Global Warming Activists Plan Huge March Amid Record Cold Temperatures!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
It is kinda hysterical how frequently these things are set up and it is either bitter cold or snowing like the dickens.
Kinda funny how often you think that means something.

nah you no sense of humor? C'mon.......these people hold these activist marches about global warming and its either snowing every time or its bitter cold!!! The irony is hysterical........

God take life too seriously:coffee:. I laugh my balls off on this forum while you screw yourself into the ground multiple times daily!!! You.....Mamooth, Thunder......all in a perpetual state of angst. Why bother? Its self-injurious to come in here every day and get beat up on the least if you insist, have a little fun with it s0n!!!:happy-1:
Global Warming Activists Plan Huge March Amid Record Cold Temperatures!!

You truly are an ignorant idiot.

GCC manifest as extremes in weather conditions and temperatures – both extreme hot temperatures and extreme cold temperatures.

Therefore, record cold temperatures are evidence of GCC.

Clearly as a consequence of your ignorance and stupidity you incorrectly believe that 'global warming' means it becomes 'warmer' everywhere on the earth, where record low temperatures in given locations are 'proof' that GCC is 'false,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Global Warming Activists Plan Huge March Amid Record Cold Temperatures!!

You truly are an ignorant idiot.

GCC manifest as extremes in weather conditions and temperatures – both extreme hot temperatures and extreme cold temperatures.

Therefore, record cold temperatures are evidence of GCC.

Clearly as a consequence of your ignorance and stupidity you incorrectly believe that 'global warming' means it becomes 'warmer' everywhere on the earth, where record low temperatures in given locations are 'proof' that GCC is 'false,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

When 8 of 9 regions in the northern hemisphere show cooling over 18 years, in total disagreement with the rise in CO2 hypothesis, showing the hypothesis invalid (falsified). How do you call him ignorant when the empirical evidence shows otherwise?
Because, as the evidence shows, he IS ignorant.

And if you think the previous 18 years behavior trumps the previous 150, you need to retake Intro to Statistics.
Because, as the evidence shows, he IS ignorant.

And if you think the previous 18 years behavior trumps the previous 150, you need to retake Intro to Statistics.

Ah yes, alarmist attempting to move the goal posts again... All i can do is laugh at you alarmists. CO2 hypothesis is laid waist, The earths natural cycles lay your claims waste and you keep changing the criteria in an attempt to keep the lie alive.... going back 150 years exposed the cyclical nature of our climatic system another inconvenient fact that alarmist can not explain.

Ignorance is ignoring the empirical evidence as you all are doing to keep the religion alive..
Going back 150 years locates the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Global Warming Activists Plan Huge March Amid Record Cold Temperatures!!

You truly are an ignorant idiot.

GCC manifest as extremes in weather conditions and temperatures – both extreme hot temperatures and extreme cold temperatures.

Therefore, record cold temperatures are evidence of GCC.

Clearly as a consequence of your ignorance and stupidity you incorrectly believe that 'global warming' means it becomes 'warmer' everywhere on the earth, where record low temperatures in given locations are 'proof' that GCC is 'false,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

But only to the AGW religion s0n!!! Nobody else thinks that!! As soon as the religion spun that myth a few years back, the public tuned you assholes out!! Every polls shows it!!:2up:

Americans Show Low Levels of Concern on Global Warming

But Im the ignorant idiot!!!:funnyface::funnyface::eusa_dance:

Like Ive been saying. The science, any way it is spun......isn't mattering.
Skooks, don't fool yourself into thinking that the public's immediate concerns have an bearing on the scientific validity of AGW. There are people out there with guns and bombs, people are being beheaded on the nightly news, their investments are going into the toilet and you think it significant that Americans aren't up in arms about what the weather will be like when their grandchildren are grown? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Skooks, don't fool yourself into thinking that the public's immediate concerns have an bearing on the scientific validity of AGW. There are people out there with guns and bombs, people are being beheaded on the nightly news, their investments are going into the toilet and you think it significant that Americans aren't up in arms about what the weather will be like when their grandchildren are grown? What the fuck is wrong with you?
it doesn't, and you can't prove that otherwise. You just admitted it. the fact is warmers are LoSiNg
Skooks, don't fool yourself into thinking that the public's immediate concerns have an bearing on the scientific validity of AGW. There are people out there with guns and bombs, people are being beheaded on the nightly news, their investments are going into the toilet and you think it significant that Americans aren't up in arms about what the weather will be like when their grandchildren are grown?

it doesn't

What doesn't what?

and you can't prove that otherwise.

What do you believe I cannot prove otherwise?

You just admitted it.

What do you believe I just admitted?

the fact is warmers are losing

Who are "warmers" and what do you believe they are losing?
I was just doing long range charts for the NY region..... Over the 20-25 date period.... Looks like a major Polar low will be sitting on top of the area by then... I am quietly chuckling to myself as I send the chart and a jab to a fellow colleague who will be attending the festivities... That picture of Al Gore frozen is hilarious...

IF the chart plays out they will have snow...:biggrin::biggrin:

sKOOKS, the drought in CA is Global Warming, the record cold is NY is local and in any event was predicted by the Retroactive AGWCult Models

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