Glenn Becks Warning to America

What kind of bullshit law is their that gives a DA the authority to seek indictment for a crime, that is two years past the statute of limitation?

Apparently the time spent out of state suspends the clock on SOL. I don't have the statute handy, but that's what I read somewhere.
Trump never stopped going to Trump towers.

But he spent considerable time outside NYC, so the clock stopped until he went back to NY, when it would restart. Other states have laws like this for certain crimes - fraud being one of them, it would seem.
But he spent considerable time outside NYC, so the clock stopped until he went back to NY, when it would restart. Other states have laws like this for certain crimes - fraud being one of them, it would seem.
Doesn't matter he went to Trump towers and stayed there. Statute of limitation doesn't have a stop watch.
Or, if you happen to be a person despised by the opposing political party…That’s where we are.

Republicans spent 6 1/2 years investigating every rumour they ever made up about Bill Clinton, sued him for making a pass at a co-worker, and impeached him for a lie about a blow job. All because he was more popular and successful than Reagan.

Republicans spent the entire second term of 0bama's Presidency investigating Benghazi, trying to find evidence that all of the F0X News lies about "stand down orders" and "cover ups" were true. They were not.

Donald Trump spent his entire Presidency investigating the Clintons, 0bama, the Bidens, senior FBI officials, and everyone he falsely accused of persecuting him.

None of these investigations have resulted in any charges against any Democrats because all of the investigations are based on Republican rumours and lies about these people.
Democrats investigate actual things that happened - after we all witness them happening, not shit they made up and then broadcast endlessly on F0X . The people who testified at both of the impeachment trials and the January 6th Hearing, were all Republicans. All of the FBI people Trump accuses of screwing him over, are Republicans. Even his own daughter testified against him and is not supporting his fight against these charges.

Every investigation of Republican lies about Democrats ends the same way. No evidence is found, no witnesses are found, and the crime claimed by Republicans never happened - see Durham Investigation. There are no charges against Democrats. Republicans read the report's conclusions, close the book, and say "They got away with it, again. We'll keep investigating until we find the evidence.

Any day now,
Republicans spent 6 1/2 years investigating every rumour they ever made up about Bill Clinton, sued him for making a pass at a co-worker, and impeached him for a lie about a blow job. All because he was more popular and successful than Reagan.

Republicans spent the entire second term of 0bama's Presidency investigating Benghazi, trying to find evidence that all of the F0X News lies about "stand down orders" and "cover ups" were true. They were not.

Donald Trump spent his entire Presidency investigating the Clintons, 0bama, the Bidens, senior FBI officials, and everyone he falsely accused of persecuting him.

None of these investigations have resulted in any charges against any Democrats because all of the investigations are based on Republican rumours and lies about these people.
Democrats investigate actual things that happened - after we all witness them happening, not shit they made up and then broadcast endlessly on F0X . The people who testified at both of the impeachment trials and the January 6th Hearing, were all Republicans. All of the FBI people Trump accuses of screwing him over, are Republicans. Even his own daughter testified against him and is not supporting his fight against these charges.

Every investigation of Republican lies about Democrats ends the same way. No evidence is found, no witnesses are found, and the crime claimed by Republicans never happened - see Durham Investigation. There are no charges against Democrats. Republicans read the report's conclusions, close the book, and say "They got away with it, again. We'll keep investigating until we find the evidence.

Any day now,
Why you poor little victims…da big bad republicans hurt you…I remind you that Trump has been convicted of NOTHING. Charges are meaningless…

Get back to me when there’s a conviction…
What kind of bullshit law is their that gives a DA the authority to seek indictment for a crime, that is two years past the statute of limitation?

Which crime in particular are you referring to, and when was it committed, as well as when do you think the statutes expired? I'm asking these, because I don't really think you know what you're talking about. Specifics please.
Why you poor little victims…da big bad republicans hurt you…I remind you that Trump has been convicted of NOTHING. Charges are meaningless…

Get back to me when there’s a conviction…

No they didn't. They hurt themselves. They attacked Clinton as soon as he was inaugurated and they L0ST the 1996 Presidential election. They attacked 0bama as soon as he was inaugurated, and they lost the 2012 Presidential election.

Trump spent his entire Presidency attacking and investigating Democrats, and lost the White House, the House and the Senate, in his 4 years.

Every time the Republicans win the House at the midterms, they spend the next two years going after Democrats, based on F0X News bullshit and lies, and the Democrats win the White House 2 years later. Every time the Democrats win the House, they spend their time working for the American people to set up a White House win two years later.
Which crime in particular are you referring to, and when was it committed, as well as when do you think the statutes expired? I'm asking these, because I don't really think you know what you're talking about. Specifics please.
What is trump being indicted for?
No they didn't. They hurt themselves. They attacked Clinton as soon as he was inaugurated and they L0ST the 1996 Presidential election. They attacked 0bama as soon as he was inaugurated, and they lost the 2012 Presidential election.

Trump spent his entire Presidency attacking and investigating Democrats, and lost the White House, the House and the Senate, in his 4 years.

Every time the Republicans win the House at the midterms, they spend the next two years going after Democrats, based on F0X News bullshit and lies, and the Democrats win the White House 2 years later. Every time the Democrats win the House, they spend their time working for the American people to set up a White House win two years later.
What kind of fucked up shit are you on?
You're FOS.

February 26 2019
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has been disbarred and may no longer practice law.

In the state court filing, the Grievance Committee said, "The Committee contends that respondent was automatically disbarred because respondent's conviction under 18 USC § 1001(a)(2) (making false statements to the U.S. Congress), if committed in New York, would constitute the felony of offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree."

Cohen made his disclosure as he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Moscow project. He said he made false statements to hinder the Trump-Russia investigation and to protect Trump, who was identified in court as “Individual 1”.

“I made these statements to be consistent with Individual 1’s political messaging and out of loyalty with Individual 1,” Cohen told the federal court in Manhattan on Thursday morning, after signing a plea agreement with Mueller.
No, you’re full of shit, as usual moron. Cohen is in trouble because of his own actions. Funny you believe a serial perjurer who has changed his story how many times now? Citing Mueller? Damn, that’s bottom of the barrel crap.
No they didn't. They hurt themselves. They attacked Clinton as soon as he was inaugurated and they L0ST the 1996 Presidential election. They attacked 0bama as soon as he was inaugurated, and they lost the 2012 Presidential election.

Trump spent his entire Presidency attacking and investigating Democrats, and lost the White House, the House and the Senate, in his 4 years.

Every time the Republicans win the House at the midterms, they spend the next two years going after Democrats, based on F0X News bullshit and lies, and the Democrats win the White House 2 years later. Every time the Democrats win the House, they spend their time working for the American people to set up a White House win two years later.
That’s rich coming on the heels of 4 years of non stop obstruction, and impeachment, and now even two plus years AFTER he leaves office, more bs…You poor victim…

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