Giuliani and Fox run state T.V. still believe there is not a statute for "Collusion"


VIP Member
May 4, 2018
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S."

Appears to be your own definition. What else is to be expected of a Snowflake troll?
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

Beating the "most qualified candidate in history" isn't fraud.
Keep trying, WTP. Maybe someday you'll convince somebody (other than bitter snowflakes) that Trump did something illegal. In the meantime, our PRESIDENT will continue to make the lives of Americans better while you continue to whine and moan about losing the election.
Ask a sensible question based on real facts and truth, Roudy, and I will be glad to answer.

But you have to do that first, which you have not.
There is no such thing as a "fake dossier". Lying won't help you.
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

Beating the "most qualified candidate in history" isn't fraud.
Cheating is not the same thing as "beating".
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S."

Appears to be your own definition. What else is to be expected of a Snowflake troll?
923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States What else? What about the law? And your educated/intelligent rebuttal is?
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

Beating the "most qualified candidate in history" isn't fraud.
Cheating is not the same thing as "beating".

Don't you hate it when the most qualified candidate in the history of history loses because of memes on Facebook?
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S."

Appears to be your own definition. What else is to be expected of a Snowflake troll?
923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States What else? What about the law? And your educated/intelligent rebuttal is?

Hass, 216 U.S. at 479-480. In Hammerschmidt, Chief Justice Taft, defined "defraud" as follows:

To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money, but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest. It is not necessary that the Government shall be subjected to property or pecuniary loss by the fraud, but only that its legitimate official action and purpose shall be defeated by misrepresentation, chicane or the overreaching of those charged with carrying out the governmental intention.

Please indicate how President Trump, in any form, performed anything under the auspices of the above.
Trump camp shifts talking points on possible collusion Except there is. It just isn't called "Collusion". And yes, it is a crime. It's called a
"conspiracy to defraud the U.S." Which was what the Trump Tower meeting was. So Giuliani and his band of state run T.V. ignoramus's can run around every day and pedal their lies and fantasies, and won't do them any good. The apology tour for Trump is over. He and his thug co-conspirators used a foreign adversary for whom we had sanctions with to mount a false conspiracy against his opponent. Bottom line, 60 to 70 million voters were cheated out of their vote and a fair election, as a result of Trump's lies and propaganda against Clinton. And that has been proven.

Beating the "most qualified candidate in history" isn't fraud.
Cheating is not the same thing as "beating".

Don't you hate it when the most qualified candidate in the history of history loses because of memes on Facebook?
What I hate the most, is the fact that there is a population of people out there in this country, who boast about illegal elections within their own country, exposing them as traitors, while all the time, they've been trying to paint themselves as patriots. When in fact, they are nothing but frauds to a system they never actually believed in.
What I hate the most, is the fact that there is a population of people out there in this country, who boast about illegal elections within their own country, exposing them as traitors, while all the time, they've been trying to paint themselves as patriots. When in fact, they are nothing but frauds to a system they never actually believed in.
If you believe this why aren't you going after Hillary?

Hillary Clinton rigged DNC against Bernie Sanders, Brazile Claims

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