Global late Quaternary megafauna extinctions linked to humans, not climate change

Impossible. Humans have absolutely ZERO impact on anything. Bripat is a gigantic liberal vagina.

I don't see the connection between the second sentence and the following sentence.

I have never said humans have no impact on anything. I simply dispute the utterly ridiculous claim that a 100 ppm increase in CO2 could cause any kind of global catastrophe.
What possible bearing do extinctions 100,000 years ago have on the climatic effect of human GHG emissions over the last 150 years?
Back in the real world, humans were always categorized as a big cause of megafauna extinctions, despite Bri and TheOldSchool making their kook claims otherwise.

Bri and OldSchool, were you engaging in deliberate dishonesty, or were you just completely ignorant of the science again?
Back in the real world, humans were always categorized as a big cause of megafauna extinctions, despite Bri and TheOldSchool making their kook claims otherwise.

Bri and OldSchool, were you engaging in deliberate dishonesty, or were you just completely ignorant of the science again?

Man I'm always engaging in deliberate dishonesty.

Except for the part about Bripat being a gargantuan, sopping vagina. That's a scientific FACT.
Bripat.....great thread but Im always laughing on here because the plain fact is, in the real world, nobody gives a rats ass about the science one way or another. These bozo's have been throwing alarmism bombs for 25 years and have barely moved the goalposts on energy. The science is a a relative few!! All these assholes live in a bubble......because they are social oddballs. They've found a place to socially matter in life because they could never fit into anything regular growing up. So they take on some cause.....they all do it. They lose......every poll shows it with 100% certainty.....year after year after year.:D:D:2up:
The connection of the mega-faunal extinctions and human hunting has been recognized for years. The connection with the Younger Dryas rapid climate change has also be recognized for years. A really simple scenerio. A very rapid change in temperatures in the northern hemisphere, in the space of a decade, caused a crisis in the megafaunal numbers. Human hunting finished off what would have been the few survivors that would have re-established those populations. Not only did the mega-fauna die, but so did the Clovis Culture than hunted them.

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