GLobal warming debunked: NASA report verifies CO2 actually cools atmosphere

Interesting. I wonder how the "Science says that man's carbon emissions are causing Global Warming, and you MUST believe science" crowd will react?


Principia Scientific International
Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science
Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere

Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.

As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth's upper atmosphere during and following a recent solar storm that took place between March 8-10. What they found was that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this immense coronal mass ejection (CME) was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into earth's lower atmosphere.

The result was an overall cooling effect that completely contradicts claims made by NASA's own climatology division that greenhouse gases are a cause of global warming. As illustrated by data collected using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are abundant in the earth's upper atmosphere, greenhouse gases reflect heating energy rather than absorb it.

"Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats," says James Russell from Hampton University, who was one of the lead investigators for the groundbreaking SABER study. "When the upper atmosphere (or 'thermosphere') heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space."

Almost all 'heating' radiation generated by sun is blocked from entering lower atmosphere by CO2

According to the data, up to 95 percent of solar radiation is literally bounced back into space by both CO2 and NO in the upper atmosphere. Without these necessary elements, in other words, the earth would be capable of absorbing potentially devastating amounts of solar energy that would truly melt the polar ice caps and destroy the planet.

"The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet," write H. Schreuder and J. O'Sullivan for PSI. "[T]his compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA's chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen and his team over at NASA's GISS."

Dr. Hansen, of course, is an outspoken global warming activist who helped spark man-made climate change hysteria in the U.S. back in 1988. Just after the release of the new SABER study, however, Dr. Hansen conveniently retired from his career as a climatologist at NASA, and reportedly now plans to spend his time "on science," and on "drawing attention to [its] implications for young people."
Seems like NASA and others don't agree with this interpretation.

A misinterpreted claim about a NASA press release, CO2, solar flares, and the thermosphere is making the rounds | Watts Up With That?
in simple terms why did the jet stream move so far north? in 2012?

I guess you're just too stupid to understand plain English, you poor confused little retard.

"the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere."

show me a link tard on how the south pacific moves the jet stream......

Since you're the only one here who is deluded enough to imagine that something in the South Pacific is responsible for changing the path of the jet stream, and the only one to even mention the "south pacific", perhaps it is you who should be "showing the links". You really are almost unbelievably stupid.
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in simple terms why did the jet stream move so far north? in 2012?

I guess you're just too stupid to understand plain English, you poor confused little retard.

"the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere."

show me a link tard on how the south pacific moves the jet stream......

Since you're the only one here who is deluded enough to imagine that something in the South Pacific is responsible for changing the path of the jet stream, and the only one to even mention the "south pacific", perhaps it is you who should be "showing the links". You really are almost unbelievably stupid.

Sooooooo in translation your fucking sacred what is common sense to try to understand about the Earths rotation speed? I know it varys..... guess I am smarter then you fuck slow something down it spriarls you speed something up it goes around in a a perfect line across the globe. your fucking stupid........
its god damn 1st grade science you moron. just run your finger across a globe and spin it tard.... the faster you go fool the more its a perfect line. your stupid....... Lmao......
Dude spent a lot of time in 1st grade science.....and never attended 1st grade English.
just look look at the planet Jupiter ist a massive planet, and she spins around in like 9 hours. you dont know crap dude except to spread "Al gore fear" so fuck off ...
Dude spent a lot of time in 1st grade science.....and never attended 1st grade English.

dude you dont know know what I know.... and thats what your scared about.....because you want us to die out. logans run. and run to find the truth. I know the end to the movie do you?
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Dude spent a lot of time in 1st grade science.....and never attended 1st grade English.

dude you dont know know what I know.... and thats what your scared about.....because you want us to die out. logans run. and run to find the truth. I know the end to the movie do you?

Nutters often refer to movie plots when discussing real life situations. Is it because the lines between fact and fiction are so flimsy for hem?

Oh.......the good ol' days. When shit was simple, the women minded their men, the negroes knew their and white. titles ought to be capitalized. Maybe that was covered in second grade?
Dude spent a lot of time in 1st grade science.....and never attended 1st grade English.

dude you dont know know what I know.... and thats what your scared about.....because you want us to die out. logans run. and run to find the truth. I know the end to the movie do you?

Nutters often refer to movie plots when discussing real life situations. Is it because the lines between fact and fiction are so flimsy for hem?

Oh.......the good ol' days. When shit was simple, the women minded their men, the negroes knew their and white. titles ought to be capitalized. Maybe that was covered in second grade?

I have provided links in my debates on here to back me up you on the other hand just post one liners and complain about the words "to" and "too." go back to grade school .... do you really want to fuck with I dude? just curious I will tear you apart in the flaming world.....
you dont a stand a chance against me if you want to flame against knowledge and I am giving you a warning I am more clever and smarter older then you.... I will make you cry....... fucking try me.
move this thread please mods ...I will tear this kid apart.... just for the hell of it......
Oooooh! He's gonna tear me apart! Oh No!

And.....who is "I Dude"?
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Dude spent a lot of time in 1st grade science.....and never attended 1st grade English.

LOL.....yeah, and he apparently flunked 1st grade science too.....he's so confused he actually imagines that the Earth's rotational speed varies. I have to wonder how he explains perfectly consistent 24 hour days, clocks and calenders, if he thinks the rotational speed is variable. He really is almost unbelievably stupid. I used to be amazed that such extremely ignorant people would post complete nonsense about subjects that they know absolutely nothing about and then I read about the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Check it out. It explains a lot, not just about all the denier cult nutjobs on this forum, but also the tea baggers, Sarah Palin, Herman Caine, and Michelle Bachman, to name a few.
The warming CAN'T be from natural sources.

The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.


Nice write up
The anthropogenic global warming rate: Is it steady for the last 100 years? Part 2.

Even the sciencist say that non-warming doesn't tell the whole story of the long term.

Easterling and Wehner (2009) investigated this issue in some detail and found that

"...periods of no trend or even cooling of the globally averaged surface air temperature are found in the last 34 years of the observed record, and in climate model simulations of the 20th and 21st century forced with increasing greenhouse gases. We show that the climate over the 21st century can and likely will produce periods of a decade or two where the globally averaged surface air temperature shows no trend or even slight cooling in the presence of longer-term warming."


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How does it explain both? your article only explained 2013 not like in 2012 when the jet stream was far North.

Perhaps the problem here is your lack of reading comprehension skills. The articles I cited do actually "explain both" so try reading them again all the way through and get someone to explain the big words to you.

here, I'll make it easy for you.

March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
By Anthony Sagliani, Meteorologist
April 03, 2013

The driving mechanism for this March flip-flop was the jet stream, a thin river of air miles high that directs the path of not only weather systems, but temperatures as well. During March 2012, the jet stream buckled so far north into Canada that it took on more of a summer pattern than winter. Constant southerly winds allowed tremendous warmth to build into areas that even touched the Arctic circle.

On the flip side, March 2013 had the jet stream dip well to the south, running more along the Gulf of Mexico than anywhere else. This is more like a December or January weather pattern, so we ended up stuck with that kind of chill for much of the month.

Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss
Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold

The Guardian
John Vidal, environment editor
Monday 25 March 2013
Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice. ...According to Francis and a growing body of other researchers, the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere. "This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes," she said. "It allows the cold air from the Arctic to plunge much further south. The pattern can be slow to change because the [southern] wave of the jet stream is getting bigger. It's now at a near record position, so whatever weather you have now is going to stick around," she said.

Francis linked the Arctic temperature rises to extreme weather in mid latitudes last year and warned in September that 2012's record sea ice melt could lead to a cold winter in the UK and northern Europe. The heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures which have marked March 2013 across the northern hemisphere are in stark contrast to March 2012 when many countries experienced their warmest ever springs. The hypothesis that wind patterns are being changed because melting Arctic sea ice has exposed huge swaths of normally frozen ocean to the atmosphere would explain both the extremes of heat and cold, say the scientists. A recent paper by the US government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also found that enhanced warming of the Arctic influenced weather across the northern hemisphere. "With more solar energy going into the Arctic Ocean because of lost ice, there is reason to expect more extreme weather events, such as heavy snowfall, heat waves, and flooding in North America and Europe," said the researchers. The Met Office's chief scientist has previously said the melting Arctic ice is in part responsible for the UK's recent colder winters. The possible links between Arctic sea ice loss and extreme weather were made as the UK's government's outgoing chief scientific adviser Sir John Beddington warned that the world could expect more extremes of weather. Last year saw record heat, rainfall, drought and floods in the northern hemisphere.

I just read it a secound time..... So where does it explain why the jet stream moved so far north last year? what is happening in the south pacific to move the jet stream that much? the Antartica is not melting as fast as the Artic is, and why is the gulf heating up and cooling so fast over just two years? and the problem is you not me btw.....

The jet stream moves? Different weather Last year had more of a nina while this year is more of a neutral that could have something to do with the shift. :cool: I think what Rollingthunder could be talking about is with less temperature difference=a more northward centered jet stream. The jet stream is all about horizontal charge in temperature.

Antarctica is also way below freezing. Do you know if the temperature warmed up the atmosphere could create more snow for Antarctica?. :eek: So you'd expect more snowfall.
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