Giuliani raid connected to another raid of a lawyer with ties to Ukrainian Oligarch

Trump is sucking up - Knowing that he's in bigly trouble if Rudy squeals :)
He did the same thing when Michael Cohen was raided. But he flipped like a caught salmon. But Rudy has information that will bury the Liar in Chief. He has said as much....
The Communists always had their man, they had to make up the crime. This is no different than what Stalin would do. Criminal scumbags cheated their way into power and tactics like this is how they plan to keep it. Anyone who supports this crap clearly hates this country.
Rudy Giuliani is a great patriot. He does these things: he just loves this country, and they raid his apartment

it’s like a double standard like I don’t think anybody’s ever seen before

Rudy loves this country so much. It is so terrible when you see things that are going on in our country, with the corruption and the problems. And then they go after Rudy Giuliani. It’s very sad, actually
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.
Unless he flips, I think that is a very strong possibility. And we all know who he may flip on....right?
Every Trumper will flip on all the rest. They are all lowlifes.
The lowlifes stole the election and some, too many, Republicans helped.
You're either a troll, seriously stupid and gullible, or mentally sick.

The raid is connected to the Russian interference in the 2016 election. It may reveal that Rudy was running information from Russian intel to the trump campaign. Another raid occurred at the same time with an associate with a Ukrainian Oligarch who was the conduit for the connection.

This is beginning to heat up. Giuliani has to be sweating bullets. And trump is no longer that to protect his criminal associates. This is going to be better than a 007 spy novel....

Yep, Biden has got his very best #1 girl on this whole Russian situation. No collusion here, people!

Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)

Rudy Rubles could be enjoying a pardon right at this very minute, but Billy Barr refuse to let this get investigated, sweeping it under the carpet only for Merrick Garland to find once he got out his Vacuum Cleaner of Justice. :laugh:
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)


How could Trump pardon his lawyer without implying that he too was guilty since Giuliani was Trump's PERSONAL lawyer working on his client's behalf at his client's direction.
They would try to pull the "...for any crimes he may have committed" bullshit.
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)

Rudy Rubles could be enjoying a pardon right at this very minute, but Billy Barr refuse to let this get investigated, sweeping it under the carpet only for Merrick Garland to find once he got out his Vacuum Cleaner of Justice. :laugh:
We will soon find out why Rudy was so desperately trying to avoid trump leaving the White House. The Don could have pardoned him...but he threw him under the bus like so many others that committed crimes from him.
A former federal prosecutor who brought down Mafia figures and later America's mayor on 9-11. Rudy brought stability to NYC when it was a rat hole of drugs and vice and this is the way the democrat regime treats him. Meanwhile president's junkie son who had ties to China gets appointed to a no show job as a college professor. Life in the new world of democrat fascism.

They could care less that his policies saved thousands of lives on the streets of NYC
How far Rudy has fallen....that is what happens when you lay down with trump. You get up smelling like crap...

Some people just seem to lose their common sense when it comes to having proximity to power. However, Giuliani has been in a downward trajectory for years with his poor judgement about choosing certain unsavory and unscrupulous overseas clients while chasing the almighty dollar. I think it's likely that Trump read that Rudy was already corrupted and used their long term friendship and the proximity to power to do to Giuliani what Palpatine did to Anakin Skywalker.
Rudy Giuliani is a great patriot. He does these things: he just loves this country, and they raid his apartment

it’s like a double standard like I don’t think anybody’s ever seen before

Rudy loves this country so much. It is so terrible when you see things that are going on in our country, with the corruption and the problems. And then they go after Rudy Giuliani. It’s very sad, actually

Do you know who else is considered a great patriot? Benedict Arnold! Yeah, the British think he's a great patriot.
Rudy has always thought he was above the law. His arrogant ass is going to be in a prison cell.

Gotta wonder why Twice Impeached, Disgraced Donnie didn't preemptively pardon his disgraced personal attorney.
Remember when Rudy told us that he had the "receipts" on Rump?
Shit may be hittin' da fan! :)

Rudy Rubles could be enjoying a pardon right at this very minute, but Billy Barr refuse to let this get investigated, sweeping it under the carpet only for Merrick Garland to find once he got out his Vacuum Cleaner of Justice. :laugh:

One needs only a DustBuster of Justice to clean up lightweight criminals like Rudy Rubles! :D
Trump is sucking up - Knowing that he's in bigly trouble if Rudy squeals :)
He did the same thing when Michael Cohen was raided. But he flipped like a caught salmon. But Rudy has information that will bury the Liar in Chief. He has said as much....

Rump returns loyalty in tiny doses.
Rudy Rubles’ will expire when the handcuffs click. :)

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