Glenn Beck: I will stand with GLAAD

So I’d consider this an even greater step forward. With this one soundbite, Beck has done more to speak out against Russia’s war on homosexuality than any of his conservative radio colleagues, thereby showing clarity of his belief that while his religious views may say one thing about homosexuality, he does not believe any government has any place legislating such morality. Not only that, but he mentioned fighting arm-in-arm with GLAAD, one of the right’s biggest bogeymen.

Our socon reactionaries are indeed hetero-fascists.

Excellent, Glenn, excellent.
LOL.....Glen Beck is a total loon with delusions of grandeur.

No one but other idiots cares what he has to say.......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Now the hetero-socon/Islamist-fascists denigrate Glenn where before they were sucking his toes?

What an incredible stand for Glenn to take on hetero-fascism, considering that he is temple-going Mormon.

I admit I use to watch him religiously. Until about 2011 or so. I was on a road trip and heard his undying love for Israel and that was the end of that crap.Since then he has become a good comedian. His biggest act is his claim he is a libertarian LOL...
I always knew Beck was a clown from day one.

Tried watching his show........could only stomach it for about 20 min. ...... :eek:
good for beck. i didn't realize he held those beliefs. there is simply no reason to outlaw homosexuality unless for religious reasons.

does beck support gay marriage?
it is also stupid to compare the issue to americans who oppose same sex marriage. there you can't even engage in homosexuality. not sure why russia is doing this as i didn't think the government was religous.
it is also stupid to compare the issue to americans who oppose same sex marriage. there you can't even engage in homosexuality. not sure why russia is doing this as i didn't think the government was religous.

Not true, you can engage in homosexual acts in private if that concerns you. There are laws against giving homosexual propaganda to youth and public displays of homosexuality in public.
Not to worry, Iceman, Yurt is a hetero-fascist himself. He is just covering for that here.

(Yurt, remember I have your post from earlier this evening)
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what post makes me a hetero fascist? agreeing with beck? LOL

you've completely lost it dude. i own you.
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it is also stupid to compare the issue to americans who oppose same sex marriage. there you can't even engage in homosexuality. not sure why russia is doing this as i didn't think the government was religous.

Not true, you can engage in homosexual acts in private if that concerns you. There are laws against giving homosexual propaganda to youth and public displays of homosexuality in public.

i thought they outlawed it. seems kind of silly and pointless. it is not going to stop homosexuality or stop someone from recognizing they are gay.
it is also stupid to compare the issue to americans who oppose same sex marriage. there you can't even engage in homosexuality. not sure why russia is doing this as i didn't think the government was religous.

Not true, you can engage in homosexual acts in private if that concerns you. There are laws against giving homosexual propaganda to youth and public displays of homosexuality in public.
The notion of homosexual propaganda is as idiotic as "black propaganda" or "gun rights propaganda". Russia has simply banned free speech with regards to homosexuality. That should be condemned by all, regardless of their views on homosexuality. I would equally condemn Russia if they banned any anti-gay protests/opinions.

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