Gitmo Being Prepared to Take in Terrorists

they should never actually make it back from there. Take them, get the information promising to be let out. Once you load them on the plane for the ride home open the bomb bay doors and drop them in the middle of the ocean.
i keep wondering how any of these ununiformed muslim murderers ever make it off the battlefield .
I will be glad to hold the gate open at Gitmo to let the newcomers in. One thing though: no more special privileges. No more Koran. No prayer rugs, no facing Mecca. No idea direction, time of day or date. I want the national anthem played in their cells 24/7 with pictures of American Jets, Tanks and Soldiers, Commanders and Generals on every wall while the air is filled with the smell of frying bacon.

LET THEM KNOW how much it sucks to be a Gitmo detainee!

From there, IF YOU COOPERATE, we can maybe bargain for a few things!

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