Give Us The Server And Nobody Gets Hurt!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Every Butt Hurt Thread Started By Lefty is a waste of every forum member's time to read.

All of them....every single one of them can be boiled down to a single undercurrent and single theme.


The majority of the emails released to the public came from Podesta's unsecured email account. He used the password of "password". And lefty wanted this genius to be the brains behind the Clinton Regime?

Julian Assange clearly stated that the emails were not hacked but were leaked from inside THE DNC by an insider. Assange has never proven to be wrong, and every bit of data he has ever published for the most part has been verified for their authenticity. They even developed unique algorithms used to verify the origins of digital data, so we should believe him.

But you don't have to take Assange's word even. You can use common sense. THE DNC REFUSED TO SHOW anyone the so called evidence they claim they have of a RUSSIAN HACKING ATTEMPT.

The Obama Administration did not Subpoena THE DNC server and they clearly had the power to do this. So did the FBI, DOJ, CIA & Homeland Security and they too refused to subpoena "the evidence."

Why not if this was an actual threat to our National Security and to the integrity of our Elections?

The only thing we got from The Obama Administration was an informal request by THE FBI for THE DNC to allow them to look at the server and the evidence. THE DNC SAID NO! To date, not one person has seen the one can corroborate THE DNC Claims of Russian Hacking. No One.

Going further with the theme of "Common Sense and FACTS" should quickly realize that THE DEMS had the greatest tool and Super Weapon, if you will, at their fingertips, to sway The American Voter in the form of this evidence.

One Press Conference detailing this evidence, ONE LEAK, even a small one, and publishing this "EVIDENCE" would have resulted in a Landslide Victory for The Dems, and not just for The White House, but all across America in many races.

Not one person has see this 'evidence' and The DNC refused to use it to win the White House for Hillary Clinton, which is especially odd since they stooped so low during The Election to smear Trump in any way they could even going so far as to hire PAID THUGS to disrupt Trump Rallies and intimidate voters.

To quote Meatloaf..."I will do anything for LOVE.....but I won't do that!"

I ask....why not? It doesn't make sense....

All they had were baseless accusations, but no evidence. They had a slam dunk at their finger tips, but never put the ball in play, and sat on the bench with it. They had a hole in one but refused to put the ball on the tee!

They had a home run, but refused to walk to the plate and take their swing!

They just sat there and told us, "Yah I could hit this out of the park if I wanted to, but I am busy filing my finger nails right now, and you will just have to take my word for it, that I am Babe Ruth!"

Yah, ok there slugger......

Every single complaint by The Democrat Party is based on this unsubstantiated accusation. Every single call for an investigation, and every cry of "not my president" "impeach Trump" and even uglier things said is based on this unproven allegation underpinned by evidence no one has ever been allowed to see.

Every post here is horse shit and throwing lefty bullshit to the wall to see if it sticks. Every Liberal Poster here is a Liar until THE DNC shows us their so called evidence.

Not even a leak? Trump has roast beef for lunch in a secret private meeting and we hear about it! Not one leak about the so called 'evidence' NADA, NOTHING....ZILCH.

So until THE DNC IS SUBPOENED or Voluntarily shows America this so called evidence, The Lefty "Resistance" Movement is Fake as is the propaganda wing of The DNC, THE Liberal MSM.


Look Lefty, you can Impeach Trump tomorrow if The DNC would just show us the Evidence! Give Us THE SERVER and NOBODY GETS HURT!

Why aren't you screaming at the top of your lungs at THE DNC to "DO YOUR JOB"?

Your party could be in total control by 2018 if they did, and had they shown this "evidence" during the election or even leaked it, Hillary Clinton would be President of The United States.

You need to ask your party to show the goods or abandon them and start a new party because THE DNC is either lying to you, and lying to me, or really doesn't give a phuck about you or America.
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time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.
Every Butt Hurt Thread Started By Lefty is a waste of every forum member's time to read.

All of them....every single one of them can be boiled down to a single undercurrent and single theme.


The majority of the emails released to the public came from Podesta's unsecured email account. He used the password of "password". And lefty wanted this genius to be the brains behind the Clinton Regime?

Julian Assange clearly stated that the emails were not hacked but were leaked from inside THE DNC by an insider. Assange has never proven to be wrong, and every bit of data he has ever published for the most part has been verified for their authenticity. They even developed unique algorithms used to verify the origins of digital data, so we should believe him.

But you don't have to take Assange's word even. You can use common sense. THE DNC REFUSED TO SHOW anyone the so called evidence they claim they have of a RUSSIAN HACKING ATTEMPT.

The Obama Administration did not Subpoena THE DNC server and they clearly had the power to do this. So did the FBI, DOJ, CIA & Homeland Security and they too refused to subpoena "the evidence."

Why not if this was an actual threat to our National Security and to the integrity of our Elections?

The only thing we got from The Obama Administration was an informal request by THE FBI for THE DNC to allow them to look at the server and the evidence. THE DNC SAID NO! To date, not one person has seen the one can corroborate THE DNC Claims of Russian Hacking. No One.

Going further with the theme of "Common Sense and FACTS" should quickly realize that THE DEMS had the greatest tool and Super Weapon, if you will, at their fingertips, to sway The American Voter in the form of this evidence.

One Press Conference detailing this evidence, ONE LEAK, even a small one, and publishing this "EVIDENCE" would have resulted in a Landslide Victory for The Dems, and not just for The White House, but all across America in many races.

Not one person has see this 'evidence' and The DNC refused to use it to win the White House for Hillary Clinton, which is especially odd since they stooped so low during The Election to smear Trump in any way they could even going so far as to hire PAID THUGS to disrupt Trump Rallies and intimidate voters.

To quote Meatloaf..."I will do anything for LOVE.....but I won't do that!" I ask....why not? It doesn't make sense....

All they had were baseless accusations, but no evidence. They had a slam dunk at their finger tips, but never put the ball in play, and sat on the bench with it. They had a home run, but refused to walk to the plate and take a swing with it. They just sat there and told us, yah I could hit this out of the park if I wanted to, but I am busy filing my finger nails right now, and you will just have to take my word for it, that I am Babe Ruth.

Every single complaint by The Democrat Party is based on this unsubstantiated accusation. Every single call for an investigation, and every cry of "not my president" "impeach Trump" and even uglier things said is based on this unproven allegation underpinned by evidence no one has ever been allowed to see.

Every post here is horses hit and throwing lefty bullshit to the wall to see if it sticks. So until THE DNC IS SUBPOENED or Voluntarily shows America this so called evidence, The Lefty "Resistance" Movement is Fake as is the propaganda wing of The DNC, THE Liberal MSM.

Look Lefty, you can Impeach Trump tomorrow if The DNC would just show us the Evidence.

So why aren't you screaming at the top of your lungs at THE DNC to "DO YOUR JOB"

Your party could be in total control by 2018 if they did, and had they shown this evidence during the election or even leaked it, Hillary Clinton would not be President of The United States.

You need to ask your party to show the goods or abandon them and start a new party because THE DNC is either lying to you, or really doesn't give a phuck about you or America.

so none of the emails that were shared between Clinton and Podesta were on Clintons server which the FBI had ..

how the fuck does that work ?

oh yeah, RW's make up shit about nothing all the time.

my bad.

The End
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?
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time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

After she fucking scrubbed it and destroyed her phones too, right?
so none of the emails that were shared between Clinton and Podesta were on Clintons server which the FBI had ..

how the fuck does that work ?

oh yeah, RW's make up shit about nothing all the time.

my bad.

The End

Again we are talking about THE DNC SERVER THE DNC CLAIMED WAS HACKED. Not one person has been allowed to see that "EVIDENCE."

Clinton and THE DNC claim Clinton's Server was NEVER HACKED...which makes you a two time loser and a moron.

Congratulations on earning that distinction.

Please you lefty morons restrict your comments to that ACTUAL SERVER I AM ACTUALLY DISCUSSING!
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

After she fucking scrubbed it and destroyed her phones too, right?
There is no point in discussing Clinton's Server since THE DNC, Her, and The Democrat Party said it wasn't hacked and I am talking about THE DNC server THE DNC Claimed WAS hacked by RUSSIANS but refuse to allow anyone to look at it.
Not one cowardly lefty can pick my argument apart?

You know why, because you scum know it's the stone cold truth.
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.
how long has the story been in the news and just now her server is picked up? really? what about the DNC, the one claiming to be the one that won trump's election? that one turned in yet?
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


I did fella. what exactly does the fbi have that you're referring to. You detoured the thread to discuss Hitlery's when the discussion was the DNC's. Are you telling us the FBI has the DNC Server now?
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.



The DNC has THE DNC SERVER and has not allowed anyone to look at it.
Are you really that dense?

The server the FBI has is Hillary Clinton's Illegal Secret State Department Server which The Democrat Party, The DNC, Hillary Clinton, all claimed WAS NOT HACKED.

I expressly stated I was talking about The Mysterious DNC SERVER.

time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.



The DNC has THE DNC SERVER and has not allowed anyone to look at it.
Are you really that dense?

The server the FBI has is Hillary Clinton's Illegal Secret State Department Server which The Democrat Party, The DNC, Hillary Clinton, all claimed WAS NOT HACKED.

I expressly stated I was talking about The Mysterious DNC SERVER.


be patient, Im sure the FBI will send the server over to your house for your expert opinion as soon as they are through with it

ya fuckin' idget.
time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


I did fella. what exactly does the fbi have that you're referring to. You detoured the thread to discuss Hitlery's when the discussion was the DNC's. Are you telling us the FBI has the DNC Server now?

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

"quoted" ^^^^^^^^^^^

what part of that are you too goddamn stupid to understand ????
Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


I did fella. what exactly does the fbi have that you're referring to. You detoured the thread to discuss Hitlery's when the discussion was the DNC's. Are you telling us the FBI has the DNC Server now?

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

"quoted" ^^^^^^^^^^^

what part of that are you too goddamn stupid to understand ????
who fking cares? It wasn't the OP discussion. the discussion again to you for the umpteenth time is the DNC server that was supposedly hacked to give victory to trump. why not stay on topic.
Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


I did fella. what exactly does the fbi have that you're referring to. You detoured the thread to discuss Hitlery's when the discussion was the DNC's. Are you telling us the FBI has the DNC Server now?

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

"quoted" ^^^^^^^^^^^

what part of that are you too goddamn stupid to understand ????

You do realize we are talking about two different servers, correct?

Wait, you are a dumbed down Dimocrap so it's understandable that you only have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old.

There was Hillary Clinton's Illegal Server The Dems said was not hacked and the FBI has, and also said it was not hacked.

Then there is the DNC Server which NO ONE HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO LOOK AT, that THE DNC CLAIMS was HACKED BY RUSSIANS....yet refuses to allow anyone to confirm that.

Like I said, they had the Magic Bullet to put Hillary Clinton in The White House (allegedly) and they refused to show The American Voter THE PROOF they claim they had of Russian Hacking?


time to prune the Old Tree ...

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

if RW's werent idiots they could keep up.

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.



The DNC has THE DNC SERVER and has not allowed anyone to look at it.
Are you really that dense?

The server the FBI has is Hillary Clinton's Illegal Secret State Department Server which The Democrat Party, The DNC, Hillary Clinton, all claimed WAS NOT HACKED.

I expressly stated I was talking about The Mysterious DNC SERVER.


He (she/it) knows exactly what you are saying, and has no answer for it so is trying to deflect and by the way-----> the only reason the DNC would not release the server, would be if the other facts on it would be more damaging to them than a Russian hack was to Trump.

They aren't fooling anyone, and the RNC has figured out exactly what was said here I urge you to watch what happens in the coming weeks as the Dems and these gaslighters paint themselves into a proverbial corner of their own making.

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