Given all the obvious corruption on the left, why are they being allowed to slide?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Because I have a certain degree of intelligence and common sense, I'm no longer questioning the integrity or actually the lack thereof regarding Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, and Susan Rice to name a few. I like just about everyone else following this crime circus knows without a doubt by now that these people are all seriously corrupt. So that part's a given and therefore I've completely moved on to the next phase which is when will something be done about it? Who is setting up a committee and special prosecutor to investigate these criminals?

Even Martha Stewart who Comey prosecuted and put in jail for six months was charged with lying but only once and that was regarding a stock trading deal. Hillary not only lied numerous times, she obstructed justice, and discussed top secret information on her wide open email server that was known to have been hacked by at least FIVE different governments. And her list of other crimes includes a very long body count of forty plus people. Then when adding in all of Obama's nefarious behavior, and all the other aforementioned, it really is beyond belief nothing is being done by the right to incarcerate any of them and therefore I think it's become crystal clear what we have here. The country is being run by the Democratic National Committee of organized crime, right?

But instead of trying to bust them, a special prosecutor was called in to go after Trump and his team although to this date they still have zero evidence or proof to substantiate any wrong doing.

Hello, all you McFly's out there who still don't get what's happening, is any of this beginning to sink in yet?
I think we the American public are going through serious "bystander syndrome."

We are so used to "someone else" stepping in, that we either wait for someone else to take that
lead (and that's why people like Trump take charge who are willing to take charge and do SOMETHING
and same with Obama "doing something" to get health care reform started, for good or bad it got started)

OR we wait and wait, and justify that if nothing is being done
well, it must be that a step is missing or something is wrong
or else "someone else would have fixed it by now."

So we will all end up being like Obama and Trump and just jumping in and doing SOMETHING
to get SOMETHING going.

Even that group Act for America or the pastor coalition Stand America
took a stance on an issue and WENT for it, did SOMETHING or started issuing public statements.

Occupy and the Tea Party started by deciding to stand up publicly either for or against SOMETHING.

And even the BLM and the Hands Up Don't Shoot were started
because people wanted to compel change.

If we wait for perfection, we can wait for God to be perfect.

We are all like Hamlet, toying and tormenting over the dilemma
to be or not to be, to act or not to act, to wait or move upon.
Perfect or not.

Otherwise, look at how imperfect Trump or Obama have been.
Can we really do any worse than what they have pushed
with health care reforms starting with mandates contested as outside constitutional authority,
or with immigration and border enforcement starting with a wall contested as an equal stretch or abuse of govt authority.

When we realize we are no better or worse, no more or less
empowered and capable of organizing resources or public backing to
we can do just like Obama did, or Trump.
Or BLM or the Act for America, or Occupy and Tea Party.

And start with what we want to push for,
organize a group who want to demand the same thing,
and go public with it.

We're going to see a LOT MORE of this direct action approach.

People ARE figuring it out how much power we have to act LOCALLY.

Its a matter of organizing not agonizing.
Because I have a certain degree of intelligence and common sense, I'm no longer questioning the integrity or actually the lack thereof regarding Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, and Susan Rice to name a few. I like just about everyone else following this crime circus knows without a doubt by now that these people are all seriously corrupt. So that part's a given and therefore I've completely moved on to the next phase which is when will something be done about it? Who is setting up a committee and special prosecutor to investigate these criminals?

Even Martha Stewart who Comey prosecuted and put in jail for six months was charged with lying but only once and that was regarding a stock trading deal. Hillary not only lied numerous times, she obstructed justice, and discussed top secret information on her wide open email server that was known to have been hacked by at least FIVE different governments. And her list of other crimes includes a very long body count of forty plus people. Then when adding in all of Obama's nefarious behavior, and all the other aforementioned, it really is beyond belief nothing is being done by the right to incarcerate any of them and therefore I think it's become crystal clear what we have here. The country is being run by the Democratic National Committee of organized crime, right?

But instead of trying to bust them, a special prosecutor was called in to go after Trump and his team although to this date they still have zero evidence or proof to substantiate any wrong doing.

Hello, all you McFly's out there who still don't get what's happening, is any of this beginning to sink in yet?

Someone has a vivid imagination.
Because I have a certain degree of intelligence and common sense, I'm no longer questioning the integrity or actually the lack thereof regarding Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, and Susan Rice to name a few. I like just about everyone else following this crime circus knows without a doubt by now that these people are all seriously corrupt. So that part's a given and therefore I've completely moved on to the next phase which is when will something be done about it? Who is setting up a committee and special prosecutor to investigate these criminals?

Even Martha Stewart who Comey prosecuted and put in jail for six months was charged with lying but only once and that was regarding a stock trading deal. Hillary not only lied numerous times, she obstructed justice, and discussed top secret information on her wide open email server that was known to have been hacked by at least FIVE different governments. And her list of other crimes includes a very long body count of forty plus people. Then when adding in all of Obama's nefarious behavior, and all the other aforementioned, it really is beyond belief nothing is being done by the right to incarcerate any of them and therefore I think it's become crystal clear what we have here. The country is being run by the Democratic National Committee of organized crime, right?

But instead of trying to bust them, a special prosecutor was called in to go after Trump and his team although to this date they still have zero evidence or proof to substantiate any wrong doing.

Hello, all you McFly's out there who still don't get what's happening, is any of this beginning to sink in yet?

Someone has a vivid imagination.
LOL It's all completely verifiable and has been all over the news by both left and right media sources.
Because I have a certain degree of intelligence and common sense, I'm no longer questioning the integrity or actually the lack thereof regarding Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, and Susan Rice to name a few. I like just about everyone else following this crime circus knows without a doubt by now that these people are all seriously corrupt. So that part's a given and therefore I've completely moved on to the next phase which is when will something be done about it? Who is setting up a committee and special prosecutor to investigate these criminals?

Even Martha Stewart who Comey prosecuted and put in jail for six months was charged with lying but only once and that was regarding a stock trading deal. Hillary not only lied numerous times, she obstructed justice, and discussed top secret information on her wide open email server that was known to have been hacked by at least FIVE different governments. And her list of other crimes includes a very long body count of forty plus people. Then when adding in all of Obama's nefarious behavior, and all the other aforementioned, it really is beyond belief nothing is being done by the right to incarcerate any of them and therefore I think it's become crystal clear what we have here. The country is being run by the Democratic National Committee of organized crime, right?

But instead of trying to bust them, a special prosecutor was called in to go after Trump and his team although to this date they still have zero evidence or proof to substantiate any wrong doing.

Hello, all you McFly's out there who still don't get what's happening, is any of this beginning to sink in yet?

Someone has a vivid imagination.
LOL It's all completely verifiable and has been all over the news by both left and right media sources.

Completely certifiable is more like it…
Because I have a certain degree of intelligence and common sense, I'm no longer questioning the integrity or actually the lack thereof regarding Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, and Susan Rice to name a few. I like just about everyone else following this crime circus knows without a doubt by now that these people are all seriously corrupt. So that part's a given and therefore I've completely moved on to the next phase which is when will something be done about it? Who is setting up a committee and special prosecutor to investigate these criminals?

Even Martha Stewart who Comey prosecuted and put in jail for six months was charged with lying but only once and that was regarding a stock trading deal. Hillary not only lied numerous times, she obstructed justice, and discussed top secret information on her wide open email server that was known to have been hacked by at least FIVE different governments. And her list of other crimes includes a very long body count of forty plus people. Then when adding in all of Obama's nefarious behavior, and all the other aforementioned, it really is beyond belief nothing is being done by the right to incarcerate any of them and therefore I think it's become crystal clear what we have here. The country is being run by the Democratic National Committee of organized crime, right?

But instead of trying to bust them, a special prosecutor was called in to go after Trump and his team although to this date they still have zero evidence or proof to substantiate any wrong doing.

Hello, all you McFly's out there who still don't get what's happening, is any of this beginning to sink in yet?

Someone has a vivid imagination.
It ain't you because you can't refute any of it.
One must remember that to the left accusations against the right are proof enough and against the left proof, no matter how damning, is to be ignored.

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