Glenn Beck Finally Finds His True Voice


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.
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Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.
Beck showed his true colors during the primaries and presidential campaign. I could care less about his opinion on anything and judging by him crumbling empire I'm not alone.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.
I really hope you think your party gives a fuck about Beck.

You spent years bashing him when he was on Fox News, and now you are being conned by the same dumbass.
Beck like others are full of shit on Bannon and on Breitbart. Claiming it is a white nationalist anti Semetic website is so over the top it's unreal.

Obviously before this bullshit talking point hit the fan yesterday, liberal loons hadn't done their homework. Bannon was a friend, a confidant and and advisor to Breitbart.

Andrew was a Jew. Joel Pollack is a Jew. He's the Senior editor at large. Then you have Larry Solov who Bannon built up Breitbart Jerusalem with.

Guess what freaking religion?


So you have all these morons flapping their gums wanting you to beleive that Bannon and all the Jews at Breitbart are white nationalists and anti Semetic.

What a freaking whopper.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.

None of us are impressed by your ineptitude.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
I'm sure you frequent Breitbarf every hour of the day.
Glenn Beck still hasn't gotten help for his nervous breakdown. He's been a nutter for years. I understand why Fox dumped him. His family and friends really should intervene. He's an erratic basket case.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
So Glenn is continuing to warn people about dangerous people in power. He has been warning about Bannon all election, why on earth do you think its shocking he continues?
The delusional Mormon that is glen beck deserves the progressive party... :cuckoo::lmao:
With Beck, we're always on the verge of the Apocalypse.

He was very anti-Trump during the election, and Breitbart is a direct competitor with the Blaze.

Bannon is an unapologetic nationalist who happens to be white. In his own words, "We always said we are nationalist, and that is because we are pro-American values".

I might have policy disagreements with Bannon and company, but I'm for an America first approach. More specifically I'm for a Northern California approach, and even more for a Humboldt County first approach. Local solutions to local problems.

Since I'm white, I guess that makes me a white nationalist.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.

Its as good as yours. Republicans are all klan members is your point.

What makes Bannon a.racist?
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.
I really hope you think your party gives a fuck about Beck.

You spent years bashing him when he was on Fox News, and now you are being conned by the same dumbass.
Speaking of Fox News, I was pretty excited that short time when they were anti-Trump, but it didn't last long.

I hope Glenn Beck will be more consistent, but he almost flip-flopped a few days ago.
Thank god, another good Republican who stopped the Clown Bus and got off:

Glenn Beck Warns: Steve Bannon ā€˜Is a Terrifying Manā€™ With ā€˜Clear Tie to White Nationalistsā€™

"ā€œYou know, if people really want to in the press would like to call Donald Trump a racist, you might want to stop on that one and spend a little time on [Steve] Bannon,ā€ Beck said.

ā€œBannon has a clear tie to white nationalists ā€” clear tie.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s built Breitbart as a platform for the alt-right. Heā€™s on record saying that. Heā€™s on record defining the alt-right. He knows what it is. Heā€™s a guy that wants to tear this system down and wants to replace it with a new system.ā€
Beck is just a masochist who wants to find more reasons to cry.

Oh, excellent counterpoint. I am humbled by your stellar reasoning and logic.
I really hope you think your party gives a fuck about Beck.

You spent years bashing him when he was on Fox News, and now you are being conned by the same dumbass.
Speaking of Fox News, I was pretty excited that short time when they were anti-Trump, but it didn't last long.

I hope Glenn Beck will be more consistent, but he almost flip-flopped a few days ago.
Fox has never been so pro-Republican in its existence as it is right now. I think they might even fire Juan Williams. LOL

Trump's election has awakened their own anger at how Obama/Bill Clinton and the Democrats have treated them for years.

I love how Tucker has Greta's old spot.

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