbering about.

Nope, nothing much there. Some police actions in Serbia. So fucking what? You're comparing these to Iraq and Afghanistan? What do you do for an encore, compare John Wayne Gacy to Mother Theresa because they both liked to comfort children?

Christ, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried...
Serbia, Bosnia, Somalia, Macedonia, Haiti, Liberia, the continuing aggression in Iraq...

How many times did Bill Clinton use the military offensively? (Please show source.)? - Yahoo! Answers

But I speak out against all warmongers, rather than having convenient party man hack amnesia when that warlord happens to be from "my team".

Oh, and don't sell yourself short...You make up shit all the time.
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You mean like all the family and acquaintances of the time coming out and claiming that the charge was entirely false?

BTW, have you noticed all the Herman Cain accusers have dried up and blown away?...You're really not so naïve as to believe that this kind of sleaze just shows up at the most inopportune of moments by accident, are you?

Exactly how do family and acquaintances of the time know the content of a private conversation between Newt and His wife?

I don't have to believe it. Doesn't mean it's not something to consider. If it's true it means something. If it's true and Newt is lying, then has he really changed? When you repent, you confess and forsake your sins. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if he did have that viewpoint in the past if he's changed.

Why would this be national news when Newt wasnt relevant to the public? When do you think it's going to be revealed?

Like I said, I don't know if it's true. Pretending that it doesnt matter if it is or not or that his character doesnt matter isn't true.
You really think that a woman who has such a proposition floated her way isn't going to tell someone else, especially if she finds it to be outrageous and objectionable?....If you believe that, I'll submit that you don't know jack schitt about women.
Honestly I think Newt's grandstanding was a lot like the first few games Tim Tebow won. For those who went into it supporting Newt it reaffirmed why you support him but for those who can't get past Newt's fundamental flaws it just made you more annoyed with him and his fanboys. We all know how it ended for Timmeh.
There's no mistaking me for one of Gingweasel's fanboys....He's the bottom of the barrel in my book.

That doesn't change that he was 100% correct in that the media is acting as a propaganda arm for the Boiking, and going out of their way to run down any and every potential opponent to him, in any way that they can do so.

I'm inclined to believe ABC has a pro-Obama bias so I wonder why they would want to take out Newt in the primaries since like most people I assume Newt isn't as competitive as Romney in a general election. I'm thinking they intended to hold the interview in their back pocket in case Newt got the nom, but Drudge got wind of it and blew it up forcing them to play their hand now :dunno:

In any case I don't believe Newt honestly feels the media is acting out of character by jumping on it.
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All's you need to do is watch this--and understand what happened 15 years ago between his wife and himself--and Newt Gingrich's response--that was asked by John King of CNN in the S. Carolina debate in January 19, 2012.--LOL. Of course the question being his X wife of 15 years decided to air her 15 year old dirty laundry on her x husband during an ABC interview that is out the eve of the S. Carolina primary.

Newt Gingrich ***RIPS*** into John King on the 1st question in tonites GOP debate. - YouTube

His answer was AWESOME!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

It was!
Sure I have problems with his past. We've had other Presidents that lacked the ability to control their libidos, it's the nature of the beast. As long as it doesn't effect their ability to govern and they don't wag their finger at me and deny it, I can deal with it.
The WAY he answered was clear and forceful. This is a man who will not bow to Saudi Kings or negotiate with terrorists; exactly what we need.
Waaah but other countries won't like us! waaah GOOD I don't want Iran to like us. I want them scared shitless of pissing us off.

So Newt had an affair 15 years ago. Shit Obama was snorting coke about that time, and he got a pass. Did he get asked about his shady past in the 08 debates?

I just love the qualifying remarks and how specific you were about what you can "deal with" about a candidate.

So they can lie to your face as newt has done in the past about the how his relationships fell apart but as long as he wasn't "wagging his finger at you" (obvious partisan stab at clinton) when he lied that makes it ok?? LOL
There is only one person with the power to shut the government for lack of funding on his singular decision ... that would be the President.

Has anyone suggested otherwise? And you're wrong, Congress does have some power to do that.

The '95 press didn't suggest, they just tossed the turd and didn't even care if it stuck ... they just kept repeating it over and over again in obvious big-lie style ... it was frustratingly surreal to watch at the time.

The Speaker has to get a majority of 434 other members to push the budget up to the President ... who then has the sole option of signing it or not ... so how was what I wrote "wrong"?

Newt was hardly the only person involved in that.

Yeah, Ross Perot helped quite a bit with the public education on the matter ... and yet the press and historians credit Clinton.

Yet he was still forced out by Republicans for ethical violations.

And eventually cleared of all of those accusations.

Actually, if anything the press is trying to get Gingrich as the nomination.


Regardless, the fact that others don't like you doesn't mean you have character. There is a local judge that everyone dislikes. Mostly because he does things that piss people off and abuse the system.

For the last 67 years the system has been abused thus: a cadre from one supposed end of the political spectrum gets what they want, a different cadre from the other supposed end gets what they want, and the American people get fucked.

We've paid 15 trillion dollars for that bit of character building exercise. Enough already.

The reason I like Newt because he is disliked by these two power structures is because it is clear that he makes them nervous. I wonder why?

It would be poetic justice if the hand-picked, nepotistic establishment Mannequin is turned away in S.C. 12 years later .... even in the face of some fresh moralistic myth.

And how would that be poetic justice?

The same state that gave us the smirking chimp over a guy who might have been a decent leader (I don't think GM would have bothered invading the wrong country) based on the rumor of a half-black love child will have overlooked an unfortunate and sordid private-life episode in favor of someone with the brains and willingness to deviate from the status quo that are urgently needed at this time.
Honestly I think Newt's grandstanding was a lot like the first few games Tim Tebow won. For those who went into it supporting Newt it reaffirmed why you support him but for those who can't get past Newt's fundamental flaws it just made you more annoyed with him and his fanboys. We all know how it ended for Timmeh.
There's no mistaking me for one of Gingweasel's fanboys....He's the bottom of the barrel in my book.

That doesn't change that he was 100% correct in that the media is acting as a propaganda arm for the Boiking, and going out of their way to run down any and every potential opponent to him, in any way that they can do so.

I'm inclined to believe ABC has a pro-Obama bias so I wonder why they would want to take out Newt in the primaries since like most people I assume Newt isn't as competitive as Romney in a general election. I'm thinking they intended to hold the interview in their back pocket in case Newt got the nom, but Drudge got wind of it and blew it up forcing them to play their hand now :dunno:

In any case I don't believe Newt honestly feels the media is acting out of character by jumping on it.
Though I don't fall in much with the tin foil hat set, it's becoming evident to me that the establishmentarians -of all stripes- want this to boil down to Romney v. Obammy.

Gingrich?...To flaky and squirrel-y.

Santorum and Paul?...Too adherent to principle.

Romney?...A sellout for the right price.
You mean like all the family and acquaintances of the time coming out and claiming that the charge was entirely false?

BTW, have you noticed all the Herman Cain accusers have dried up and blown away?...You're really not so naïve as to believe that this kind of sleaze just shows up at the most inopportune of moments by accident, are you?

Exactly how do family and acquaintances of the time know the content of a private conversation between Newt and His wife?

I don't have to believe it. Doesn't mean it's not something to consider. If it's true it means something. If it's true and Newt is lying, then has he really changed? When you repent, you confess and forsake your sins. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if he did have that viewpoint in the past if he's changed.

Why would this be national news when Newt wasnt relevant to the public? When do you think it's going to be revealed?

Like I said, I don't know if it's true. Pretending that it doesnt matter if it is or not or that his character doesnt matter isn't true.
You really think that a woman who has such a proposition floated her way isn't going to tell someone else, especially if she finds it to be outrageous and objectionable?....If you believe that, I'll submit that you don't know jack schitt about women.

You really think that a woman is going to brag to family and "aquaintances" that her husband wants to cheat on her but stay married for appearances sake?? You don't think she might find that at all embarassing or shameful and not want people to know about it? That she never told these people about it doesn't make it untrue. However, you have your presumptions and that's goof enough for you.
Exactly how do family and acquaintances of the time know the content of a private conversation between Newt and His wife?

I don't have to believe it. Doesn't mean it's not something to consider. If it's true it means something. If it's true and Newt is lying, then has he really changed? When you repent, you confess and forsake your sins. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if he did have that viewpoint in the past if he's changed.

Why would this be national news when Newt wasnt relevant to the public? When do you think it's going to be revealed?

Like I said, I don't know if it's true. Pretending that it doesnt matter if it is or not or that his character doesnt matter isn't true.
You really think that a woman who has such a proposition floated her way isn't going to tell someone else, especially if she finds it to be outrageous and objectionable?....If you believe that, I'll submit that you don't know jack schitt about women.

You really think that a woman is going to brag to family and "aquaintances" that her husband wants to cheat on her but stay married for appearances sake?? You don't think she might find that at all embarassing or shameful and not want people to know about it? That she never told these people about it doesn't make it untrue. However, you have your presumptions and that's goof enough for you.
I'm saying that a woman who is presented with such a proposition, who isn't good with it, is going to be disoriented to the point that she'll share it with someone, if for no better reason to gain some sense of grounding....The likelihood that such a person would be outside of blood family or close acquaintances is so negligible as to be near zero.

Much as I am personally repulsed by Gingrich, I don't believe a word of this tabloid swill.
I don't put much stock in someone that wants to come out with some tell all crap about their personal lives. Whatever. Half might be true but there are 2 sides.

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