Giuliani raid connected to another raid of a lawyer with ties to Ukrainian Oligarch


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The raid is connected to the Russian interference in the 2016 election. It may reveal that Rudy was running information from Russian intel to the trump campaign. Another raid occurred at the same time with an associate with a Ukrainian Oligarch who was the conduit for the connection.

This is beginning to heat up. Giuliani has to be sweating bullets. And trump is no longer that to protect his criminal associates. This is going to be better than a 007 spy novel....
A former federal prosecutor who brought down Mafia figures and later America's mayor on 9-11. Rudy brought stability to NYC when it was a rat hole of drugs and vice and this is the way the democrat regime treats him. Meanwhile president's junkie son who had ties to China gets appointed to a no show job as a college professor. Life in the new world of democrat fascism.
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)

A former federal prosecutor who brought down Mafia figures and later America's mayor on 9-11. Rudy brought stability to NYC when it was a rat hole of drugs and vice and this is the way the democrat regime treats him. Meanwhile president's junkie son who had ties to China gets appointed to a no show job as a college professor. Life in the new world of democrat fascism.

They could care less that his policies saved thousands of lives on the streets of NYC
A former federal prosecutor who brought down Mafia figures and later America's mayor on 9-11. Rudy brought stability to NYC when it was a rat hole of drugs and vice and this is the way the democrat regime treats him. Meanwhile president's junkie son who had ties to China gets appointed to a no show job as a college professor. Life in the new world of democrat fascism.

Agree, Rudy should have quit when he was ahead. Now he'll go down with Dear Leader as a grifter and two bit criminal.

Rudi did attack the Italian mob ... and the Russian mob replaced it. Go fig.

He also implemented the "harrass minorities at every opportunity" policy, also known as "broken windows policing".
Desperately desperately still clinging to Russian bullshit
Most likely will continue to do so thru 2040
A former federal prosecutor who brought down Mafia figures and later America's mayor on 9-11. Rudy brought stability to NYC when it was a rat hole of drugs and vice and this is the way the democrat regime treats him. Meanwhile president's junkie son who had ties to China gets appointed to a no show job as a college professor. Life in the new world of democrat fascism.

They could care less that his policies saved thousands of lives on the streets of NYC
How far Rudy has fallen....that is what happens when you lay down with trump. You get up smelling like crap...
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.
Unless he flips, I think that is a very strong possibility. And we all know who he may flip on....right?

Rudy is 76. His dad died at 73 and his mom at 92. Unless he has an extra dose of her genes, you are unlikely to see Rudy live long enough to serve time. This is the problem with having old leaders---they are largely unaccountable due to the sands of time.
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)


How could Trump pardon his lawyer without implying that he too was guilty since Giuliani was Trump's PERSONAL lawyer working on his client's behalf at his client's direction.
Trump is sucking up - Knowing that he's in bigly trouble if Rudy squeals :)
Rudy is the Russian asset that was the conduit between Russian Intel and the trump campaign in 2016. The crowing about no connection between the trump campaign and Russian interference may have been a tad bit early. Chapter 2 coming up!
Trump is sucking up - Knowing that he's in bigly trouble if Rudy squeals :)
Rudy is the Russian asset that was the conduit between Russian Intel and the trump campaign in 2016. The crowing about no connection between the trump campaign and Russian interference may have been a tad bit early. Chapter 2 coming up!
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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