Global warming biggest science scandal ever

Because these people are socialists and their main goal is attacking capitalism.

Like all leftists, they have to hide their true motives behind a "cause."...

Not at all. Enjoy your capitalism to your heart's content. Go to Congress, talk to your buddies about monopolizing green energy just as you got monopolies on the smudgy power industry back in the last century. Enjoy higher profits while the sun shines by building tandem solar thermal steam generators next to your coal and oil ones.

Nobody says capitalism should go away. Quite the contrary. There's money to be made on green energy! Do it and quit whining.

Meanwhile if you like to make money, it should interest you to know that a destablized world from climate change is one where there's not a lot of people with money and resources to consume the product you're selling. Chaos is a terrible time to be a capitalist. Therefore, your long term investment portfolio should include serious endeavors to help 1. Recognize what happens when ice caps begin melting (the specific heat of water drawing in huge heat energy as it phase changes from solid ice to liquid ocean waters) and the weird warm/cold snaps resulting and 2. Take steps to try to correct the problem; assuming we aren't already beyond a crucial tipping point.

I had made suggestions to this effect. Some are here: Trees in the Desert I Have a Dream.. Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Imagine if as a capitalist, you got involved in a project reclaiming desert regions as habitable? Crops could be profited off of, real estate, other types of commerce. Here's a projection tip: as the population swells, food is going to be the next gold; food and fresh water and a place to live. Get busy capitalists! Fix the planet you wrecked last century and secure your future!

Gonna be lots of green in your future and in your wallet too.. Unless you think horse and buggy is still the way to go come hell or high water?...(literally)...

Get busy capitalists! Fix the planet you wrecked last century and secure your future!

Do we have to fix the parts that Communism ruined?
It was the capitalist president, Nixon that started the EPA, to fix the mess created here by democrats, which controlled congress, and which held the Presidency for most of the last century. How come Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Truman, or Roosevelt never stopped any pollution, never stopped the dumping of toxic waste, or invent Green Energy?

You left off Eisenhower. And to list the Presidents that ignored the Environment you have to do back to Teddy R who inherited the Industrial Revolution and started to actually do something about it. BTW, Teddy R. was an old style Lincoln Republican as was Eisenhower. Get your history right for a change.

We have 22% of our snow fall this year. While no records for heat have been broken, for the last couple of weeks (in Feb) every day has tied for records for the last 150 years.

What's sad is, NASA predicted this in November for both sides of the nation. Actually, the East Coast hasn't faired nearly as bad as history shows. But in the West, we are hammered by heat. When heat is present in the wrong times, it causes a lack of Water in the Air, hence the lack of rain. And when the Rockies has a shortage, it affects at least 15 states. Lake Powell was down 100 feet last year. This year, it's going to go down even further. It may end up just being a mud puddle. The Power that Hoover Dam puts out is already cut and it's going to be even worse.

So go ahead and place the blame but we all have to live with the results.
Ahh, you do not like that it was the Republicans that started the EPA and ended the pollution. I left out a whole bunch, like the entire last century, was for the most part congress was completely controlled by Democrats. I guess we could go down the big polluter list, start in new york around buffalo, and see if maybe there is a scandal beyond belief, like democrat politicians buying known contaminated land from buddies to use as a school.

But, that is another thread. This year was hot? Yes, those fake numbers are very hot, that is what this thread is about, a fraud by you.

Seriously, in a thread that has the facts about all the temperature data pushed up, hotter, you are going to claim they were accurate? You guys got busted, you can not claim its hotter, you data is fake.

Lake Powell was down? Good, tear down that damn and let the river live. Of course then you could remove all that sentiment that has reduced its capacity, which raise the capacity, hence it would not be down so much.

Where do you think all that erosion from the grand canyon goes, do you believe it completely stopped because of a couple dams or are the experts who say the dam has less capacity right.

Either way, Lake Powell is lower now because Arizona is now taking its full share of the water, before it was exclusively for California. Lake Powell was made to give us water, if its always full we never needed it, if it is never half empty, the Dam was built twice the size it needed to be.

Lake Powell, funny, named after Colonel Powell, who explored the West, the first to ride the Colorado River all the way through the canyon recommended nobody live west of the Mississippi, It was too dry back then. Now we support over 30,000,000 people with water from reservoirs. Powell may still be right, that over a 100 ago it was dry as hell, and it still is dry as hell. And you think it was what, dry this year?

Go try to scare someone else.

You want to blow some kid's mind? (and Kid in my mind is anyone under the age of 45)

Ask them who founded the EPA.

When you answer, Richard Millhouse Nixon, watch their eyes go wide and their minds just blow.

Most of them assume it had to be Kennedy, or Johnson. But no it was Nixon.

It's hilarious watching them wrap their minds around that.
If the science is on their side, why do they keep cheating?


And, here's one to recall when the Leftist Politifact supports the warmists back in June....

"Fox's Doocy: NASA fudged data to make the case for global warming
Fox News host Steve Doocy gave the doubters some ammunition on June 24, 2014. In a segment on Fox and Friends called "News by the Numbers," Doocy drew viewers’ attention to the year 1934.

Fox s Doocy NASA fudged data to make the case for global warming PunditFact

So.....the warmists and Politifact get four Pinocchios

And yet, NASA was correct in their November Predictions for February. Just because your handlers don't agree with the method, the outcome just might be dead on.

Can you prove that? Just sayin'
I wonder if Global Warming will be the primary conversation of all 6 million people living in Assachusetts.

Proving yet again that deniers don't know the difference between weather and climate.


That's another one liberals try.

"Oh, there's a 'difference' between weather and climate."


the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, astemperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness,and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
a region or area characterized by a given climate:
to move to a warm climate.
the prevailing attitudes, standards, or environmental conditions of agroup, period, or place:
a climate of political unrest.
Climate Define Climate at

Keep digging that hole, libs.

Global Warming comes after the icecaps melt beyond a certain ecological tipping point.

So yeah, we're not 100% accelerated down that path yet.

The correct term for today is "Climate Change". The wild swings between extreme colds and extreme heat is due to the nature of the specific heat of the water molecule as it phase changes from a solid (ice at the poles) to a liquid (rising ocean levels seen everywhere today along lowlying coastal areas).

Due to the water molecule's relatively high specific heat (the amount of energy any substance needs to phase change from solid-liquid-gas-plasma), as ice melts it draws in enormous energy that would be felt as regional cold snaps that are unusual (like the cold fronts coming down and gripping the East more frequently in Winter). It also causes cooler than normal temperatures in normally hot regions (as has been happening more often now in the South and Southwest at odd times during Summers).

Climate Change is what you should fear. By the time actual significant Global Warming arrives on its heels (as the ice caps continue to melt and our atmosphere changes for the worse.), you'll be more concerned about how everyone is dying from starvation and the massive wars resulting from that chaos to be worried about silly things like semantics.

Try an experiment: put an ice cube on your counter to mimic the ice caps at the polls. Put a little fan blowing across it as it melts (it will melt much faster this way too). Notice the temperature of the air even a bit distant from the ice/fan. A bit cooler, isn't it? That's how Global Warming with ice caps melting feels at first...cooler...oddly...alternating with pockets of warmer and warmer air when that nice coolness isn't blowing your way at that minute..

Enjoy. Because that is exactly what's happening to the planet.

In other Moon Bat words since this global warming bullshit didn't work out like was predicted 20 years ago then the scam is being redefined.

No wonder the Republicans want to curtail Science. Since you don't use it, why bother teaching it. The Predictions are correct but the time frame is wrong. But it's a fact that by 2020, all public markings of the Glacier National Part will be gone. You can't get around that. And it's attributed to global warming of the Artic. You can't change the fact that Polar Bears are on the decline. Not because of urban encroachment but because it's further and further between ice drifts and they can't go where the food is. Forget science, go with reality.

For being a Moonbat Words, reality is reality. So cut the sciences even further in our Education System since you don't use it anyway. Your Handlers don't allow it.

If Republicans are so against Science, why is it liberals are the ones caught faking the data?

So it's "against science" to question faked data????

Who is it that is against science here, if you can't question faked or bad data???
Does anyone here know why there are so few people who actually understand the science of climate change posting here these days? It is because the forum has been taken over by right wing political pundants who don't even understand the very simple fact that weather and climate are not the same thing. Talking to these people is like talking to a creationist with the exception that at least a creationist can justify their ignorance on religious grounds. And at least creationists for the most part don't use foul and/or insulting language when you converse with them. I can accept that even if I think their denial is irrational. I can accept that because their belief in creationism mostly doesn't hurt anyone but themselves. On the other hand, right wing political pundants who are actively denying the science are hurting everyone because every day nothing is done to mitigate CO2 emissions, because every day their activism against science affects all of us and pushes us further and further away from our former leadership role in the sciences, the more at risk is our future and that of our children, and their children. It really does border on criminal behavior, IMHO. But who the hell wants to have a conversation with some one like theowl32, or Flash, people who obviously have nothing to contribute to the conversation, or even at least one of the moderators, who apparently feels it to be their place to shut down the conversation of anyone who disagrees with them? I certainly see no point to it. But perhaps that was their aim in the first place: To shut down all reasonable discussion and claim, in their eyes at least, some sort of victory. Sorry, folks. Alienating people doesn't make one superior to anyone. And considering the fact that the only ones who appear to be taken to task on the forum rules are those who support climate change science, such behavior certainly isn't contributing to the conversation. So what's the point? Anyone? Why even have an environment forum at all?

Translation: "you can't understand the science because you are conservatives and we liberals are just sooooooooooooooooo superior in understand, because we say so!"

Does anyone here know why there are so few people who actually understand the science of climate change posting here these days? It is because the forum has been taken over by right wing political pundants who don't even understand the very simple fact that weather and climate are not the same thing. Talking to these people is like talking to a creationist with the exception that at least a creationist can justify their ignorance on religious grounds...

Climate-change-denial IS a their objections are justified on religious grounds. Their god is carbon-based profits. Even as snownado swarms mow their own house down and it's 65 degrees in Southern California in July, they're all good with it. "Nothing to see here!"...

And it's a religion because we are questioning bad and faked data????

Who believes in a religion if you must have faked data to back it up?
If the science is on their side, why do they keep cheating?


And, here's one to recall when the Leftist Politifact supports the warmists back in June....

"Fox's Doocy: NASA fudged data to make the case for global warming
Fox News host Steve Doocy gave the doubters some ammunition on June 24, 2014. In a segment on Fox and Friends called "News by the Numbers," Doocy drew viewers’ attention to the year 1934.

Fox s Doocy NASA fudged data to make the case for global warming PunditFact

So.....the warmists and Politifact get four Pinocchios

And yet, NASA was correct in their November Predictions for February. Just because your handlers don't agree with the method, the outcome just might be dead on.
I do not think we need NASA forecasting the weather. I think the U.S. Government should leave that to the weather girls.

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" as to why nobody cares about this latest crying jag.

That is, after the first hundred time deniers were caught lying outright about stuff like this, people stopped paying any attention to them.
so why are you here then?
Global Warming comes after the icecaps melt beyond a certain ecological tipping point.

So yeah, we're not 100% accelerated down that path yet.

The correct term for today is "Climate Change". The wild swings between extreme colds and extreme heat is due to the nature of the specific heat of the water molecule as it phase changes from a solid (ice at the poles) to a liquid (rising ocean levels seen everywhere today along lowlying coastal areas).

Due to the water molecule's relatively high specific heat (the amount of energy any substance needs to phase change from solid-liquid-gas-plasma), as ice melts it draws in enormous energy that would be felt as regional cold snaps that are unusual (like the cold fronts coming down and gripping the East more frequently in Winter). It also causes cooler than normal temperatures in normally hot regions (as has been happening more often now in the South and Southwest at odd times during Summers).

Climate Change is what you should fear. By the time actual significant Global Warming arrives on its heels (as the ice caps continue to melt and our atmosphere changes for the worse.), you'll be more concerned about how everyone is dying from starvation and the massive wars resulting from that chaos to be worried about silly things like semantics.

Try an experiment: put an ice cube on your counter to mimic the ice caps at the polls. Put a little fan blowing across it as it melts (it will melt much faster this way too). Notice the temperature of the air even a bit distant from the ice/fan. A bit cooler, isn't it? That's how Global Warming with ice caps melting feels at first...cooler...oddly...alternating with pockets of warmer and warmer air when that nice coolness isn't blowing your way at that minute..

Enjoy. Because that is exactly what's happening to the planet.
But with the numbers being manipulated, then how can one make a claim based off of those numbers, and then stand by it ? Are the caps melting or not ? I have heard that there has been an increase in the ice in certain areas.
then how is it possible that there is extreme weather? Oh that's right, we have normal weather.
The word didn't exist until people started using it to refer to people who denied the Holocaust ever occurred.

An accurate term to refer to you is "lying piece of shit."

Check it out, folks! Bri here is so detached from reality, he's actually trying to claim with a straight face that the word "denier" is a recent invention.

This link lets you search for definitions from the 1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary the English Language.

Search the 1828 Noah Webster s Dictionary of the English Language FREE

When we search for "denier", it comes back with.

DENIER, n. One who denies, or contradicts; one who refuses or rejects; a disowner; one who does not own, avow or acknowledge; as a denier of a fact,

Bri is a typical denier in that he lobotomized himself, the better to fit in with the rest of his cult. The denier herd as a whole will turn viciously on any herdbeast displaying intelligence, so each denier herdbeast works hard to eliminate their own intelligence.
only you would know what a denier is eh? You have that all wrapped up for yourself. You have the crown, the frown and the stupid! yOu own it!
Gentlemen.....must make a concerted effort to keep this thread on top of this page moving forward. The msm wont be reporting on it.......interested parties on this stuff must be enlightened/educated.

Its like the fraud going on in the economy........that its good........shit is rigged.

If we aren't engaged in keeping people informed about what is really going on, no sense in spending another moment in this stoopid forum. the PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread, this one gets moved to the head of the class every day.

Screw these assholes........their deception/fraud. They don't give a fuck if our kids futures are fucked with mega-taxes to fund their utopian socialist crap.

Make a commitment now my friends..........its worth it.
you know I'm with you skooks

If Republicans are so against Science, why is it liberals are the ones caught faking the data?

So it's "against science" to question faked data????

Who is it that is against science here, if you can't question faked or bad data???

These Moon Bats can't support that silly little AGW scam without resorting to fake data, which is against all science as we know it.

First that Looney Tune Al Gore got caught faking the data on his infamous hockey stick chart. He cherry picked tree ring data and when all the data was looked at it showed a global cooling.

Then the climate scientists were caught admitting that they manipulated data when Climategate I was exposed. The morons blatantly said that they falsified the data in order to get results that the real data didn't support.

If that wasn't enough then the idiots weren't smart enough to keep their mouth's shut and were exposed for the second time admitting that were falsifying data in Climategate II.

Nowadays we are learning that the temperature reporting data at many locations on the earth is being given a fudge factor to create false data about the rise in temperature.

Then these stupid Moon Bats have the audacity to suggest that those people that don't believe in the scam don't support science.

It is kind of like science and the abortionist. The abortionist denies that a child with human DNA, human eyes ears heart etc is a human. That is the stupidity that we are dealing with the Moon Bats.

But of course we are talking about a group of morons that voted for Hussein Obama so you know they aren't exactly the best and the brightest. None of them could figure out how to pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel.
They don't care how many times they get caught hiding the decline, they are lead by Communists who will destroy ever last Cultists to get control of the US econony
The decline?

Of the weird weather patterns? Surely you jest? This is Climate Change...not outright warm planet .....yet..

"It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of Earth has warmed up much less rapidly since the turn of the millennium than all the relevant climate models had predicted." --- thats from the latest AGWCult effort to hide the decline

Global warming slowdown No systematic errors in climate models comprehensive statistical analysis reveals -- ScienceDaily
You want to blow some kid's mind? (and Kid in my mind is anyone under the age of 45)

Ask them who founded the EPA.

When you answer, Richard Millhouse Nixon, watch their eyes go wide and their minds just blow.

Most of them assume it had to be Kennedy, or Johnson. But no it was Nixon.

It's hilarious watching them wrap their minds around that.

I absolutely had forgotten all about that. Nixon was one of our greatest presidents but was the victim of the first witch hunt of a president that our nation had seen. Comparing Nixon's missing 20 minutes of WH tape to what this current administration has pulled is NOTHING. I repeat NOTHING...
The land surface temperature adjustments. Oh noes! Those adjustments make the historical warming look bigger!


Next, the sea surface temperature adjustments. Wait ... those adjustments make the historical warming look ... smaller?


Since the oceans are 70% of the earth's surface, when we combine the two, we get ...


So, all the adjustments across the whole earth combine to make the historical warming look _smaller_. And yet another denier conspiracy theory crumbles. And it won't matter. Being that all the deniers here are all deeply stupid and dishonest cultists, they'll run right back to the people who lied to them and beg for more lies, after screaming curses at me for popping their latest delusion bubble.
Last edited:
The land surface temperature adjustments. Oh noes! Those adjustments make the historical warming look bigger!


Next, the sea surface temperature adjustments. Wait ... those adjustments make the historical warming look ... smaller?


Since the oceans are 70% of the earth's surface, when we combine the two, we get ...


So, all the adjustments across the whole earth combine to make the historical warming look _smaller_. And yet another denier conspiracy theory crumbles. And it won't matter. Being that all the deniers here are all deeply stupid and dishonest cultists, they'll run right back to the people who lied to them and beg for more lies, after screaming curses at me for popping their latest delusion bubble.

Nobody has any idea what the land temperature across the earth was in 1880 or 1900 or even 1980. Even nowadays we don't have a real good handle on it.

Prior to WWII over half the recorded and cataloged temperature data came from universities in American and European cities and do not represent the whole earth by any stretch of the imagination. The Southern hemisphere has always been vastly under reported.

Satellite data that we use nowadays is historically unreliable because the satellite sensors are not calibrated to determine the temperature precise enough to draw conclusions about man made influences.

We just don't have the data to put together charts like that and then come to the conclusion that the rise in temperature is a result of man made activities. That is why in Climategate it was exposed that the climate scientists were making up data to fit their scam model. The real data doesn't support the conclusions.

It is being extremely scientifically dishonest to know that data was tampered with and then rely on the data to make conclusions.

All we really have is a generalized idea that the earth may be getting warmer but we are not sure of that and we sure as hell do not know if the climate changes are the result of significant man made activities.

To quote The Bitch of Benghazi "what difference does it make?" We are producing more food now than ever before. This climate profile for the earth is supporting about 7 billion people. We are living in a post glacial warming period and it is good.

Something the AGW scam artists always forget is that plants love CO2 and thrive in a CO2 rich environment.

Of course the scammers always forget to mention that a couple of times in the past the CO2 was ten times higher than today but the earth was covered in ice. I wonder why they forget to mention that?
I wonder if Global Warming will be the primary conversation of all 6 million people living in Assachusetts.

Proving yet again that deniers don't know the difference between weather and climate.


That's another one liberals try.

"Oh, there's a 'difference' between weather and climate."


the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, astemperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness,and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
a region or area characterized by a given climate:
to move to a warm climate.
the prevailing attitudes, standards, or environmental conditions of agroup, period, or place:
a climate of political unrest.
Climate Define Climate at

Keep digging that hole, libs.


Right, you've provided half of the answer. Now provide the other half (the weather definition), and then explain why every time it snows righttards declare 'global warming? What global warming?'
Global Warming comes after the icecaps melt beyond a certain ecological tipping point.

So yeah, we're not 100% accelerated down that path yet.

The correct term for today is "Climate Change". The wild swings between extreme colds and extreme heat is due to the nature of the specific heat of the water molecule as it phase changes from a solid (ice at the poles) to a liquid (rising ocean levels seen everywhere today along lowlying coastal areas).

Due to the water molecule's relatively high specific heat (the amount of energy any substance needs to phase change from solid-liquid-gas-plasma), as ice melts it draws in enormous energy that would be felt as regional cold snaps that are unusual (like the cold fronts coming down and gripping the East more frequently in Winter). It also causes cooler than normal temperatures in normally hot regions (as has been happening more often now in the South and Southwest at odd times during Summers).

Climate Change is what you should fear. By the time actual significant Global Warming arrives on its heels (as the ice caps continue to melt and our atmosphere changes for the worse.), you'll be more concerned about how everyone is dying from starvation and the massive wars resulting from that chaos to be worried about silly things like semantics.

Try an experiment: put an ice cube on your counter to mimic the ice caps at the polls. Put a little fan blowing across it as it melts (it will melt much faster this way too). Notice the temperature of the air even a bit distant from the ice/fan. A bit cooler, isn't it? That's how Global Warming with ice caps melting feels at first...cooler...oddly...alternating with pockets of warmer and warmer air when that nice coolness isn't blowing your way at that minute..

Enjoy. Because that is exactly what's happening to the planet.

In other Moon Bat words since this global warming bullshit didn't work out like was predicted 20 years ago then the scam is being redefined.

No wonder the Republicans want to curtail Science. Since you don't use it, why bother teaching it. The Predictions are correct but the time frame is wrong. But it's a fact that by 2020, all public markings of the Glacier National Part will be gone. You can't get around that. And it's attributed to global warming of the Artic. You can't change the fact that Polar Bears are on the decline. Not because of urban encroachment but because it's further and further between ice drifts and they can't go where the food is. Forget science, go with reality.

For being a Moonbat Words, reality is reality. So cut the sciences even further in our Education System since you don't use it anyway. Your Handlers don't allow it.

If Republicans are so against Science, why is it liberals are the ones caught faking the data?

So it's "against science" to question faked data????

Who is it that is against science here, if you can't question faked or bad data???

Why is it conservatives are always caught lying about the data being faked? EACH AND EVERY TIME!

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